Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014
Wednesday Worthy

I’m methodically whittling down my to-do list of all the stuff I put off while I finished writing the book.  Yesterday afternoon, I sat down to write a blog on writing tips that I agreed to do a while ago, and I have to say, after my massive battle with the last book that strikes me as pretty funny. I screwed that book up about six times before I finally finished it. Still, I agreed to do a blog on writing tips so I just have to think of something I really want to talk about.

I also have to get back to the gym and start making some better choices. Amazing how much easier it is to get REALLY out of shape, than into shape.  But let’s move on. First, my apologies if our Wednesday Worthy candidate is overdressed :-) But he caught my eye, so here he is:

Handsome Man PosingWhat do you think?

And here’s our Bonus Pic–Bailey Dog! Here he’s on “guard duty” looking out the front window while Middle Son is watching football.

Bailey on guard duty


8 comments to “Wednesday Worthy”

  1. Viki S.
    August 20th, 2014 at 2:46 am · Link

    Sounds like you put off writing the blog because you were coming up with more tips while struggling with the book. Always a learning experience to be had ;).

    The guy is okay. I like his arms.

    Now Bailey is HOT! What a cutie he is.

    I saw these slippers the other day that made me think of you. The tops were dog heads and one was an English Bull Dog.

    Have a really great day!

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    August 20th, 2014 at 6:46 am · Link

    When you finish the blog, you have to give us the links. I’d love to see your writing tips. And hey, screwing up is how you learn – and talking about it helps others avoid making the same mistakes. =o)

    The guy’s not floating my boat this week. :shrug: The only guy floating my boat recently is Hubs, though, so don’t pay any attention to me. Even Hugh Jackman isn’t doing it for me.

    Bailey on the other hand… SQUEE!

  3. Kat
    August 20th, 2014 at 9:55 am · Link

    To young I think is the problem. He looks like some kid I would see at the high school when picking my son up from track practice.

    It is a good thing to have a dog on guard while a man is watching football. Lord knows anyone could walk in and take all kinds of stuff and the man would not take his eyes off the game.

  4. Silver James
    August 20th, 2014 at 10:56 am · Link

    His lips look a little pouty but I can definitely groove on the rest of him. ;)

    I’m still doing the Jammie emergency babysitting thing. Thrilled Baseball Boy has a full-time job, love the Magic Bean Sprout, but I need to write. Looking forward to them finding daycare. :lol:

    I want your writing tips, too, Jen. This morning, during Sprouts 20 minute nap, I realized the first three chapters suck. Okay. Not totally but they aren’t worthy of starting the book. I’ll bore readers to death. *sigh* Back to the drawing board. *headdesk*

  5. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    August 20th, 2014 at 11:41 am · Link

    Viki, LOL on the slippers! Bulldogs are adorable.

    And I’m pretty sure you made Bailey’s day :-) The picture cracked me up–I’ve never seen him get on the back of a couch before, but he really likes looking out that window.

    I think my life skill is stressing myself out about everything–like the blog I have to write. Once I come up with something I feel passionate/motivated about, then writing it will be easy.

  6. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    August 20th, 2014 at 11:44 am · Link

    B.E., this blog will be part of a month long feature in Sept that Kelly over at Books N Kisses is doing. A lot of authors are participating, so it should be interesting. I’ll try to remember to put it on my blog so you all can see it.

    I hear you on no guys really floating your boat lately (except Hubs). That’s when I turn to animal pics–they tend to make me smile even on a bad day.

    Bailey is ruling the blog today :-)

  7. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    August 20th, 2014 at 11:46 am · Link

    Kat, so true on a man watching football! That cracked me up. Now I have to text that to Middle Son when I get a minute.

    CPA Boy (oldest) was that way when he played video games–I use to swear the house could be on fire and he wouldn’t notice.

    Hope you’re having a good day!

  8. Jennifer Lyon (Apodaca)
    August 20th, 2014 at 11:52 am · Link

    Silver, I bet watching the little guy is consuming your life and energy. Is there a daycare option on the horizon?

    Oh man I HATE that feeling of the first three chaps not being right. They are so keep to hooking the reader and setting the tone/pacing. That said, I’m sure they really don’t suck, just a little tweaking here and there will do it. Good luck!

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