Jennifer Lyon

Friday, June 14th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF! It’s been another fast week for me. Okay let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week.

  1. I’m fighting with my voicemail. It tells me my password is not valid. Then I got it two work for two days. Then back to not working. So frustrating! I’ve been to Verizon once, and of course, it worked while in the store. I asked them to take the password off, but they said they can’t and tried to upsale me another feature (for an additional monthly fee). I left. But last night, in desperation, I tried to add the new feature last night. So far it’s not working, but maybe it needs time…I dunno. I’ll probably be back at Verizon today.
  2. I got my hair cut, but am holding off on changing the color. I’m thinking about doing something that blends brown and gray, but I’m not committed yet. Plus other stuff is going on at the moment so we decided to just trim it up, and see how things go health wise first, then think about changing the color.
  3. Huge Kudos to Wizard for finding us Homeowners Insurance! Ours went up thousands (and I mean multiple thousands!) and many insurance companies have left the state, while the very few that remain refuse to insure us. I’m fully aware that many states are going though this, but since I live in California, I feel justified in adding that the state has contributed to it as well. (I try to only comment on the state that I live in :-) ) I will be sending the Insurance Commissioner some helpful information <insert as much sarcastic anger as possible into this comment>. I’m over it. While I love California for many reasons, it doesn’t make me blind to her faults.
  4. So this is a long story short: It looks like I’ll be having another surgery to remove at least part of my thyroid. The hope is to keep my thyroid function. It sure has been a crazy ride, but overall, I’m feeling good and everything will be fine. We’re waiting for authorization then we’ll schedule it. I’ve seen a lot of doctors, had a lot of tests, and the one that sounds the worst — a needle in my throat — was the easiest, quickest and the most informative! That cracks me up. Again, I will be fine. This is just something that needs to be taken care of.
  5. Sunday is Father’s Day and I want to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day! Oldest son is traveling, we just saw Middle last weekend, and I think Youngest and wife is coming over for dinner on Sunday — but that’s a loose and flexible plan. I’ll take Wizard to breakfast too. It’s a good day to celebrate dads and all they do!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    June 14th, 2024 at 12:57 pm · Link

    Tech can be such a PITA! I feel for you travails, truly! Yay for haircut and probably wise to wait on colorchange. Yay for Wiz’s perseverance. Rates are going up here too, due to the tornadoes. At least our Ins. Comm. is good at his job. Holding good thoughts on the surgery–may you heal quickly and may this take care of so many of your health issues! Many hugs! We got lucky with picking good fathers when we married. :) Okay, my 5:

    1. I went to the tag agency yesterday to renew my expired driver’s license and switch it to a Real ID–not that I’m planning on flying anywhere or trying to enter the federal courthouse but better to have it than not.

    2. Because I’m older than dirt, the license is free so the gal “upgraded” me to the eight-year license, which is extra for non-old people. She was an absolute hoot and I feel bad because my car is also so old that the license tag is $1.00. They make nothing of me. LOL

    3. Yes, all the gals working there came out to pet Jake.

    4. A small squirrel has discovered he can scaled the Virginia creeper vine on the wall to get on the outside window sill of my office. This gives him access to the bird feeder. So far, he has not done this when Pete is in residence. I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes when it happens.

    5. It’s time for lunch. I need to decide between a turkey sandwich or brat-n-sauerkraut on a tosted bun with mustard. Tough choice. ;)

    Have a great weekend, all! 🥰

  2. Viki S.
    June 14th, 2024 at 2:35 pm · Link

    1. That stinks with your voicemail. The new add on feature is just wrong. It sounds like they’re just trying to get more money for something that is included with a “PHONE.” Side note – I wouldn’t even know if there were a problem with mine.
    2. It’s always a good day when we get our hair done. I agree, holding off on the color is probably a good decision.
    3. Excellent job Wizard! It’s insane that your ins. went up $K’s. I’m glad Wizard worked and found a better rate.
    4. So leaving part of the thyroid should keep you from having to take hormones? That’s fantastic. Not only is taking another pill a pain in the butt but how those pills come to be makes me ill. Sure hope you get things lined up and are feeling right as rain super quick.
    5. Happy Father’s Day Wizard! Your breakfast plan is nice.

    1a. C took hubs to TN this morning. This past week has been awful with him obsessing over going. They got there about 2:25 my time. They took Luna to 1 yr old dog. She’s afraid of Harrison 😄.
    2a. Those raccoons are making my hummers angry. I’ve decided to take in the feeders around 7PM and put them back out at 5:45AM. That should keep them from anymore coon damage and the hummers will be fed all day.
    3a. It’s been working it’s way up to hot here. Yesterday it was 91F but today only 83F. By Tuesday it’s supposed to be 95F+ and stay in the 90’s for awhile. I hate it. Fingers crossed the AC keeps working.
    4a. Not planning any thing for Father’s Day here. I have a small gift and a card for hubs but that’s it. Being in TN was C’s gift and I’m sure Harrison and clan have something for hubs too. A will be by next week some time.
    5a. I’m looking forward to an uninterrupted nights sleep tonight 💗.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Jenn
    June 14th, 2024 at 2:49 pm · Link

    Silver, tech is a total pain, but I gave in and have the voice to text feature now. Due to the medical situation, I need to be able to access my voicemail. Thanks on the rest! Now for you:

    1) It’s a good document to have. It’s like me renewing my passport — I don’t have any plans to use it, but I have it if I need to use it. Glad you got it done!
    2) Wow, I’m happy you got upgraded to 8 years while being jealous at the same time :-)
    3) Still jealous — I want to pet Jake too. But so happy he got all the attention he deserves.
    4) I can’t wait to hear about Pete’s reaction when he sees the squirrel! I’m not surprised the squirrel found his way to the feeder — then seem to be very resourceful critters.
    5) I’m guessing it was brat-n-sauerkraut on a toasted bun with mustard!

    I really hope you have a great weekend, and Happy Father’s Day to LG.

  4. Jenn
    June 14th, 2024 at 3:03 pm · Link

    Viki, I agree the add on feature is wrong, but I already love it compared to the old way I had to access voicemail. So I guess I’m getting something for my money. On my thyroid, I’m going to see another surgeon at the end of the month (insurance is directing that, not me), but yes, if they can only take out the one lobe, then I should retain thyroid function and avoid hormones. We’ll see what happens. Now for you:

    1) I hope hubs has a great time with C in Tenn. But I’m sorry it’s been such a hard week. i don’t know how you do it all.
    2) Good plan to bring the feeder in for the night, then back out in the morning. It’s one more task to do, but it should prevent the racoons from getting into it. I don’t blame the hummingbirds for being mad!
    3) I’m crossing my fingers for your A/C!. The heat is unbearable without it!
    4) Sounds like hubs is having a good weekend, and will be fine without a big plan. I just wanted to do something for Wizard — this stuff with me has been hard on him. But he’s been a rock and I want him to know I appreciate it.
    5) I bet!!! I hope you get lots and lots of sleep!! You must be so tired. I also hope you’re able to continue getting much needed breaks.

    Have and good weekend and sleep well!!

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