Jennifer Lyon

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Mother Nature’s Tantrum

Mother Nature is having a tantrum and raining her bad temper all over Southern California. We are NOT used to having actual weather here in So Cal.  We put up with smog, terrible traffic and other annoyances because of the good weather! But it’s been raining for days! One of my windows is leaking–it’s been leaking for almost two years, but it so seldom rains here that I keep forgetting about it.

And now the gleeful weather folks are forecasting at least two more days of this nonstop rain.

And I don’t even want to talk about the spot on the ceiling I found in one of the bedrooms.  I’m telling myself that it was a shadow…my roof is FINE.  I can’t afford a leaky roof, therefore my roof will not leak.

So my question to you all is how the heck do I put a stop to Mother Nature’s Temper Tantrum? Any suggestions? There must be a spell or something…

8 comments to “Mother Nature’s Tantrum”

  1. Dawn
    December 21st, 2010 at 7:55 am · Link

    Sorry, Jen, I have yet to figure out a spell to control Mother Nature. Just think, though. It could be worse. You could be getting snow. We had snow about a week ago. It hasn’t been above freezing since. Most of last week, the high temps were in the 20’s, the lows were sub-zero. How’s that for weather for you?

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    December 21st, 2010 at 9:16 am · Link

    Ack. I saw some stories about possible flooding in CA, but I thought that was all up north of you. Be careful so you don’t float away.

    I wish I had a spell to stop the rain, fix your window and make the roof spot go away. Alas, I’m all spelled out trying to keep my sanity after all the life stuff going on here. I need time to recharge.

  3. Jen Lyon
    December 21st, 2010 at 12:15 pm · Link

    Dawn that’s too cold for me! I like snow in pictures :-) Hope it warms up for you!

  4. Jen Lyon
    December 21st, 2010 at 12:18 pm · Link

    B.E., it’s probably worse North of me, but it’s pretty bad here. But Wizard tells me the spots on the ceiling are paint (and he didn’t even blame me, he said HE got the paint on there), not a leak, so I’m really relieved! The window is a manageable expense.

    Hope you can find the sanity spell you need! Personally I recommend alcohol :-)

  5. Silver James
    December 21st, 2010 at 12:54 pm · Link

    If I had a roof spell, I would have exhausted it already! LOL

    Glad to hear it’s paint. Bad Wizard for slinging paint. Good Wizard for admitting it!

    The weather here is schizophrenic. Yesterday, we set a high temp record of 77. Today, we’re at 41, overcast skies and dreary. I think Will Rogers was right–If you don’t like the weather in Oklahoma, wait 15 minutes, it’ll change.

    Hang in there! Is it New Year’s yet? :-P

  6. Cecile
    December 21st, 2010 at 2:35 pm · Link

    Oh Jen, honey! I am sorry to hear this. But you are right… just act like it is not there and it will go away!!!! After the rain stops. I know what you mean about not being able to afford the wrath of Mother Nature. We have hurricanes… so I am not sure what to tell you!
    Hugs to you my friend… You can come to my house for a little while if you want to!

  7. Jen Lyon
    December 21st, 2010 at 5:44 pm · Link

    Silver, Wizard could easily have convinced me that I did spattered on the ceiling since it’s usually me who does it. So he gets extra credit for fessing up :-)

    You really do get a variety of weather in Oklahoma, where our weather is usually very boring.

    Do we want it to be New Years yet? Cause then I’m gonna have to face some reality I’m avoiding thinking about!

  8. Jen Lyon
    December 21st, 2010 at 5:45 pm · Link

    Cecile, I did and it worked! It’s not a roof leak! Denial is my friend, LOL! Now I just hope our luck holds.

    How are things with you?

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