Two weeks until the release of NIGHT MAGIC! There’s a new review over at Fresh Fiction if you’re at all interested.
Now onto my question: How dark is too dark in romance? Even dark, edgy paranormal?
For me, dark works when it drives the emotional conflicts of the character. Dark backstory that tortures the hero or heroine works. I love watching the hero end up protecting the very one he thinks he should harm or hate. That kind of dark works for me.
Killing off bad guys doesn’t bother me.
But if the hero is so tortured that he intentionally and cruelly physically hurts the heroine , or people she cares about, that’s a little darker than I want to go. (NOT talking any kind of bondage etc. that the heroine agrees too). No matter how the author redeems this character, I’ve stopped believing in the romance.
So what to you all think? Is there a line in romance where it’s just too dark for you?