Jennifer Lyon
Friday, September 13th, 2024
Late Friday Five

Sorry I’m late! We are fine, just a lot going on. But lets dive into Friday Five, just in case any of you would like to share yours.

  1. We’ve been safe from the fires so far, and things are improving. We’ve been “downgraded” to warning level. Wizard and I unpacking today and cleaning up where we can.
  2. The fire is still only 8% contained, and has burned more than 24k acres. And there’s more fires burning. One we know was started by an arsonist and that’s infuriating.
  3. Yesterday, I went out to help with my new grandbaby! OMG she’s totally adorable and I love her so much!! She’s tiny, about 6 lbs 9 oz, and amazing! Her parents are doing great — I’m so proud of them! they had some rough but they handled them and all is well. I had planned to stay the night last night but ended up coming home late at night because I’m tired and plan to make food to take back this weekend.
  4. Also #3 is my reason for not posting my blog when I should have. I don’t have access to the site on my phone, and everything else was packed.
  5. I’m so tired, but even more happy. But have so much to be thankful for. Baby girl’s birth wasn’t easy, but she’s here, happy. Now I have to run to the store and unpack stuff!!

That’s my quick five, and I’d love to hear yours if you have time to share!! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
Fire Watch Wednesday

For the record, this isn’t fun. We have been under an evacuation warning from the Airport Fire in the hills (it’s the huge Cleveland National Forest) behind us since Monday night. I desperately wanted to go see our new grandchild, and help the brand new parents. Because of the warning, I was afraid to go so far and not be able to get back in if they issue and evac order. But others are in (at this moment) worse danger than us, so I need to not whine too much. My son, his wife and their two day old daughter are fine. They have people around then who can offer support, and a brother near by. So my  griping is really more about me just missing out :-)

I’m writing this Tuesday early afternoon. We are basically in wait and see, and we’ve made some premilitary preparations so we can move somewhat quickly if needed.

The firefighters are awesome! If you have extra prayers, send them for their safety as they fight multiple fires, please.

How’s your day going?

Monday, September 9th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

First up, as I type this late Sunday afternoon, the baby is not quite here yet. But Mom and baby are under excellent care so when the time is right, we’ll celebrate.

The weekend was good, if a little scattered. It’s nothing wrong, just constantly pivoting plans as a reminder that I don’t always get to control life when I plan my days. That’s always a surprise to me :-) Which basically means I didn’t get to do some experimental baking stuff for my imaginary bakery…yeah…don’t ask. It’s a mental thing I do when I’m resting — think about and sometimes research cookies and brownies. I don’t actually ever plan or even want to open a bakery. My mental one never gets dirty, had equipment failures, rude customers, missing ingredients, or any problems at all. Real life…not so much!

Friday, I saw my surgeon. She’s very happy with my progress. The news was 95% good, and we are relieved and happy! The nodule was bigger than expected, and super close to the margins — which was validating in a way. She does not believe I’ll need more treatment, but due to a genetic mutation that was found in the biopsy, she wants me to see another specialist to confirm that. And I’ll do a six month follow up with her.  Overall good news.

Oh and the healing scar looks great! I am collecting them in that spot there with two surgeries there, LOL (My neck surgery years ago is right there).

Saturday and Sunday were days of pivoting plans, and it all worked out. On Saturday, I did get to go spend an hour and a half with my grand dog, Phoebe. That was actually good, because I just sat with her, played some toys, and we both watched some Youtube on my phone. But Sunday, I’m super tired. I have more good days than not, so it’s just my body reminding me it hasn’t been even three weeks since my surgery (and so totally normal), and I’m listening.

Today we are, well, still in pivot mode (first babies!) and also, I get to go hang out with Phoebe again. When I get home after that, I usually get a 3rd degree sniff examination by Maggie :-)

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 6th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF! Time to jump right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. It’s brutal hot. It was 111 degrees and humid here yesterday. Today is supposed to be the same and last through the weekend. Thankfully we have A/C and I’m grateful for that.
  2. No baby yet as I write this about 8pm on Friday. My daughter-in-law saw her doctor and they tried to nudge things along. First babies are stubborn! But all that really matters is that everyone is healthy and when baby girl arrives — mom and baby are in good shape. Well, dad too, but you know what I mean :-)
  3. Today (Thursday) totally got away from me and became exhausting. I had my day planned to manage all the tasks I hoped to do while still recovering — but the heat, Maggie having another episode of bladder accidents for a few hours (these episode come and go in serious weirdness but her vet is trying to help her), and a dead car battery ended up crowding the day and making us both tired. Probably I shouldn’t have tried making sourdough just yet…but…well…I did :-) So I shall take a bit of blame. I wasn’t lifting anything heavy though!
  4. In an upside to yesterday, I ran over to Youngest’s house to pick up an extra watermelon they had, and to go over instructions to pop in a couple times over the weekend to play with my grand dog and give the dog sitter a break. (She’s way more than a dog sitter, she’s a family friend, but dog sitter describes the situation. And yet I feel bad calling her a dog sitter and I had to add a parenthetical to point that out….maybe I’m really tired!) This quick visit on my part should have taken five minutes but Youngest and I got to talking and we lost an hour and a half! As I was driving home, Wizard called and said, “Did you lose track of time?” Um…yeah? But it was a great break to a long day! Also Wizard finds me losing track of time hilarious because it’s so rare.
  5. Today is my follow up with my surgeon. I hope she has the biopsy results to give us the best information. But we have had no reason to expect anything other than good news. As for the rest of the day and the weekend — it’s baby watch and checking in on my grand dog when needed. And resting a bit more than I have this last day or two :-)

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend filled with all the things that bring you joy!

