Jennifer Lyon

Monday, March 14th, 2016
Fun in House Renovations

No Business Monday Today…I’m barely managing to be an adult right now :-) I just about hit my limit at 11:00PM Saturday night. First we had three long days of guys in the house with jack hammers, sanders and tile saws, spreading dirt and chaos everywhere. Saturday somewhere between 4:30 and 5:00 we hurried the tile guys out the door, scrounged up clean clothes and drove an hour and a half to a birthday dinner for our son’s girlfriend. She’s totally worth the effort and we had fun. Got home around 11:00pm and Wizard crashed. He was out in four-point-two seconds. I was doing a few random things like setting up coffee, changing clocks (so it was actually midnight!) and realized I still had my necklace on. I took it off, walked into my bedroom to put it away and smashed my toe — on a toilet sitting in the middle of my freaking bedroom. There I am hopping around, swearing under my breath, wishing Toilet Karma on the guys who left a toilet, A TOILET! in my bedroom.

That is just so WRONG!

And Wizard never woke up. He slept right through my Toe vs. Toilet Hopping Mad Showdown.

Okay, now that my foot is not throbbing (my toe is barely sore today), I will concede that the toilet had been carefully moved and placed mostly out of the way, and I had seen it there earlier. I just forgot.

Then this morning, I told Wizard the story and he laughed. Hysterically. There may have even been tears. And the every time I said, “It’s not funny!” He laughed harder.

So you see, there is no way I could tell THAT story and have any credibility to do a Business Monday post :-)

Otherwise, I am in love with our new tile. The kitchen is grouted now and so pretty. Today the guys (who are awesome and I’ve decided to forgive for the Toilet Incident) will clean the tile one more time, then put the oven and fridge back in. Hopefully all the tile work will be done by the end of Tuesday. Wednesday morning we pick up Bailey Dog, then the following Monday we start  part two of the house reno — The Carpet Project.

I’ve discovered it’s hard to write in a construction zone (yeah, who here is surprised???). But I can edit and revise! So I’m working on getting book one of Savaged Vows ready to go to my editor. I’m actually enjoying tuning out the chaos to focus on that.

Now it’s your turn–how was your weekend?

6 comments to “Fun in House Renovations”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    March 14th, 2016 at 6:57 am · Link

    DST and construction. You have my deepest sympathies. I can barely function this morning and I don’t have bathroom fixtures lounging about waiting to pounce. :hugs:

    I’m glad the editing is going well for you, even if the writing isn’t. I’m still kind of off work for now. I mean, I finished the read-through on Djinn3 and I started writing SCIU3, but for the most part, I’m chillin’ until Saturday when I’ll get my edits for the May book back.

    Suddenly, yesterday, Hubs points out that the chandelier/ceiling fan in the office needed cleaning, and I’d been meaning to do that, so I grabbed the step stool and started taking the glass thingies off. At first, he balked at the idea – which would’ve been fine with me – but then he jumped right in. We ended up doing all the light fixtures in the house. :shrug: We’re funny that way sometimes.

  2. Silver James
    March 14th, 2016 at 7:55 am · Link

    My feelings on DST are well know. I won’t further elaborate here. I’m sorry about your toe. :( You’re too nice to Wiz. You should have turned on the lights. *nods*

    Weekend…there was one. :lol: We celebrated Stormageddon’s “early” b-day with a fairly low-key party with close friends and family. Sunday, I was struggling to wrap my head around the time change and attempting to write. Got a phone call. Can’t divulge yet but it blew me away. :D Can probably reveal by tomorrow–waiting on official announcement.

    Gotta really get down to work this week. I am many words in arrears. 8-O

  3. Jenn
    March 14th, 2016 at 9:48 am · Link

    B.E., Now you have sparkling clean light fixtures–that’s a good use of your weekend :-)

    I honestly feel bad complaining about the floors; the guys are working their butts off and doing it right and I know I’m fortunate to be able to get new floors. But living in the a construction zone for Wizard and I — who crave order and routine — it tough. Plus I’m a bit of a hermit, LOL.

    Hope you can get back to writing today!

  4. Jenn
    March 14th, 2016 at 9:53 am · Link

    Silver!! I’m dying to know! I want to know!! That was mean to tease :-(

    Hope Stormagedden’s early birthday was fun!

    I walk around in the dark all the time. But you’re are right–I should turned on the hall light and he would have barely noticed but I’d have been able to see fine. Especially since I know I’m living in a construction zone. That one is on me!

  5. Viki S.
    March 14th, 2016 at 3:29 pm · Link

    Your poor toe :(. Glad to hear it’s feeling better today. I don’t know how you kept quiet. When I nail my toes I’m quite vocal.

    I can’t wait to see the complete floor photos. Looks like everything is coming along nicely. Bailey is sure to give them his approval ;).

    Glad you could do edits since you couldn’t write with all the work going on. It’s surprising that you were able to concentrate on the edits with the background noise.

    Didn’t do much this weekend. It was rather rainy ;).

    Have a nice day :).

  6. Jenn
    March 14th, 2016 at 8:59 pm · Link

    Viki, we are nearing the end of the tile work! I’ll post pictures when I can. It’s just such a mess here right now.

    I saw that you were having a lot of rain. Hope you enjoyed a quiet weekend.

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