Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
Goals for 2021

Rather than rehashing 2020, I’m going to put my 2021 goals out there. Of course life can be full of surprises and detours so these are subject to change.

Goal number 1

I plan to write Primal Magic and Fallen Magic. Primal Magic has started off as a huge challenge, but that’s okay. I get to write what I love, and I’ll keep doing it.

Goal number 2:

Newsletter/Email List. I’m striving to send out emails to my list more frequently and consistently, and share more of myself. My goal is to send out an email roughly every two weeks, or once a month at the very least. If I work up to more, that’s great. But I must have something to say or share in each one. I’m not going to send a generic spammy thing.

I’m doing this because fans who cared enough to sign up for my newsletter/emails deserve that. They are not just a commodity to me, they are the second reason I write books I believe in. If you’re wondering, the first reason is me–I believe that love can be transformative when we choose it to be and this is how I share that message. I also think hate is easier to engage in and spread than real, meaningful love.

Goal number 3

I want to do more with my blog. Specifically, I want to begin with Wednesday, and turn that into more about writing, and motivating others to go after their dreams. I have a ton I want to talk about, and I want to give back by sharing more about all I’ve learned and experienced in my journey. But I absolutely must be sure I can commit to writing a weekly blog for that, or make sure I have a guest blogger. Even short, tightly focused pieces have a way of taking way more time than I think they will.

If you’re still with me, I need some title suggestions for this. I came up with The Activator Series (activate the hero in you to go after your dreams), but you all may have better titles.

I’m not exactly sure when I’ll launch this, but I may just jump and do it next week :-) Starting is always the first step.

Goal number 4

I hope at some point to grow number 3 into a podcast or videos. I don’t have specifics on this yet. I’ve decided to start with weekly blogs, and then figure out where I can have the most value to add to someone’s life.

Those are my goals at the moment, Now I’d love to hear what you have planned for 2021.

6 comments to “Goals for 2021”

  1. Silver James
    December 30th, 2020 at 11:40 am · Link

    🤣🤣🤣 I’m scrolling through my RSS blog feed, past a couple of Cheezburger LOLcat memes and I see this pic. I’m like…WAIT! That’ looks like Maggie! Did someone steal a pic of Maggie to make a meme? And then I realized it was your blog. 🤣🤣🤣

    Goals? You have good ones! You’ll meet them! I mentioned in one of my blogs that I had two goals for next year–read more and write more. Since i average 200 books a year, not sure I can really squeeze more reading in, especially if I intend to write more. I’d love to put out books in languishing series. I’d love to write barely started stories. After two years of living in a black hole that sucked most of the creativity out of me, I fought back mid-way through this year and actually got some books published, though two don’t release until February. So that’s my goal. More words. More books. I’m giving myself this week to piddle and procrastinate and then come Jan. 1, I’m back at work.

    Also, I should do something with my newsletter too. I have so few subscribers it seems rather fruitless but what the hey. I don’t want to overwhelm subscribers but once a month, if I have something to announce? Yeah. That should be doable. And I’m hoping I have lots to announce this year. I’m going to treat every month like it’s NaNoWritMo and see how far I can get.

    Happy New Year, Jen, Wiz, Maggie, and all the family! Hopefully, like champagne bubbles, we’ll all rise to the top! 🥰

  2. Viki S.
    December 30th, 2020 at 4:07 pm · Link

    Maggie is SO cute!

    First – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    You have quite a nice plan here for the new year. I don’t have any suggestions at present for the Wednesday blog title but I will think about it. The fact that you want to turn it into a blog to help others with their dreams is really cool.

    I honestly have not thought about goals for 2021. I did decide today that in the coming year I WILL/MUST reform my sailor mouth. The past couple months when I get hurt (which is often) I swear like a gutter rat. That is ending. But I will come up with some real goals in the next week.

    Are you and Wizard bringing in the New Year? Hubs and I never do. He’s in bed and I’m just heading down to the basement to lift at midnight. Oh well, it works for us ;).

    Have a wonderful afternoon.

  3. Jenn
    December 30th, 2020 at 6:23 pm · Link

    Silver, too funny on Maggie :-)

    Thanks on my goals, today is not starting off well since I pulled my neck doing the strenuous task of blow drying my hair. Plus we’re in a battle with ants. But goals are always going to have obstacles.

    I read your story on your blog today and loved it. I tried commenting, but couldn’t get my word press sorted out. I can’t remember my old account, and it didn’t want to recognize this one (that’s not your blog’s fault, it’s totally on my end).

    I love your renewed writing mojo!! More words and more books is putting the most important work first for sure!

    On your newsletter, it’s up to you. Maybe for you, social media works better to communicate. We can’t do it all, its’ best to pick what we enjoy and engage the best with.

    I’m really feeling your goals and drive! Let’s do this!

    Happy New Year to you, LG and the critters. Hoping we all find joy and success in 2021!

  4. Jenn
    December 30th, 2020 at 6:29 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on Maggie, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too!

    I appreciate any feedback you come up with on my Wednesday posts.

    Not swearing as much is a good one. I’m pretty bad when I’m riled up these days so I understand. I also hurt myself all the time too, so I can relate to that one.

    I’d love to hear more goals as you come up with them.

    We don’t usually plan to stay up for New Year’s unless we’re out or watching a movie. But we’ll make a nice dinner and share some wine together to celebrate in our own way. This is a quiet year.

    As long as what you and your hubby do works for you that’s what matters!

    I hope you guys have a great new year!

  5. B.E. Sanderson
    December 30th, 2020 at 6:40 pm · Link

    Yay for Maggie! And yay for your goals! I know you can do whatever you set your mind to, Rock Star. Kick 2021’s ass.

    I’m still dealing with 2020, so looking ahead isn’t on the schedule. Not that I’m very good at that anyway. And it’s not like I’m living in the moment. I suck at that, too, LOL. (Sorry. I’ve had my head stuck in spreadsheets almost all day – except for a trip to the bank and the store – and this one I’m on right now has to be done tonight.) Right now, the only thing I can think about for the time ahead is getting this book finished sometime soon and then getting it edited and then getting it published.

  6. Jenn
    December 30th, 2020 at 7:25 pm · Link

    B.E., thanks! I will try, and that’s what counts.

    Oh, yeah, spreadsheets will fry your brain cells. I hope you were able to get it done and off your mind today.

    I think your goal of getting your book finished is perfect for you. We all approach it differently, depending on our personalities, and creative needs. You’ll do it!

    I hope you win the spread sheet battle and have a great new year!

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