Jennifer Lyon

Monday, April 29th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

We made it to Turbo’s baseball game! And we had fun, Turbo got a hit, caught a grounder and brought in a run.  After the game was over, he still wanted to practice, which cracked me up. I don’t know who I enjoyed more — Turbo or Wizard, whom Turbo wanted to impress.  I loved it all. Here’s a blurry pick through the fence of Turbo playing first base.

We had a great time partly because the other team, parents and coach were all there for the same reason we were — to support, encourage and teach all the kids. We clapped and encouraged all the kids from both teams, and the game ended up with a tied score.  Afterwards, the other team’s parents made a human bridge with their arms for the kids to run under and called our team over too. I thought that was so cool. These kids all had a great day learning the game and best of all, sportsmanship.

Sunday I had lunch with my friend. She’s doing great despite a few medical challenges this year. We had a nice lunch, caught up and shopped a little. We have been trying to get together more often, but can’t seem to manage more than three times a year. Life for both of us has been keep us busy.

How was your weekend?

2 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Viki S.
    April 29th, 2024 at 2:11 pm · Link

    Nice stance on Turbo. He had a great game. It’s wonderful that you and Wizard were there to watch.

    The other team parents sound great. Turbo must be on a really good league. Nothing bugs me more than when parent s watch a game and cheer on bad behavior from their kids. I experienced that often when C played soccer.

    I’m glad you were able to have lunch with your friend. Sure hope that she is doing better and that the two of you can get together more often.

    My weekend was rather uneventful other than hub issues.

    I was fortunate that C took hubs to get his license renewed. He had been obsessing about it all week. Not sleeping and generally making me crazy. He only drives about a mile to church and so far has had no issues driving.

    Hubs does have issues following instructions and I knew that he would NOT understand the eye flashing red dot test. C repeated the instructions and was nearly thrown out of BMV for breaking rules. Hubs passed and he’ll get his new 4 yr license in the mail shortly. We may not let him keep it. We’re keeping a very close eye on him.

    It’s been in the 80’s the past three days and I really want to test the air-conditioning but have put it off so I don’t make hubs cold. (I’m HOT).

    I hope you’re having a great day!

  2. Jenn
    April 29th, 2024 at 4:57 pm · Link

    Viki, Turbo’s team played one of “those” teams the previous week, and it stressed everyone out. I guess it makes us appreciate the more kind and supportive parents.

    C really is awesome! I’m so glad you have the help. I’m so sorry about the obsessive behavior — it’s very hard to deal with. And seriously, it’s still for C to have nearly gotten thrown our for helping his dad understand the instructions.

    As long as your hubs is okay driving to church and back, it’s probably good for him. I’m glad he got his license renewed!

    Ugh, I don’t want you to suffer in the heat :-(. Maybe you can cool the house a little bit? Well, you know what’s best, I just know you don’t like being hot. We are having warmer weather too, but it’s not bad yet.

    Enjoy your evening!

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