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
Wednesday Reading

So I’ve been reading a book for weeks. I know…what happened to the voracious reader Jen who used to consume several books a week? Yeah, I’m wondering that too. However, I do like the book I’m reading — “The Lying Game” by Ruth Ware. It’s a mystery about a group of girls in a boarding school who played a game of lying…until something happened that changed the game of lying into real life survival. The book starts when the women are all adults living their lives and must come together because something has washed up on shore that can expose the lie and threaten their lives. I’m not very far along but it definitely has me intrigued.

I’ve listened to two old books, “The Bride” by Julie Garwood (love her!), and The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah (one of my all time favorites), because they were easy and familiar, making them perfect to listen to in the first days after surgery.

Now that I’m improving so quickly, I’m looking for new books to catch my interest.

What are you reading or listening to?

Monday, September 2nd, 2024
Weekend Round

Happy Labor Day to all the U.S. witches! And Happy September to everyone! I love fall and look forward to cooler weather…eventually as it’s going to be 100+ all week here. However the rabid pumpkin spice love in fall is something I don’t really get. I mean, pumpkin is okay but it’s not chocolate people, okay? Let’s not get confused, Chocolate Rules All The Seasons! 

No grandbaby yet as I’m writing this on Sunday afternoon :-) She’s taking her time, planning for just the right moment to make her debut. I’m happy to wait, but I’m not sure her parents are as patient as her Grandma, LOL.

Otherwise, it’s been a decent weekend. Friday, we saw my primary doctor. He was very pleased with my progress and gave Wizard and me an extra level of confidence. I am getting rest, but also moving as much as I can and he was fine with that. That helped Wizard to relax a bit more and let me do things if I feel up to it. While Wizard has been great, I recognize that in a lot of ways, this has been harder on him.

Saturday we did stuff around the house, then went over Youngest’s house because Turbo and his family were going over there to swim. It gave us a chance to see him as it’s been a long time. We enjoyed that then came home. I can’t swim until I’m cleared by my surgeon and Wizard is tired, so it worked out well. OH!! guys, I forgot to say, my oldest son and daughter-in-law had gifts for us from Italy. Long story but the gifts ended up at Youngest’s house, so we were able to retrieve them. One item is some olive oil that smells amazing — better than any olive oil I’ve ever had in the states! I can’t wait to try it! And some balsamic too, which is also cool!

Sunday, we went to breakfast. The restaurant was having a bad day, but it was nice to get out. Then after lunch, I decided to do some errands as I’m just starting to drive comfortably now. I picked up some fresh made sourdough since I’m not up to making it myself yet (but soon!). The sourdough is to dip in the olive oil and balsamic :-) Then I ran by Trader Joes. ‘There I got some regular and dairy free parmesan cheese to make a gluten free pasta dish with the olive oil, my fresh basil leaves and the parm because it sounds yummy. And I bought a bunch of random stuff because that place has a spell over me. I asked the very nice girl at the checkout if she could pack the bags super light and she was happy to do it. I normally hate asking stuff like that, but she made it easy and I so appreciated it. She offered to me help out to the car, but she did such a great job of packing the bags light, I didn’t need it.

This week is another week of light duty for me, but hopefully on Friday, I’ll get clearance to do more.

How was your weekend?

Friday, August 30th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! And it’s a long weekend since Labor Day is Monday and many will get the day off work in the states. Let’s get right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine.

  1. As I’m writing this early afternoon yesterday — no baby yet! I talked to my DIL on the phone, she’s doing fine. They’re just waiting with no idea when baby girl will arrive. Could be anytime or another week or 10 days. Babies arrive when they are ready :-)
  2. I have a surprise doctor appointment with my primary doctor today. When I tell you all my surgeon and the entire staff are efficient, I’m not kidding. I got an email two days ago informing me of this appointment with my primary doctor. I think it’s so he can refer me to an endocrinologist (they specialize in endocrine system, and will help balance my hormones now that I don’t have a thyroid). Plus I know my regular doc and surgeon talked by phone about me because my surgeon told me that before the surgery. I’m just stunned in a good way at the level of care I’ve been getting after lack of care from a previous provider.
  3. I’m bored, eating, restless and crabby. So, yep, recovery is going as it should :-) Wednesday was a bright spot as my youngest daughter in law’s mom brought Wizard and I lunch. That was so nice!! We loved and appreciated the food (plus a plant and a bottle of wine for when I’m better!), and for me, it was more just seeing her that helped break up the days for me.
  4. I took Maggie for a walk yesterday morning — it’s on my approved list of things I can do as long as I don’t pick Maggie up. I’ve been doing well walking a little farther each day. But yesterday there was a dog loose. I was not up to tangling with a big dog, and headed back into my track. Normally I’d have tried to do something, but yesterday was not that day. I don’t even know how many layers of stitches are in my throat, and I didn’t want to find out the hard way :-)
  5. I imagine we’ll be sticking close to home this weekend. But then again, maybe our new granddaughter will arrive. Who knows what surprises the long weekend will bring!

I don’t have much this week :-) But I’d love to year your five!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!