Jennifer Lyon

Archive for December, 2012

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Friday, December 14th, 2012
Happy Friday!

Yesterday, I sent off THE PROPOSITION to my editor for her last round of edits.  I think I’ve done a decent job, but we’ll see what she says.  I probably won’t get them back until after the holidays.  Once I do those final edits, it goes off for proofreading. Then formatting and I’ll have it up by the February 26th launch date. Although I’m self publishing this series, it’s going through the same (brutal!) revision and editing process as my NY published books.

Right now, this book is just a shade under 200 pages. I’m happy with that length since I have at least five planned :-)  After the holidays, I’ll release an excerpt.

I managed to get a chunk of shopping done too. I still have more to do but I’m making progress, so it’s all good.  Even better, my cold is improving. In fact, I saw my doctor for a routine visit on Wednesday.  He frets when I’m sick, claiming I minimize pain or illness.  So he did his  exam over my pointless protests then said, “You don’t need antibiotics. You have a cold.”

Well duh.  I’m pretty sure that’s what I said. Like…four times.”  I might gripe, but in reality, I am truly grateful for my doctor.  He saved me from a life I don’t even want to contemplate.  I am thankful and appreciative every day that I can get up and live my life.  But he’s still over protective, LOL! He and Wizard both! Oh and Biker Witch :-)

Enough of that! So this weekend will be more shopping, some family stuff and who knows what else. Now if only I could find out what middle son wants. I’m reduced to begging him for ideas.

What about you guys? Are you still shopping? Anyone wrapping yet? Baking? Parties? Let’s breakout the appletinis and cookies, and ring in the weekend!

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012
Wing Slayer Worthy

Colds suck. I came down with it over the weekend, but refused to admit I had a cold.  But now, I’m saying it loud and clear, “Wizard was right, I have a cold!”

I can live with me having a cold, but we all need to cast spells to keep Wizard from getting a cold. Please, I’m begging!

I know that Wizard is a great guy,  he brings me chocolate, makes me laugh, supports my work, does all kinds of great things for me. He’s awesome…


Have you ever seen that video Man Cold? That is Wizard!

There must be a spell to save us :-)

But enough of that…let’s move onto Wing Slayer Worthy. I don’t think I’ve shown this pic on the blog (though I’ve had it on FB)

Did you spot the panther? So what do you think is this guy Wing Slayer Worthy?

Monday, December 10th, 2012
Weekend Roundup

Christmas has invaded my house. Now if I can get a huge chunk of shopping done this week, I’ll feel better.

Otherwise, I cleaned and then we went out to a tile and granite store. Walking through all those slabs of granite was interesting. The price was heart-stopping.  But we’re just looking around right now, it’ll be a while before we make any decisions.

And of course I worked. Wizard walked in the house, looked at me editing, and said, “Your boss is a slave driver, Witch.”

Cracked me up.  Then he ran an errand and came back with CHOCOLATE. For me!

But before you all start thinking he’s such a great guy…I had to share half– HALF!– the chocolate bar with him :-)

So how was your weekend?


Friday, December 7th, 2012
Happy Friday!

I’m happy! I finished the major portion of the revisions on THE PROPOSITION late yesterday. I still have more to do, mostly cleanup and a final edit, then it goes back to the editor for her final round of edits. But I am really happy. God I love this novella beyond words.  We’ll see if I can get that across in the pages :-) If nothing else, writing this book has brought me true joy.

Next week, I’m going to face the truth–Christmas is coming and I shall be forced to shop.  I’m going to try to make a new deal with myself. Normally, I get really anxious (huge understatement) over gifts. I don’t want to disappoint anyone. Last year, I drove myself to exhaustion trying to make the perfect Christmas.

Then BLB was hurt. And just like that, the presents and meals were meaningless. No one cared.  All that mattered was that we pulled together as a family to deal with BLB’s injury.  In the moment we needed each other,  we were there.

So this year, I’m going to focus on what we all enjoy,  be grateful we’re all here and that BLB has come as far as he has.  We’ll do gifts, but they are just things. One missed-the-mark gift doesn’t change the love we have for one another.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Wing Slayer Worthy

So what do we think?

Is he Wing Slayer Worthy?

Monday, December 3rd, 2012
Weekend Roundup

The short version: I worked.

The long version: I worked.

Today, I’m going to the gym and getting out of the house! I’m obsessing, struggling, loving and hating this book :-)

Wizard was out racing all day Saturday. When he came home,  I was heating up Enchiladas. He strolls into the kitchen and says, “Hey witch, how was your day?”

I’m slapped down the potholders. “Help me. Someone has to help me. I can’t figure out Kat’s family.”

“Right,” he says without a pause. “Gin and tonic coming right up.”

Two hours later I stormed into the family and announced, “Molecular Biologist! And Alzheimer. It will totally work! It ties…” and I babbled on for about five minutes.

When I finally shut up, Wizard nodded sagely. “Yes, I think that will work.”

I studied him. “Did you actually understand what I said or are you just humoring me?”

“Does it matter?”

I thought about that.  “Nope.”  Because I had what I needed so  I went back to my desk.

So yesterday, in the a rant about making a sex scene work, I stopped and made him cookies. They are egg white cookies that are diet-conscious but Wizard loves them.

He’s earned them!

So how was your weekend?

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