Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Happy Wednesday and a Yoga Butt Story

When I first saw the term “Yoga Butt” I thought, “Wow someone must have worked really hard to get a yoga butt! Good for them.”

Sadly, I was wrong. It’s basically a version of a pulled or strained muscle deep in the butt-hip area. I’m pretty sure I have it. It’s soooo annoying and takes way too long to heal.

Even more annoying is that this hip has been warning me for a couple weeks by twinging more and more each day. I just kept ignoring it until Monday morning when I tried a new yoga practice and felt the muscle go hot and angry (but not the burn of a tear, or at least not a significant one). So not only is Yoga Butt not good or impressive, it’s my fault that I got it. I had this injury several years ago, and thought I was doing all the right things to prevent reinjuring it. Obviously, I was a tad overconfident (as well as being an idiot for not slowing down when the twinges started!).

Oh well, it will heal. And the good news is this week is calm, so I don’t have to rush around which will also help. Although, I probably shouldn’t have been shoveling dirt today :-)

How’s your Wednesday going?

2 comments to “Happy Wednesday and a Yoga Butt Story”

  1. Viki S.
    April 10th, 2024 at 2:28 pm · Link

    Ouch! I’ve had that pull before too but I didn’t know it had a name 😄. I like yoga butt. I sure hope you’re able to get comfortable. I remember I couldn’t even sit on the toilet without wanting to scream.

    I had to take hubs to his retina specialist appointment this morning. He has macular degeneration and is seen every 6 months.

    Well the entire morning was a nightmare. He wouldn’t get his old glasses to take with us and then decided to take 4 pair that he put in a grocery bag. When we got to the appointment he didn’t have the glasses. So I went back to my car and searched to no avail. Good thing is they did a full test and determined he doesn’t need them anymore.

    Still he was obsessed with the old glasses. We couldn’t find them anywhere in the house and then it dawned on me that he had them in his hand when he brought in the garbage can. There they were at the bottom. He had thrown them away.

    I dug them out and will drop them off for donation the next time I go by the center.

    I hope you and Maggie are able to get in some walks. As I recall, walking didn’t hurt nearly as much as trying to sit.

    Have a good day!

  2. Jenn
    April 10th, 2024 at 2:54 pm · Link

    Viki, I can sit as long as I angle myself and don’t sit too long. For walking, going uphill is what seems to bug it. I kept it to about a mile and a quarter this morning and no yoga at all. Today feels a bit better than yesterday which means it’s not as bad as it could have been :-)

    Yikes, that was an adventure you don’t want to repeat this morning! I can’t imagine how frustrated you must have been. Glad you figured out where he put the bag of glasses — not sure I’d have been able to follow that trail.

    I’m really sorry he has macular degeneration. But it sounds like his vision is pretty stable right now.

    I hope the rest of your day makes up for your morning!

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