Jennifer Lyon

Monday, June 17th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

Oh look, Monday arrived right on time :-) So our weekend was good. Saturday I cleaned and prepped to have youngest and his wife over on Father’s Day. They are absolutely the easiest people to have over for dinner. So the cleaning and prep was most anxiety driven to keep myself busy while dealing with an insurance curveball in my treatment. Things will be fine, it’s just my inner control freak doesn’t like it, and I had to physically exhaust her to shut her up :-) And yet she still wakes me up in the night to uselessly fret. She needs drugs, LOLOL! The same inner control freak drove me crazy when I was writing, along with the characters waking me up to chat in the middle of night. I’m used to voices in my head :-)

Sunday (Father’s Day!), Wizard and I went out to breakfast to a place we haven’t been to since well before Covid, and really enjoyed it. I had a Mediterranean omelet with feta cheese. It was so good! That afternoon, youngest and his wife came over and we had a fun and relaxing time. We ate and laughed way too much :-) Maggie was exhausted when they left.

How was your weekend, and if you celebrated Father’s Day — how was that?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    June 17th, 2024 at 1:05 pm · Link

    Hey, look at it this way…the voices in our heads keep us company. ;) Sorry for the insurance SNAFU. Had a bit of that lately too, but found out that there’s $168 I DON’T owe to the medical practice, but there is $110 that they show as billed but I’ve never received. :roll: But hey, I’m coming out $50 ahead so that’s a yay. So glad y’all had a great time on Father’s Day.

    We didn’t do much of anything. I started rereading the WIP in prep for Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo. Not sure what the “Lo” stands for. It’s a writing challenge BE and I are doing with/to each other to get us back in the writing habit. We have to write new words every day or get the “Wagging Finger of Doom.” :lol:

    LG didn’t want anything special for yesterday. He slept in until noon and then decided he just had to go to the grocery store(s). I swear. That man will drive to four different stores looking for one thing. :roll: He grumbles but I think he secretly enjoys the “hunt.” Whatever. :-P

    I listened to a book, played a stupid bubble shooter game and watched some pro softball. Totally low-key. MD appointment went will this morning. The doc is happy with my progress but ordered a bunch of blood work to make sure I’m actually on track. I’m all for an abundance of caution.

    Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    June 17th, 2024 at 2:36 pm · Link

    Sorry about the insurance nightmare. I hope you have it worked out.

    Oh that inner control freak we all have is quite the pain in the butt at times, like the middle of the night. If only there was a drug for her. The drug companies would make a ton of money off of every female.

    Maggie must have thought it was Maggie Day not Father’s Day yesterday. Glad she had a great time and that Wizard had a nice day. The omelet you had sounds delicious😋.

    C had hubs home before 1PM. Hubs was up at 3 AM trying to get C to leave. I think they had a nice short visit.

    I text Harrison’s dad a Happy Father’s Day thinking he’d say something about hubs leaving w/o saying goodbye. Instead he told me that he had just won a smoker from the restaurant Mission BBQ. The thing cost over 1K. Pretty cool.

    Well it’s HOT. Right now is 93F and super humid. It’s going to be in the 90’s for at least the next week – yuck!

    I hope you’re having a great day!

  3. Jenn
    June 17th, 2024 at 3:25 pm · Link

    Silver, oh yeah, try and figure out what the true amount we owe is confounding and irritating. But if you’re coming out ahead, you’re winning…sort of :-) That said, medical bills are so overwhelming, I’m not trying not to think about the $$ involved in this next medical adventure for me.

    Yay for you and B.E.’s writing challenge!!! Even if you don’t know what the “Lo” stands for! I think about writing just for me. Now that would be fun as long as I didn’t let the internal editors out of mind-jail.

    Um…I’ve done that driving everywhere for an ingredient for baking :-) And I complained to, LOL. But if he got to sleep in and do his day his way, then it counts!

    Low key weekends are underrated for mental health, and we need mental health when trying to regain our physical health, so you did the right thing!

    I’m glad your dr. appt when well, and she’s doing cautionary blood panels. You’ve worked to hard to get to this point — you don’t need any more setbacks that could be prevented!

    I hope your Monday is off to a good start, and you got your challenge-words done today. As long as you showed up and tried, you win!

  4. Jenn
    June 17th, 2024 at 3:32 pm · Link

    Viki, the insurance wants me to see another surgeon for this particular procedure. I have it scheduled with the help of the original ENT office, and we’ll see how it goes.

    Maggie had a great time, LOL! But so did Wizard and all of us. Sometimes low key is best.

    Wow that was a quick trip for C and hubs. But it sounds like it turned out well, if a little short. C’s a great son for doing all this and helping where he can.

    That’s wonderful for Harrison’s dad to win that smoker!! I bet he’s planning a lot of meals!

    Ugh on the heat. We had it for a few days too, now it’s dialed down to the 80s. Hope your A/C is working!

    Oh and I hope you got some sleep over the weekend!
    Have a nice evening.

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