Jennifer Lyon

Friday, May 11th, 2018
Friday Five

TGIF Again!! It’s time to share five random things about our week. I’ll go first :-)

1) I’ve been cooking and freezing a few meals. So far, I have spaghetti sauce and chicken cacciatore. Today I’m making 2 servings of enchiladas to freeze.

2) I’m doing the above because next week Wizard is having more back surgery. This one is a little more involved than the one he had last year, but if this works, it will be worth it.

3) Yesterday, despite #2, Wizard came in the house yesterday and said, “Witch, I need your help with something.”

I went outside and found the EXTENSION LADDER leaning up against the tall palm trees. Even more worrisome, this is on a freaking SLOPE. I narrow my eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He held up big hedge clippers like it was obvious. “Trimming the tops of the trees. I need you to hold the ladder.”

I looked at the aluminum extension ladder precariously placed on the sloped yard and shook my head. “No. Absolutely not. You’ve lost your mind.”

Wizard frowned, studied the ladder and said, “You’re right.”

Of course I am. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Wizard went into the garage and reappeared with a small block of wood. “Let me put this under the ladder.” He wedged it under one leg of the ladder that didn’t sit flush in the grass BECAUSE THE YARD IS SLOPED!!! Then he said, “Now hold the ladder so I can get this done.”

“Have you lost your mind?” My voice rushed up the street, hit the hills at the top and bounce back in a screaming echo. “You’re not doing this!”

He stared at me. “Yes I am. The ladder is a little shaky though. Just hold it. And don’t worry, if I fall, I’m having surgery anyway.” I swear to you, that’s what he said! And then he smirked and added, “You know, like two for one deal.”

And before I could smack him, he started climbing the ladder. I had no choice but to grab and hold it.

He didn’t fall, but I’m still pissed. All these shenanigans cause him more pain too. What is WRONG with men? Is there medication to make them sane???

4a) This is Maggie yesterday on our morning walk. There were bunnies at the park, and she is staring at one in the bushes.

4b)  And this is Maggie’s expression after I tugged her away from the bunny, lifted her on a wide rock wall and tried to get her to pose for a picture: 

**In case you’re wondering why she has two collars on, the second one is a Martingale collar that I use for her safety when we hike. She’s never taken off on me or fought her collar, but if she did, she could possibly slip her regular collar and either get hurt or rush into danger. This collar prevents that, and she’s perfectly comfortable in it. I take it off when we’re finished walking.


Okay that’s my Friday Five, now it’s your turn to share yours!

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    May 11th, 2018 at 7:00 am · Link

    Sometimes we just have to shrug and let them do what they want, even when they could get hurt. Just like sometimes they have to shrug and let us do what we want, even if we could get hurt. It’s a trade off. :shrug: Fingers crossed for Wizard’s surgery. Good girl, Maggie! And good for you making meals ahead. Way to be prepared! And Happy Mothers’ Day to you, too!

    1) I pulled out most of my dead or dying azaleas bushes and I’m getting the beds prepared for new stuff which should arrive sometime before June.
    2) After overhearing us discuss the removal of all the azalea bushes, one decided it wanted to live and burst forth with a multitude of leaves. It’s the only one left. Hey, I appreciate the effort.
    3) My roses are exploding with life. They really seem to be enjoying being tied to the porch so they don’t fall over anymore and they’re all thriving.
    4) I keep meaning to bake this new recipe I found, but I forget to do it in the mornings and it’s too hot in the afternoons. It’s a walnut applesauce coffee cake. It sounds amazing. Maybe today will be the day. Except I have to run errands this morning so probably not.
    5) Yes, I have a plan to eat healthier, which why that cake instead of regular cake. And I expect Hubs will eat most of it anyway. if it was chocolate cake, he’d have to fight me for it. ;o)

  2. Silver James
    May 11th, 2018 at 10:19 am · Link

    No, there is no medication for that. I should know, given the number LG is prescribed! Holding good thoughts for Wiz’s surgery. Maggie is a great protector! That could have been a Killer Rabbit in those bushes. No wonder she was peeved. ;) My five:

    1) Definitely Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, aunts, grandmothers, friends, other mothers, and men who are father and mother both! FYI, Jen, you rock the motherhood gig. ;)

