Jennifer Lyon

Friday, May 31st, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! It’s the last day of May and time to share five random things about our week. Truthfully, I’m hard pressed to find anything to share, but here goes my attempt.

  1. I’ve been quiet this week. Nothing wrong, just not much to say. Something I have way too much to say, so the Internet should definitely enjoy the moment!
  2. It’s warming up so I guess summer will come :-) This is when I think of our old pool, but it’s sure nice that Youngest has a pool!
  3. Hilariously, I bought a (somewhat modest) bikini AFTER coming home from Hawaii. And really, Hawaii is where I would have used it. I don’t look great it in, but I’m okay with that.
  4. We are trying to figure out a way to celebrate Middle’s birthday (two days ago!) but schedules are challenging us. However we will do it, as Middle is very important to all of us! He’s also going to be a dad in roughly 3 months :-)
  5. Today I’m seeing Biker Witch and happy about that. Before Hawaii she had a lot going on, plus I had stuff — so this will be nice! This weekend plans are exciting things like cleaning the carpets in the bedroom. Hope no one is jealous of my amazing life, LOL!!!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! Have a great weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    May 31st, 2024 at 11:20 am · Link

    Happy belated to Middle and CONGRATULATIONS!!! To Middle, his better half ( :wink: ) and to you and Wiz! Your Hawaii trip sounded like fun but I’m sure Maggie is happy to have her people home. Cute pups! Hope they find a good home. Nothing wrong with being quiet, wearing bikinis (unless you’re me!) and yay for time with Biker Witch! Okay, my five with are…like…zilch. :lol:

    1. I spent most of the day yesterday at my desk sorting medical bills and paying them. Ugh. By bedtime, I was ready for pain meds, the heating pad, and bed.

    2. I missed Spring. LG would occasionally take pictures if he saw a flower blooming. :roll: We’ve had rain and now the flower beds look like the jungle. Wild grapevine is a PITA! Maybe if I could harvest the occasional grape I wouldn’t mind so much but they don’t produce.

    3. I have confused Pete. He’s used to napping on the bed while I nap. Sitting in my office is a novelty. However, he is currently happily curled up on the cat tree between my desk and the window.

    4. LG needed my driver’s license number for something. When I pulled it out of my wallet, we discovered it expired the end of March. Good thing I’ve only driving twice recently–once when LG locked his keys in his truck and once to take Jake on a ride while we charge up my battery. LG has had to jump it about 6 times because we forget to go start it. Oops. :-?

    5. Since I’m now reaching for straws, I’ll mention that I am really enjoying the Graphic Audio versions of some of my favorite books. GA is currently working on Ilona Andrews’s Kate Daniels series. At first, I wasn’t sure I liked the full-cast narration but now, after the 6th book, I’m hooked!

    And yeah, I’ll lay odds my life is more boring than yours. LOL I didn’t want to mention the downer stuff like weight loss, food, and my Cowgirls now having to come back through the losers bracket in the Women’s College World Series. Before last night, softball has been a great distraction this spring. :D Anyway, have an awesome weekend, all!

  2. Viki S.
    May 31st, 2024 at 2:19 pm · Link

    1. Slow weeks are good. We need them now and then.
    2. I bet you miss your pool but BLB having one is good. Doesn’t he live close to you?
    3. Ha Ha. That is just how it works. It would have been good to have the bikini in Hawaii but now you have to excuse to go see BLB more often.
    4. Scheduling is SO hard. I hope you get it worked out and you can all get together soon. It’s so cool that you’re going to have another grandbaby soon 💕.
    5. Yes! Time with Biker Witch! Yuck – cleaning carpets 🤣.

    1a. I was going to write that Silver is posting and there she is ahead of me 💗. It’s such great news.
    2a. The reason I didn’t post earlier is that I got my hair done 😊.
    3a. I bought new blackout drapes for a spare bedroom. It was A’s room. It may be where I will be going to get some sleep. C is coming over, maybe tis afternoon, to put up the rod for me.
    4a. Seems someone tried to break into my Kohls account but they were on it. They alerted me right away and things look okay.
    5a. It’s been in the mid 80’s and of course the air conditioner wouldn’t work. The chipmunks were in there again and built the largest nest we’ve ever seen. They chewed wires so I didn’t have to replace the condenser this time – thank God. It’s been chilly the past two days. At night it has been in the low 40’s and because of hubs, I’ve had to turn on the furnace. It is being shutdown tomorrow until fall.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and don’t over do it cleaning.

  3. Jenn
    May 31st, 2024 at 4:15 pm · Link

    Silver!!! I just commented on FB (which fed from your blog). It’s so good to see you, but dang, woman you have been through it! And still working your way toward full health. I admire your will. From where you sit, you man not be able to see how amazing you are, but you truly are. That was a big and scary surgery.

    Now for your five:
    1) Medical bills are a terrible burden for too many folks these days. I’m so sorry :-(
    2) Spring misbehaved a lot without your supervision :-) If your noticing the garden beds are unruly, maybe that means you’re getting better? I hope so! And why are grapevines so unruly and also just decide not to provide fruit? I’ve heard this from others too.
    3) At least Pete figured out a way to deal with his confusion. Glad he found a suitable alternative.
    4) I can see how easily your license renewal slipped your mind. Who even thinks about it on years we don’t have surgery?
    5) Good to hear your enjoying the Graphic Audio versions! Anything you find some joy in right now is a very good thing!

    I don’t know if your life is more boring, but I’ll concede you’ve had way more challenges. I am praying that you’ve turned a corner and will regain your health, along with your appetite and weight, to return to full health. Regaining the ability to eat enough calories should help, but it’s definitely a process.

    And thank you so much for brightening my day today! I’ve been really worried about you, and seeing you online has made a big difference.

  4. Jenn
    May 31st, 2024 at 4:25 pm · Link

    Viki, yes, BLB lives 10 minutes away, so it’s really nice. And yeah, scheduling is harder with all the kids these days, but everyone is trying and that’s what counts. We settled on a week from tomorrow. Now for you:

    1) I saw Silver’s post this morning and was thrilled! I waited until I got to my computer in the afternoon to comment. Isn’t it great to see her?
    2) Hope you love your hair!!! I haven’t been at the computer until after 2pm my time today anyway.
    3) Great idea to set up the other bedroom. I hope it helps!
    4) Kudos to Kohl’s!!! I’m so glad they caught it and it didn’t cause you any headaches. It’s maddening that people do this all the time now.
    5) Oh no!!! I mean yeah, it could have been worse for sure. But still, it’s still an added expense and annoyance for you. Huh, I didn’t realize you completely shut down the furnace (CA doesn’t have real seasons!). I’m sorry you had to turn it back on, but 40 degrees is cold to me so I can understand.

    I’ve been pacing myself on cleaning because my body insists :-) But thank you! And I hope you have a great weekend, and start getting some more sleep with the blackout drapes in the spare bedroom!

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