Jennifer Lyon

Monday, June 24th, 2013
Weekend Roundup

Busy weekend! First we went to the condo that oldest son and Finance (aka her new name is Special K cause Wizard and I love her that much!)  are buying. They were having the inspection done, so Oldest wanted Wizard there.  We love the condo, it’s cute and has tremendous potential! They did very well!

Sunday I went shopping with a good friend and she helped me find a dress. Trust me, this looks better on:

dress for wedding

Wizard wasn’t sure until I tried it on. It’s basically a dark taupe  color and should blend with pictures fine. Special K told me to just find something comfortable, that she truly doesn’t care. So I did :-) She’s not pretentious at all, which means their wedding and reception is going to be fun and fabulous.  Oldest is a very lucky man. The wedding isn’t until the end of August but now I don’t have to worry about the dress!

I do have to worry about cleaning up my diet :-)

I have to tell you, while shopping I saw a guy that I swear was a UFC fighter or something along those lines. We were leaving Macy’s, chatting away, and a man wearing shorts and a tank was walking toward us.

Holy Muscles! This guy was huge! Extremely well proportioned and I was stunned. Totally forgot what I was saying. He had tats on both arms that just accentuated his incredible physique.  When I  recovered my ability to talk, I muttered to my friend, “Way to rock the ink.” This isn’t even my normal speech, but seeing that guy picked me up out of my life and dropped me right in the middle of Sloane’s world from The Plus One Chronicles.

No response from my friend.

So  I looked at her, worried that maybe I was imagining it? The book is heavy on my mind so perhaps I’ve finally snapped and now I’m seeing characters from my books?  “Did you see his arms?”

Her wide, unfocused eyes hit mine. “He had two, right?”

OMG I busted up laughing. And felt better.  I don’t stare and I tried hard not to stare this time, but  the guy was like walking art. I know what it takes to cut extreme muscles like that, and the fact that he was proportioned meant he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t ogling,  it was sheer appreciation.  I wanted to stop and ask him all about his training–but you know, that might be weird.  As in super duper creepy weird :-)

I made a tad bit of progress on my book but man, I’m fighting for every single tiny step forward.

Enough of me. How was your weekend?

13 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Amanda R
    June 24th, 2013 at 1:58 am · Link

    Love the dress (and that’s saying something I strongly dislike wearing dresses or skirts). Sounds like he is very lucky to have someone like her. Before I totally forget again tell them congratulations.

    I know what you mean about the guy you saw when you were leaving. I have had a similar experience and my friends just looked at me waiting for it. I thought he looked good with the tats, and they just laughed, saying he was so my type (with evil smiles I might add).

    My weekend was BORING. But on the plus side my new previously owned car will be out of my dad’s garage soon (seeing as he’s my mechanic). Other than that sounds like you had more fun on the weekend than me.

    On the new book, take a deep breath and let it flow. Slow down (but not too much :wink: ) and if all else fails… ask your son for help :) . Just kidding but just let it come to you, and argue with the characters if need be, just remember the character is always right.

  2. Viki S.
    June 24th, 2013 at 2:38 am · Link

    I like the dress even on the hanger. It reminds me of dancing and partying the night away. So I think you made an excellent choice. I love the Special K just said to find something comfortable. A girl after my own heart. The wedding is going to be wonderful.

    My eldest got married the end of August 5 yrs ago and it was perfect. Hubs and I are taking them on a FL trip for 5 days in Aug. to celebrate. Hubs just came up with it and I was good to go :).

    I can just picture you and your friend and the guy being totally unaware ;). I like how Sloane keeps popping up in daily life. It just says the final installment is going to rock!

    My weekend was not so good. It was in the 90’s and the air-conditioning broke. I’ve said it before but I HATE the heat. I got a guy out here and it was another $500. Just like in May the chipmunks built a nest inside the unit destroying everything. I’m going to have to get poison – I tried the natural methods but they didn’t work. It’s just way too expensive.

    I hope you have a wonderful week and that Sloane and Kat behave :).

  3. B.E. Sanderson
    June 24th, 2013 at 6:04 am · Link

    Ooo, pretty dress! You’re right, though, we have to see it on. Hangers never do a great dress justice. Special K sounds like an awesome person. Congratulations to Oldest for snaring her. LOL about the tat dude. You definitely should’ve talked to him. Told him what you do and asked whether he’d mind answering a few questions. I bet he would’ve been cool with it. =o)

    I spent most of the weekend reading. I inhaled Silver’s Rogue Moon on Saturday. Sunday I inhaled Possession. You nailed it again, Jen. I totally love how you’re writing Kat. That pool scene had me sniffling. The spicy scenes were a little too hot for me, but the rest was totally squee-worthy. I can’t wait for Obsession. (Sorry if that’s the one giving you fits.)