    2) It’s a travel day today for Baseball Boy’s aunt’s funeral up in Tulsa. It’s late afternoon and we’ll be home after dinner. Sadly, we’ll drive past the spot where the mother and uncle of one of The Only’s best friends were killed in a wreck this week. Sad deal. :cry:

    3) I’m ready to swat Iffy except she keeps giving me such great inspiration. I just wish she wouldn’t do it in the middle of the night. :roll:

    4) The honeysuckle outside my office window is blooming. Too bad it’s too hot to have the window open. I went out with Boone last night for his before-bed pee and there was honeysuckle on the breeze. LOVE that scent! :)

    5) Stormageddon is now tall enough to reach the top shelf in the refrigerator door where we keep his cherry-limeade flavored “fizzy water.” Without a stool. 8-O

    Have a wonderful and safe weekend, everyone!

  3. Jenn
    May 11th, 2018 at 11:30 am · Link

    B.E., you’re right. Wiz is pushing himself to get so much done before this surgery, and I understand that as I’m doing the same. Okay now for your five:

    1) You’re getting a lot of gardening done!
    2) That Azalea deserves a pardon…:-)
    3) Roses are so pretty when they bloom.
    4) I run into that problem too. Or I don’t have ingredients and procrastinate going to the store. Applesauce walnut cake does sound interesting!
    5) I’d fight for chocolate cake too!

    Happy Mother’s Day and have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    May 11th, 2018 at 11:39 am · Link

    Silver, LOL you had to see this bunny. He was small and watching us through the branches. I got a picture but he’s hard to see so I’m not posting it. On to your five:

    1) Thank you! And same to you, you’re obviously a great mom and grandma!
    2) OMGosh, Silver, I’m so sorry for both BB’s aunt, and Only’s friend. What a tragic week. I’ll keep them all in my thoughts, and truly hope there is some comfort in knowing how much your support means as you endure the long travel day. My condolences to all of you.
    3) That middle of the night visits are frustrating. What’s wrong with say, 2 in the afternoon?
    4) At least you can enjoy it at night. But it’d be nice if you could open the window and get a honeysuckle scented breeze.
    5) Do you think Storm grew just to reach the cherry-limeade fizzy water? :-)

    I hope you have a great Mother’s Day, you deserve it.

  5. Viki S.
    May 11th, 2018 at 3:03 pm · Link

    1. Very smart planning ahead with the meals. Should make things a bit easier on you next week.
    2. Will be sending good wishes Wizard’s way next week that all is successful.
    3. I was picturing those FB post of why women live longer than men while reading about Wizard and the ladder :lol: .
    4. Just love Maggie’s face ;). I like the collar, safety first.
    5. Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to you!

    1a. My Aunt had surgery today and she does not have cancer :)!!!!
    2a. Just had 2 yds of limestone delivered for youngest’s trucks parking spot. Now to spread it :(.
    3a. We’re all going out to a fancy place Sat for dinner. It’s hubs and youngest birthday and Sunday is Mom’s day for Cassie (her first) and me. Are you guys doing anything special for Special K’s first Mother’s Day?
    4a. My youngest is taking me to the range Sunday morning. Reminded him I haven’t been in quite a while but the last time I was there hubs got bummed because I’ma better shot ;).
    5a. Finally saw Avengers yesterday. I was not expecting what happened. I was very nice to see Hemsworth’s bulging arms though :).

    Have a really wonderful weekend and Happy Mother’s Day!

  6. Jenn
    May 11th, 2018 at 5:43 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on all. A few meals in the freezer helps a lot. I’ll shop for easy stuff too. It’ll be okay. I’m a bit worried about my neck and shoulder handling physically assisting Wizard in moving around, but I’ll make it work. And LOL on women living longer than men! Now for your five:

    1) Wow that must be such a relief with your aunt. I didn’t realize she was having surgery.
    2) Who’s going to move all that limestone? It’ll be great once it’s done.
    3) Hope you guys have a great dinner out! I think we’re going to my mother in laws (she’s a great grandma and that counts), and so is Special K. I’m not doing anything extravagant although I probably should have–Special K deserves it.
    4) I’m impressed with your shooting skill, and that you can shoot with your bad shoulder. Have fun there! It’s been decades since I’ve fired a weapon.
    5) I haven’t kept up on Avengers, so I can’t comment on whatever happened, but at least you got to enjoy the view :-)

    I really hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day weekend!

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