Jennifer Lyon

Monday, May 24th, 2021
Weekend Roundup

It was a great weekend! Middle and his wife came over for his birthday. Youngest and his wife came too. It was great to see them, and of course, we missed oldest, his wife and Turbo, but they had another commitment. We had beef and chicken fajitas, rice, watermelon and lemon pound cake with ice cream for dessert. I had way too much food, but that just means we have a few days worth of meals, which was exactly what I intended :-)

Maggie also had fun, sure that her brothers and sisters-in-law came over just to play with her, pet her, and feed her special treats.

Then after a truly non-stop week, Sunday I was finally able to catch my breath. I wrote some pages, and Maggie and I went on a long walk on a beautiful sunny day with just a breeze I also began working on putting together some promo stuff for Carla (my assistant) that I’ve been promising her for a week :-)

Today I’m back to working on Primal Magic, I’m still in the first quarter, but it’s getting there. I’m working in my crazy zig zag approach. I’m going to try this week to practice fiercely guarding my writing time and not letting anything other the flames or blood distract distract me.

How was your weekend?

6 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    May 24th, 2021 at 8:26 am · Link

    Crazy but fun weekend for y’all! I know how much you enjoy family time. Good food, good family, and good dog. Yay! Yay for getting back to the book and some down time.

    My weekend was pretty much BICHOK. I finished several rounds of edits throughout the week and weekend. Yesterday afternoon, I hit send to go to my editor and beta reader. We’ll see what they have to say. I’m a little nervous that this book isn’t as good as I think it is. We’ll see.

    I also took a little time to make a teaser graphic just to give my brain a break. I managed to glean a few lines–and REMEMBERED to jot them down!–to use for teasers. The first one is from the chapter “Magic Beans.” ;)

    Softball. LOTS of softball. And some crazy plays, scores and weather. Good news is, both my OSU Cowgirls and the OU Sooners came through unscatched to host their Super-regionals this coming weekend. OSU gets a familiar foe, Texas, who pulled of an “if necessary” game win over Oregon. OU faces Washington. That should be interesting.

    That pretty much sums up my week and weekend–edits and softball. I did do a Crockpot roast for French Dip sandwiches on Friday. Yummy scrumptious, easy, and I bought deli/bakery Kaiser rolls and used baby Swiss cheese instead of Provolone. Yummers! And leftovers for last night. Easy peasy!

    And now a new week. Time to catch up on all the stuff I ignored while in Edit Brain mode and also get some relaxing/down time in.

    Have a great week! 🥰

  2. B.E. Sanderson
    May 24th, 2021 at 2:20 pm · Link

    So glad to hear you had a great weekend. :hugs:

    Nothing much going on around here lately. The usual – eating, TV, reading, poker, screwing around with the container garden. I may pick some of my lettuce to have with dinner tonight. The first harvest. Yay.

  3. Viki S.
    May 24th, 2021 at 3:09 pm · Link

    Sounds like a great weekend. Extra food is always a good thing. Now you and Wizard don’t have to think about dinner and can have the leftovers – yum! Oh, the lemon cake sounds yummy too.

    Sorry Turbo was not able to attend. I’m sure you all missed him but you’ll get make up time I’m sure.

    Are those Wing Slayers are messing with you again?

    I woke up last week with my lower back hurting and it still is bugging me. Getting old really STINKS.

    The couch middle DIL ordered from CA in Jan. just arrived. She had tried to cancel it last month when they still had no ship date but wouldn’t accept the cancellation. She never received a ship notification and was shocked
    when a truck showed up Saturday with her custom made teal couch. It’s beautiful. I’m glad they ignored her request for cancel and so is she :).

    It’s been super hot here but by the end of the week it should get back to normal temps. I sure hope so.

    Have a great afternoon!

  4. Jenn
    May 24th, 2021 at 4:41 pm · Link

    Silver, huge congrats on getting the book off to your editor and beta readers! I get the nerves, but you did the hard work now have faith. It’ll just need the usual little tweaks, nothing major!

    Remembering to jot things down is huge, LOL! You really did a lot with finishing the edits and a teaser.

    Lots of good softball. You probably needed exactly that kind of brain distraction to decompress.

    I love French dip. I always use left over roast :-)

    Hope you got caught up today and took a much deserved break. Happy Monday!

  5. Jenn
    May 24th, 2021 at 4:42 pm · Link

    B.e, thanks!

    The first harvest of lettuce is a big deal! Otherwise, sounds like a nice weekend!

  6. Jenn
    May 24th, 2021 at 4:46 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks on all. Turbo got to go to another party with a huge slide…so he had fun too :-)

    Wing Slayers are being normal, LOL. I’m trying hard to just write. I’ve made some progress finally but have a LONG way to go. And this is all very rough.

    Sorry about your back. Pain is never fun.

    Wow that is pretty crazy pants about DIL’s couch. So glad it worked out after nearly six months. It must be a gorgeous couch!

    Glad you have cooler tempts to look forward too!

    Happy Monday!

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