Jennifer Lyon

Monday, December 17th, 2018
Weekend Roundup

It was another weekend without any major disasters, we are on a roll here! So here’s a summation:

Wizard’s family party was Saturday, and we had a great time. My sister-in-law does this party every year, and she really goes all out. Her house is beautiful, the food is wonderful and it’s just nice to go and relax. I really appreciate all the work she puts into it! So a couple notable things happened at the party.

Baby Slayer couldn’t be there. He was slightly under the weather, and he totally exhausted his parents. All of them were improving on Sunday. They were missed but that’s how it is with kids.

Wizard is sooo busted! I took a few pictures of the party, and in every single one, Wizard is looking at his phone! That’s right, the man who claimed for years that people are rude with their smartphones has suddenly morphed into ONE OF THEM now that he has his own smartphone. (Okay, Truth Time: He was showing his family pics of Baby Slayer, and I maybe purposely took pictures of him like that to torment him, but he’s still busted because teasing Wizard is fun!) (Oh wait, maybe it’s not smart to tease the man who drives me everywhere I want to go???)

During the White Elephant gift game, I got a blanket to keep Maggie warm through the winter. Then my niece STOLE Maggie’s blanket for her dog, Brody. Maggie is totally heartbroken. This is Maggie’s face when I broke the news to her: 

I told her not to cry, maybe Santa will find a way to get her a new blanket :-)

Then on Sunday, Youngest Son (BLB) came over in the afternoon, and Maggie did the wiggle dance of joy for fifteen minutes, totally forgetting about the blanket. Maggie loves company, kids and dogs. She’s timid and excited at the same time.  The dog is weird, but what other kind of dog would I get???

Wow Christmas is almost here! I’m not quite done shopping, but we’ve scaled back some so that helps. And Wizard really is doing all he can which I so appreciate.

How was your weekend? And are you guys ready for the holiday?

6 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    December 17th, 2018 at 5:46 am · Link

    Aww, poor Maggie. Maybe Santa can leave a blankie of her very own under the tree. I’m so glad you’re getting out and about and enjoying life and stuff. I hope Baby Slayer will be back to his usual awesome self soon. I remember spending the Kid’s first Christmas Eve night in the emergency room. She had an upper respiratory infection and anti-biotics cleared it right up, but the hospital visit was awful.

    My weekend was spent in the editing cave, but it was worth it because the book is live now. And I’m toast today. Again, worth it. I’m taking the rest of the year off writing. Too bad I still have marketing to do. And spreadsheets. No rest for the wicked. ;o)

  2. Silver James
    December 17th, 2018 at 11:23 am · Link

    Well…that stinks. Shame on them for stealing Maggie’s blanket! Though Brody is probably a good boy too. ;) Maybe Maggie will get something for Valentine’s Day…

    Sorry Baby Slayer is under the weather. :/ JGG had the stomach virus so he was with me on Friday. He watched Ninja Turtles and I got the dining room cleaned and decorated and the mantel (in the dining room) done, complete with stockings.

    Romance chapter had our Christmas party Saturday. Only 8 of us were able to attend. Lots of good food, fun, laughter, and wine. Good times.

    I really need to think about Christmas shopping. *sigh*

    Writing is non-existent but for the occasional flash fiction challenge that gets me some new words. That’s okay. The inspiration will come back, hopefully sooner than later.

    And that’s pretty much the sum total of my life lately. :lol:

    Y’all do realize that Christmas Eve is a week from today? *FLAIL*

  3. Viki S.
    December 17th, 2018 at 4:35 pm · Link

    Poor Maggie. She’s so sad. I’m sure Santa Paws will bring her and even “better” blanket and she will be all smiles Christmas morning :). It was so nice of BLB to come over “just” to lift her spirits :lol: .

    You are one wicked witch setting Wizard up in photos with his phone. How I love you! That is something I would do too.

    Glad you had a nice time at the party. So sorry Baby Slayer and family were ill. I hope they are all on the mend.

    Nothing big happened here this weekend. I didn’t wrap anything. Bad me! Will get on it tomorrow.

    Cass did my hair today and it looks real cute. She curled my stick straight hair. It will be flat by morning. I never could do hair.

    I hope you have a wonderful evening.

  4. Jenn
    December 17th, 2018 at 5:57 pm · Link

    B.E., Maggie somehow preservers, Baby Slayer will probably bounce back quicker than his tired parents, LOL!

    Christmas Eve emergency room visits seriously suck. We had to do that when BLB broke his leg.

    CONGRATS ON YOUR BOOK GOING LIVE!!! That’s well worth the work. I hope you can get a break between the promo and spreadsheets, you’ve earned it!!

  5. Jenn
    December 17th, 2018 at 6:05 pm · Link

    Silver, Brody’s a beautiful Golden Retriever, and I’m sure he’ll love the blanket (if they give it to him–it was a nic blanket). But I do love tomenting my niece.

    Poor JGG! I hope he bounced back and none of you get that virus. But you got a lot done while hanging out with him.

    Your chapter party sounded fun!

    I hope your inspiration comes roaring back!

    I’m flailing with you on Christmas Eve in a week!

  6. Jenn
    December 17th, 2018 at 6:15 pm · Link

    Viki, I hope Santa Paws does, because I haven’t as of yet, LOL! She was really happy to see BLB!

    We have to keep our husbands humble, right? Wizard puts up with a lot from me and the kids.

    I don’t blame you for procrastinating on wrapping.

    I can never do my hair like my hairdresser either. I’m glad you’re happy with it, and maybe you’ll wake up tomorrow and be surprised with the same curls.

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