Jennifer Lyon

Archive for November, 2012

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Friday, November 30th, 2012
Happy Friday!

For a while I felt like this:

Tossed around and able to get out of the waves.

This week has finally calmed down. I know it’s all going to gear up to craziness again, but since Tuesday, I’ve been able to really focus on THE PROPOSITION edits. I actually love this process, this is where the real challenge in writing comes for me. I write a really complete first draft, and it’s usually torture. I often avoid the story and the computer. And when I’m done with the draft, I’m so relieved I often fool myself into thinking it’s good.

It’s usually mediocre at best.  And if I have a good editor, she will nail me on all the crap I tried to get away with; rushed scenes, passive writing, characters not staying true to themselves, flat, lifeless scenes.

Then it’s my job to dig and and really work.  Once I’m knee deep into it, I love this part of the process.  Of course, I’m always terrified that I won’t do the book justice, but that’s just part of it. But this is the part where I just don’t want to stop working. I usually force myself to from sheer fatigue and staring-at-the-computer-headaches.

And somehow, I looked up and here we are on Friday :-)  I don’t have any big plans this weekend. What about you?

Have a great weekend!





Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Wing Slayer Worthy

I’ve started revisions on THE PROPOSITION.  I love the editor even if she’s making me work as hard, or harder, than any editor I’ve ever had.  I really hope I can get this book in shape.

I don’t know if I love the WSW picture today,  so let’s procrastinate a little bit. Last night Wizard was eating some of the left over lemon cheesecake and told me it was great.

So far so good, right? So I’m sitting there, reading my Kindle and basking in the glow of his praise, when he ruins it by saying, “So what dessert are you taking to the family Christmas party?”

I  just got through Thanksgiving! So I answered with a clever, “I don’t know.”

He lowers his fork and frowns. “It has to be blockbuster.”

Now he has my full undivided attention. “You’re pressuring me? About dessert for YOUR family Christmas party?”

“No,” he backtracked immediately. “No pressure.”

Smart wizard! I went back to reading.

“As long as it’s a blockbuster dessert tray.”

I did the whole death-glare at him.

He shoved down the rest of his cheesecake,  grinned right back at me and said, “What? You’re not up to the challenge?”

Damn it. Now I have to come up with a blockbuster dessert tray.  He might as well double dog dared me. Because, yes, I am that mature :-)

Okay, moving on to the candidate for today:

So what do  you think, is he Wing Slayer Worthy?

Monday, November 26th, 2012
Weekend Roundup

It’s been crazy, and Wizard is still off today. I’m craving my normal routine and anxious to start revising THE PROPOSITION.

And I ate too much :-) I made a lemon cheesecake that turned out pretty good, plus chocolate cookies. I got rid of the cookies but the cheesecake is still here. I must resist! I really overate last night.

Oh and I bought my first Christmas gift–I guess there’s no avoiding the holidays now.

So how was your weekend?



Friday, November 23rd, 2012
Late Happy Friday!

Sorry I’m late.  Man we’ve been busy but it’s been productive or fun, so I’m happy. Thanksgiving was really nice even through we just had two kids and Bailey dog. I’m used to doing big T-Days but there is definitely something to be said for small and casual.  It was easy and fun!

Loved seeing Bailey Dog! He’s doing great in his new place, and now he has…wait for it…Spa Days. One of my son’s roommates takes Bailey to Petsmart for the full treatment.  I don’t know how Bailey does it but he gathers up all these people who fight to take care of him and play with him.

Even the dog, Penny, who he’s living with. My son was telling me they throw of toy down the stairs, little Penny runs and gets it, takes it up stairs then drops it in front of Bailey. She fetches it for him. Unbelievable.

Here’s couple phone pics of Bailey:

I love Bailey but it’s not his looks getting him this treatment.  It’s just his personality. He’s so loving and fun, unless you’re sad, then it’s his mission to make you feel better.

Even Wizard is under his spell. I know because Bailey was scoring tiny pieces of carefully selected white meat turkey from Wizard. No one else feeds Bailey people food. It’s a firm rule, but Wizard does it and our son totally lets him get away with it.

Then last night, for the first time EVER, we went out to a store to stand in line for two hours to get Wizard a camera. He wanted to leave, but I made him do it. He will buy me most anything, but getting him to spend money on himself is a major ordeal.  I finally told him if we didn’t do this, the kids would end up buying it for him. That worked!

And lastly, I got the revisions for THE PROPOSITION from the editor. I am very impressed with her work, and now I work my butt off fixing it. But I’m excited, it’s a challenge :-)

How was your Thanksgiving? And hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012
Wing Slayer Worthy

I’m dangerous to my back when I’m not writing. I finished revising A HERO’S TOUCH for Entangled, slated for release  Spring 2013 (probably March). That’s my secret baby book. All told, that was a pretty easy revision.  So now we’ll be moving to line edits, etc. with that one.

Then I wrote a synopsis for another book for Entangled.  It’s a part of my Once A Marine, Always A Hero Series. I planned to do a quickie short synopsis…is 18 pages short? LOLOL!!  Well I’ve written a synopsis as long as 30 pages so I guest its for me. This one is Marriage of Convenience and I love it so much. My agent called it a tearjerker :-)

I’m waiting for revisions on THE PROPOSITION, the first book in THE PLUS ONE CHRONICLES coming Feb 26ht, 2013.  I’m really excited and mildly terrified to see what the editor thinks about that book.

And I need to start the next book in that series, POSSESSION. But I thought I’d take a few days off…and that’s where I always get into trouble and overdo things, and now have a complaining back. But that’s what the Jacuzzi is for, right?

Okay onto our candidate.


So what do you think? Is he Wing Slayer Worthy?

Hope everyone who celebrates has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 19th, 2012
Weekend Roundup

It was a working weekend, but I got a lot done. Wizard’s being extremely patient because he knows this will give me some time off on Thanksgiving weekend. By the end of today, I should have two projects off my desk, yay!

So Saturday, when I was cross-eyed from writing a synopsis for Entangled Publishing when I got this picture text:


Isn’t she pretty? This is Cookie, she’s my son’s fiance’s dog, so that would make her my doggie-in-law :-)  Cookie had been out at the dog park playing all day, and here she’s resting.  So Son’s Finance and I are texting back and forth then I get this text:

“Girls Love CPA Boy!”

I text back, “CPA Boy give Fiance her phone back right now!”

Fiance texts me back, “How did you know he took it?”

I laughed. ” Because CPA Boy is just like his dad, Wizard. Evil. And arrogant.”

We laughed at them, and after that, CPA Boy was sulking.  Amateur, he can’t fool his Mom/Witch!

How was your weekend?

Friday, November 16th, 2012
Happy Friday

Ever feel like you’re living in a blur? That’s how I feel–next week is Thanksgiving. How did that happen? But it’s okay, Thanksgiving is going to be very small and easy for us. And I think Bailey is coming, which is awesome!

But the living life in a blur thing is exhausting. It’s taken me nearly a week to read one book, and that’s very unusual for me.  And this weekend will be more work.

So what about you guys? What are your weekend plans? Do you have Thanksgiving plans?  Are you finding time to read and relax?

Oh and another question, anyone read GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn? I’m wondering if I should try it?


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