Jennifer Lyon

Thursday, May 28th, 2009
Coffee or Tea Witch?

witch-coffee-and-broomI’m a coffee witch!  I love coffee.

Some people (cough-husband-cough) might say I’m addicted to coffee. Why does he say that like it’s a bad thing? So weird.

Anyway, yesterday I was running errands, and one of those stops was Target. Which has a Starbucks. And I, thanks to my kids, have Starbucks gift cards. So I got a Nonfat Raspberry Latte. I used to get Raspberry Mochas, but then decided the nonfat latte had fewer calories.

So…back to my story. I’m standing there waiting for my coffee when I see some brochures, and one of them said, “Nutrition By The Cup.” I really should have turned my back, but like a fool I grabbed the brochure.

 Sigh…near as I can figure my Venti Nonfat Raspberry Latte is at least 250 calories. That’s with skim milk and no whip cream. WHY do I feel compelled to read this stuff?

For you tea drinkers, a Venti Green Tea Latte is 300 calories.

At home, I just drink black coffee.

So what about you witches? Tea? Coffee? Water?

21 comments to “Coffee or Tea Witch?”

  1. Dru
    May 28th, 2009 at 5:06 am · Link

    I drink juices and/or water. Tea when I’m sick and sorry to coffee drinkers, but the aroma makes me nauseous.

  2. Margaret A. Golla
    May 28th, 2009 at 6:22 am · Link

    Two cups of joe in the AM, with a touch of cream and ‘pink stuff’, water the rest of the day. Tea or diet soda when we go out to eat.

    Glad I never got hooked on the Starbucks thing. 1) I’m too cheap
    2) Damn, talk about hidden calories!

  3. Sue
    May 28th, 2009 at 6:39 am · Link

    I’m a coffe witch Starbuck is to much money for me

  4. Silver James
    May 28th, 2009 at 8:42 am · Link

    Coffee. Intraveneously. I make a pot of Cafe du Monde chicory first thing in the morning, and drink it during the day with light soy milk to make cafe au lait. Water for meals at home, tea in a restaurant, and a diet Coke with Lime at bed time. (Yay for sinus drainage at night. The carbination helps cut the sore throat…yeah, yeah, TMI)

    But COFFEE!

    Starbucks is a meal substitute because of the calories…lol.

    Jen, drop by Penumbra today. Sade, my kick-@$$ FBI agent/MC of SOTW dropped by to say hi.

  5. Erika
    May 28th, 2009 at 8:56 am · Link

    COFFEE. COFFEE. COFFEE. I am a Starbuck’s girl too Jen. Venti White Mocha, non-fat, no whip. 450 calories. ACK! So when I get it, it’s breakfast. I’m addicted though. I’ve been trying to be a better water drinker. Trying is the key word. :)

  6. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:51 am · Link

    Dru, I love the smell of coffee, but I didn’t like it when I was pregnant so I can sympthize. And you’re probably much healthier sticking to juice and water.

  7. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:54 am · Link

    Margaret, totally expensive! I only buy Starbucks either when I’m meeting a friend, or when I have gift cards. My kids give them to me because I am BONE CHEAP and they know it.

    “pink stuff” water. Hmm. That’s the powder stuff you put in?

  8. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:55 am · Link

    Sue, yay for coffee witches :-) I agree Starbucks is expensive.

  9. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:57 am · Link

    Silver, another coffee witch! So the diet coke thing works? I’m agraid to drink it at night since I am prone to insomnia, but I have that drainage too. Hmm, mabye I’ll try it!

    I’ll go by your website next!

  10. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:00 am · Link

    Erika, COFFEE ROCKS :-) I’ve never tried the white mocha.

    Many times when out doing errands or stock signings, I’ve been starved and gotten a Starbucks instead of food. My husband shakes his head in despair as he honestly believes I should eat food when I’m hungry. Whatever…

    I try with water too. But hey, there’s water in coffee!

  11. Erika
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:09 am · Link

    Ummm, how does Diet Coke help with sinus drainage at night? I have HUGE sinus issues. I’m allergic to Bermuda grass and in case you didn’t know, Bermuda Grass is the state flower of Arizona. Okay, maybe not, but it is everywhere.

  12. Kira Daniels
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:18 am · Link

    I drink tea, with sweet-n-low.
    I used to drink Dr. Pepper — but we all know what that does to a writers butt. lol So I had to stop that. lol

    And I do-not like coffee. Eww. Hate the smell. But I do make it every morning for my hubby when he doesn’t ride his Harley to work. (God, I love watching him ride his Harley *sighs*)

  13. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:37 am · Link

    Erika, both my husband and I are getting hit with allergies big time here in So. Cal. too. But I feel for you on the Bermuda grass–it really is everywhere.

  14. Jen Lyon
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:39 am · Link

    Kira, Aww, you hate the smell but make it for your husband–that’s so nice! I like tea, but I like coffee better.

    Sigh…I know all about Writer’s Butt Syndrome.

  15. Silver James
    May 28th, 2009 at 11:08 am · Link

    WBS. The bane of witches everywhere! The carbonation works for me. And there is a caffeine free Diet Coke that isn’t bad at all. I’m caffeine immune. I could probably drink espresso at midnight and still be asleep at 1 a.m. Unless the insomnia thing kicks in. Then it doesn’t matter if I’m guzzling warm milk. I’m up until the brain decides to shut down. 400 channels on cable and there still isn’t anything but reruns and infomercials at 4 a.m. *blink* I wonder if demons star in those… *Ifi grabs scissors and her big, pink gun and runs laughing around the room*

  16. Michele Cwiertny
    May 28th, 2009 at 11:42 am · Link

    And yet another reason to steer clear of the green sludge? I’m sold. I’ll stick with Iced Green Tea. No latte, no sweetened anything…just a hint of mint. It’s perfectly refreshing on its own. ::sigh::


  17. Silver James
    May 28th, 2009 at 12:35 pm · Link

    Erika, I didn’t answer your question. I end up with a sore, scratchy throat and ‘mold’ growing on it. The carbonation in the DC cuts through it. It doesn’t stop the drainage, just helps make it tolerable.

    Venti Mocha Frappicinos are the bane of my advanced case of WBS, btw.

  18. Jenn
    May 28th, 2009 at 2:51 pm · Link

    Silver, are you sure you haven’t had too much caffeine????

  19. Jenn
    May 28th, 2009 at 2:53 pm · Link

    Michele…so wise! But how am I going to fatten you up? It’s annoying to have a smart, pretty and slim friend. Must…do…something!

  20. Michele Cwiertny
    May 28th, 2009 at 4:01 pm · Link

    Oh, puleez!! LOL… I’ll be sure to pay you later. :)

  21. Jenn
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:57 pm · Link

    Michele, really? You’ll pay me to tell the truth? COOL!

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