Jennifer Lyon

Thursday, July 8th, 2010
The Photo Shoot

So yesterday was the photo shoot. First, I’d like to thank my friend and photographer Michele Cwiertny! She really made the shoot easy! Michele is a very talented writer and photographer (plus being young, pretty and smart).  I wanted to grab a picture of her from another site but forgot to ask her permission.  So I’ll do that when I show you all some of the shots once they are all fixed up.

Michele said she got around 90 shots to choose from.  Amazing!  I had no idea she took that many.  Hmm…wonder if she has any she can use for blackmail?

We went to a park with hiking trails and a bit of wilderness. I climbed over a hip-high wood fence and trudged through a foot-deep bunch of dead leaves (I got a pedicure for this???) and finally found a good spot by a massive old oak tree. Michele started shooting, and I looked up…


Holy Cauldrons! We hi-tailed it out of there! I think I leaped over that fence! In heels! Michele missed that shot, LOL!

The rest of the shoot included wild bunnies, a brief panic about possible poison oak,  a curious walker with his dog and lots of laughter. Then we went to lunch.  Over all it was a great day!

If Michele sends me any amusing but not too horrible outtakes, I’ll post them :-)

Oh and NIGHT MAGIC is now on Amazon! No cover or info yet, but it’s there!

8 comments to “The Photo Shoot”

  1. Dawn
    July 8th, 2010 at 6:28 am · Link

    Bees? No way, not me! I’d have run too! Though, I’d have loved to have seen you leaping over a fence…in heels ;) Glad you had fun!

    It’s been too hot here to do much of anything but sit in the AC this week. It’s been about 95 since Sunday with about 85% or more humidity. Ewwwww! I can’t wait for cooler, less humid weather!

  2. Amanda
    July 8th, 2010 at 8:58 am · Link

    Too bad you didn’t have anyone taking video of the shoot I bet it was funny. I don’t blame you for running from the hive of bees though, I’d have done the same thing.

    I’m ready for some cooler weather too, it seems for us this year we hit 100 too quickly and we have just barely hit July. I’m not looking forward to August if this keeps up.

  3. Silver James
    July 8th, 2010 at 9:03 am · Link

    I know I said I was going to stay away from the net until my revisions are done today, but I just couldn’t stay away! NIGHT MAGIC is preorderd and requested for Kindle! Next year seems so far away. :( BUT…what a great excuse to reread BLOOD MAGIC and SOUL MAGIC when it’s closer to release day!

    I hope Michelle snapped lots of “background” pictures, too! Would love to see all the “fun.” *bwahaha* Okay. Going *dark* again. No. Really. *waves*

  4. Jen Lyon
    July 8th, 2010 at 10:25 am · Link

    Dawn, I know you all are being hit with a brutal heat wave, while we’re unseasonably cool. I don’t even have to turn on my A/C. So weird. We’re lucky, but you’re really suffering!

    I’m sure I was a site running! Very happy not to have that documented, LOL!

  5. Jen Lyon
    July 8th, 2010 at 10:27 am · Link

    Amanda, sounds like your in the heat wave too!

    The bees sure startled me! I had visions of being chased down the street by the swarm, like in a cartoon.

  6. Jen Lyon
    July 8th, 2010 at 10:30 am · Link

    Silver, I love that you came out to visit BUT GO BACK TO YOUR CAVE! Get the revisions done and off, then come out and play!!!

    So first I yell at you, then I say: THANK YOU for preordering NIGHT MAGIC!!!

    Really, if Michele sends me any outtakes, or background shots, I’ll post them. But it’s up to her if she wants to do that. She has so many photos to sort through, then she must do her magic to “touch up” the photos and make me look slightly less frightening.

  7. B.E. Sanderson
    July 8th, 2010 at 4:59 pm · Link

    Sorry I’m late but I went out of town today and just got home. I’m so glad your shoot went well. I bet you’ll have lots of great shots to choose from. Ack about the bees though. At least neither of you got stung.

    Hooray for Night Magic! I can’t wait until the release day – but I’ll have to. I’ve got pre-ordering heebie-jeebies. I hope your pre-order and first week sales go through the roof. =o)

  8. Jenn
    July 8th, 2010 at 8:30 pm · Link

    B.E., You’re allowed to be late :-) Hope your out of town adventure went well!

    Luckily the bees didn’t seem to notice us.

    No worries on pre-ordering, I totally understand!

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