    Oh and if anyone’s interested I have erotic and fantasy author Jeffe Kennedy over at The Guide today talking about her journey to publication. =o)

  4. Silver James
    June 24th, 2013 at 8:05 am · Link

    LOVE the dress and I can picture you wearing it and rocking the house! It’s perfect, but then I had complete faith in you finding just right outfit. Special K sounds like a real keeper. She and Oldest will make a terrific marriage.

    Okay, the Sloane wannabe story cracked me up. I can just see you both. Years ago, the Chippendale guys were in town. The Only and I were at the mall shopping walking through one of the anchor stores. She was in like 7th or 8th grade. Anyway, two of them walked past us. Only’s jaw dropped and she turned to around to stare at them, walking backwards. 8-O Until she walked into the third guy. He caught her and kept her from falling down. I didn’t think she’d ever shower again because OMG! MOM! HE TOUCHED ME!!!! I have to admit, they were fine looking. ;)

  5. Ban
    June 24th, 2013 at 9:46 am · Link

    The dress is lovely Jen and I can already see it will fall nicer on a person ! Congrats, on the find :D

    I don’t see too many guys in person here that warrant a head turn so I can imagine how odd it would be to see a ‘real life’ book hero walking by.

    And Silver, that story had me seriously grinning. I can just imagine my daughter doing the same thing … in a few years – she’s only 10 now ;)

    I had a very nice and relaxing weekend. After dropping off my friend’s doll we went up to my parents Mt. House, and basically enjoyed the views and the amazing moon before having to travel back to the island *poop*

    In other news, we got two low offers for our house – we made counter offers and we’re showing it again tonight so crossed fingers and prayers are welcome. Maybe you witches can do some magic ?!?


  6. Silver James
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:05 am · Link

    Ban, working on a fast and GOOD sale for y’all! :D

  7. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:30 am · Link

    Amanda, thanks on the dress. It’s not my usual style, but I like it.

    Congrats on your car! And how lucky you are to have a dad who is a mechanic. But sorry for your boring weekend :-)

    And thank you so much for the support on the book. That means a lot. Asking my son would be hilarious! Maybe I’ll do that.

  8. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:35 am · Link

    Viki, so sorry about your air conditioner! I don’t know what else you can do but put out poison. I’d be just as conflicted about that, but it doesn’t look like you have a choice. You really need some good luck to come your way!

    Thanks on the dress, I’m happy enough with it and now that’s done. I’m really getting excited for their wedding.

    I love that you and hubs are going away for your son’s anniversary, LOLOL!!! That sounds wonderful! Oh I told Wizard your suggestion for book something next year. I just have to figure out what we want to do.

  9. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:44 am · Link

    B.E., I’m jealous of your reading weekend! I’m finishing another book before I get to Rogue Moon!

    Thanks on Possession and to know which scene you mean. I wanted Kat to have the space she needed to come to terms with her scars. Sloane supports her but doesn’t tell her how to feel. And the spicy–yep. I’m trying to be clear about that with readers. It isn’t for everyone :-)

    I wish I could have talked to the guy. He moved with a grace that is rare for men with that much muscle, so he’s doing more that weightlifting. As weird as it sounds, it was more professional curiosity than anything else.

    Will go to your blog today. I put it on a post it note on my desk so I don’t forget.

  10. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:49 am · Link

    Silver, that’s such a cute story! I love that! I can so picture it.

    I just don’t want to stand out at the wedding. I don’t think I will, the color’s soft and should blend in pictures. Special K will look lovely and everyone will be looking at her as they should be!

    My shoes will hurt but I’m taking a second pair :-) We’re staying in the hotel so that’s not a problem.

    Can’t wait to read Rogue Moon!

  11. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:51 am · Link

    Ban, that’s pretty fast for the offers! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Not sure how the housing market is where you are, but it’s a seller’s market here. Sounds like you know what you’re doing with the counter offers.

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  12. Viki S.
    June 24th, 2013 at 3:00 pm · Link

    Jenn – Way to go Wizard. Now pick a destination and go for it!

    On the shoes for the wedding, I’d go with a low sandal so that your feet don’t hurt and later switch to bare feet ;).

    Thank you :) you didn’t have to do that – I enjoy promoting your work.

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  13. Jenn
    June 24th, 2013 at 9:21 pm · Link

    Viki, you’re welcome :-)

    I really don’t know what I want to do but I have some time to think about it. Mostly, I need to write these books, I just hope I can pull it off.

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