Q & A with Jen
Q: You said you grew up in the shadow of Disneyland, but your books are a little…dark and twisted. How did that happen?
A: I blame my two older brothers. No young girl could grow up with brothers and not get a little twisted. Plus I discovered Stephen King when I was fourteen or fifteen. I loved SALEM’S LOT and THE SHINNING!
Q: Okay…but what about the sexiness in your books? They’ve been called by reviewers, “sensual, passionate, inflaming, sexy, sizzling and hot.” You didn’t get that from Stephen King!
A: After doing a careful examination of what drives me to write sexy books, I came to the conclusion that it’s not my fault. It’s actually simple chemistry: Take a hot, hunky, virile, slightly tortured alpha male, add in a sexy, strong, determined and in-danger woman and the result is PASSION!
Q: So what’s with the witches? Why witches?
A: Easiest question ever! I watched reruns of BEWITCHED as a kid. Loved Samantha, didn’t care for Darrin. So I created my own world. I am a problem solver like that!
Q: There’s a rumor going around that you wanted to grow up to be a witch?
A: Doesn’t every little girl dream of being a witch?
Q: Uh…let’s move on. How did you come up with the pseudonym of Jennifer Lyon?
A: Two reasons: I’m a Leo, and you know, Leo the Lion? And then it was my husband’s suggestion. Well, he didn’t know he was suggesting it all those mornings when I’d get up and he’d say, “You have lion hair,” and then laugh his butt off. At me. Yeah, I married a charmer. But by then, I was practically answering to Lion. Then I got a super burst of creativity and decided to spell it Lyon. Who knew so many other people out there had that same burst of creativity?
Q: Some reviewers have remarked on how you write hot, alpha males. Where do you get your inspiration?
A: I’m surrounded by men! In my house, it’s Four Men and A Lady, or Four Men and A Witch…just depending on my mood, evidently. Even our rabbit was a boy. Plus I grew up with two brothers, and I just generally like men. Understanding men has become both a hobby and way to cope in my household!