Jennifer Lyon

Monday, December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year!

I was going to write some kind of clever, sweet or inspiriting post.

Really. I was.

Then yesterday afternoon, when I normally write my posts, Wizard had an idea. It was freezing cold, so he lit a fire, put on a movie and poured wine for us.

So…um…what was I going to write about? I have no idea.

I blame Wizard!

This I do remember, I want to each of you how much  you mean to me. You guys hung with me through a really tough year, particularly the first half of the year in dealing with BLB’s injury/recovery.  I appreciate your support and all the laughs we shared. It truly kept me, BLB and Wizard going when we were all just so tired, and each day was an uphill struggle. Then I would write a post, trying to find something amusing to talk about, and suddenly it wasn’t all so grim.  That is a gift from each of you that I will always remember. Thank you for being there. I truly mean that.

Let’s all raise a glass…

…to good friends who hold our hands through the dark days,  wildly celebrate our bright days and are there every single day in between!

Happy New Year!

12 comments to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Jane
    December 31st, 2012 at 2:53 am · Link

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Jen.

  2. Viki S.
    December 31st, 2012 at 3:33 am · Link


    May it bring peace and happiness to us all :).

    Jenn – That is such a lovely post. I think we all try to be there for each other in any way we can. Going along the journey with BLB’s injury and recovery was a honor. Even on hard days you would find a way to shine. The Bailey posts were always fun. He really took care of “his” boy.

    I pray that 2013 is a smooth ride. I’m looking forward to all your yummy reads :).


  3. B.E. Sanderson
    December 31st, 2012 at 8:59 am · Link

    Coming here has meant a lot to me, too, Jen. The friendship and the camaraderie brightens my mornings. These witches definitely rule. =o)

    I won’t be raising a glass this year, but I will raise a cup of coffee and toast with you all. Happy New Year! May all our 2013s kick ass.

    And because I’m so excited, I have to tell you all. As of today, I’m the newest contributor at The Killer Chicks blog! ( Squee! Look out 2013! Here I come. =oD

  4. Kat
    December 31st, 2012 at 9:13 am · Link

    Oh BE this will be your year- all the work and worry is going to pay off for you.

    Jen keep spreading those writing wings weather they be Wing Slayer wings or not. I am looking forward to each word written in 2013.

    Silver If every rainbow has a silver lining you are it.

    Viki your strenght though your family losses this past year have been inspiring. Know that your strenght is there even when you think it is gone.

    And all of you will have to put up with my continued philosophical ramblings through out the next year 8-O unless of course you see my name and then just skip reading my comments. :lol:

    To all Peace, Love, Joy, Blessings and hours of uninterupted reading this year.

  5. Silver James
    December 31st, 2012 at 11:06 am · Link

    Awwww, Kat! You made me cry. In a good way, but still… *sniffle*

    We have such a wonderful community here and I cherish each of you. I love hearing about your triumphs so I can cheer you on, and commiserate when things aren’t so good. Jen, you are a good friend and I wish only the best for you and yours in the upcoming year and always. That goes for everyone here! May 2013 bring you dreams coming true, peace and contentment. May you all be healthy, wealthy, and wise!

    Happy New Year!

  6. Jenn
    December 31st, 2012 at 12:18 pm · Link

    Thanks Jane! Same to you and yours!

  7. Jenn
    December 31st, 2012 at 12:22 pm · Link

    Viki, thank you :-) Bailey was (and continues to be!) another bright spot. I loved him before that, but now that dog owns my heart. That kind of loyalty and unconditional love is priceless.

    I know you had a rough year losing your brother in law. Let’s all hope for a year filled with more joy than sorrow.

  8. Jenn
    December 31st, 2012 at 12:28 pm · Link

    B.E., you were a huge help to me in sharing your experience. It helped both myself and BLB getting a better grasp on how long the recovery would take. Even now, he continues to improve–it’s not actually his leg improving but his ability to move around the limitation. Something I know you understand very well :-)

    Congrats on joining Killer Chicks Blog! I just went over and bookmarked it. Your first blog is Monday, right?

    Coffee totally rules! I may choose coffee over wine or alcohol tonight too. But the sentiment is the same whatever our choice of beverage!

  9. Jenn
    December 31st, 2012 at 12:30 pm · Link

    Kat, I love reading your thoughts (I don’t consider them ramblings!). I think you bring a perspective with your work and family that most of us don’t experience as closely as you do. Always know you’re appreciated here!

  10. Jenn
    December 31st, 2012 at 12:32 pm · Link

    Silver, thank you! You are an amazing friend. I was so glad I got to see you in Anaheim this year. You’ve been dealing with a lot of issues, yet you’ve had some great news with The Only’s job and by taking control of your career and self publishing. I’m proud of your accomplishments!

  11. Viki S.
    December 31st, 2012 at 3:38 pm · Link

    There is a reason I stop here first when I get on the computer in the wee hours of the morning. You guys are wonderful and I love you for all of the encouragement and kindness. I think Jenn has put together a very nice group of friends :). Thanks Jenn!

    B. E. That is too freakin’ cool! Congratulations!

    Kat – You are too funny :).

    Happy New Year!

  12. Stephanie
    December 31st, 2012 at 11:31 pm · Link

    Cheers! I’m so happy! Happy New Years!!! :)

    2012 was really bad for me on the most part, so let’s hope 2013 is better!!!! AND NEW 2013 WSW PLEASE!!! lol

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