Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
Wednesday Book Question

It’s another busy week, LOL! I haven’t been reading much, but I’ve been listening to books on audio as much as I can. I’m into Women’s Fiction lately. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been in a life altering phase for a couple of years now. Wizard and I have been mental shifting with grown children, a grandchild, some very ill family members and our own health challenges. It’s all ok, but it’s required mental readjustments and a bit of world-restructuring. Women’s Fiction tends to capture that; the characters in those stories are forced into change. First they cry, complain and try to bargain with God, then they firm up their backbone and find a way to survive, conquer and live their best life. And so, at this moment in my life, those books speak to me.

Does that make sense?

So what I want to know is what are YOU reading? What genre, book or author is really speaking to you at this moment in time in your life?

8 comments to “Wednesday Book Question”

  1. Diane Sirkin
    July 31st, 2019 at 1:24 am · Link

    Jo”s journey by s e Smith – diane

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    July 31st, 2019 at 5:02 am · Link

    I read across the board and pretty much pick up whatever suits my mood at the time. Right now, I’m reading All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot. I should finish that today. Next up will probably be a mystery or suspense of some kind. I have a bunch of paranormals to read, but I’m trying to hold off on those until I have a firm start in my WIP.

  3. Silver James
    July 31st, 2019 at 8:04 am · Link

    I’m doing a lot of paranormals right now because I’m writing contemporary. I don’t do much women’s fiction because I read to escape. 😜 I have a hold at the library on the audio version Karen Hawkins’s new book, THE BOOK CHARMER. It might be a bit women’s fictionish, with a touch of magical realism–which is what drew me in. Not to be punnish, but the blurb sounds charming. I’ve never read her so hoping the book holds up to the blurb and the hype it’s been getting.

  4. Viki S.
    July 31st, 2019 at 3:21 pm · Link

    I think we can all relate to how our lives are changing and becoming more challenging in this latest Act of our lives.

    Currently I’m reading a novel on Jack the Ripper. I recently finished reading the latest Aunt Dimity book by Nancy Atherton – Aunt Dimity and the Heart of Gold. It’s a series of cute mysteries.

    I hope you have a wonderful afternoon.

  5. Jenn
    July 31st, 2019 at 5:50 pm · Link

    Hi Diane! I grabbed a sample of that series to check it out! Hope your week is going well :-)

  6. Jenn
    July 31st, 2019 at 5:54 pm · Link

    B.E., I enjoy reading whatever I’m in the mood for too, especially in print! I find in audio, I really like nonfiction, mystery and women’s fiction. Listening to it shifts the experience a for me a little.

    LOL on holding off on certain books. I’ve done that soooo many times when I’m writing! I get too sucked in, and feel desperately torn between what I’m reading and what I’m writing.

  7. Jenn
    July 31st, 2019 at 5:58 pm · Link

    Silver, I hear you on needing to escape. Again, audio is a different experience for me and I enjoy more realism that way. Sexy romance makes me cringe, whereas I will devour a good sexy romance in print.

    I downloaded a sample of The Book Charmer to check out. It’s always good to check out new-to-us books!

    Hope you’re closing on the The End (of your book :-) )!

  8. Jenn
    July 31st, 2019 at 6:03 pm · Link

    Viki, that’s soooo true! All of us are dealing with the challenges of life. And it’s interesting how it reflects in some of our reading. Some of us go for our tried and true comfort reads, and others like me lately are searching for a read more reflective of our experience :-) It’s all valid and gives us the mental break we need!

    Jack the Ripper is an interesting topic! And very different from Aunt Dimity Series, LOL!

    I went in the pool this afternoon, so life is good. Hope you’ve found your happy place today as well!

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