Jennifer Lyon

Friday, June 21st, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. I finally bought some knives! They were on sale which always makes me happy. I think they’ll be fine for me.
  2. The receptionist at Maggie’s vet is my hero! I spent days with Chewy trying to sort out a prescription snafu with Maggie’s food. Basically we just needed a one bag of food and treats before she sees her vet for her annual exam and shots in August. But Chewy was doing things like approving the treats, but saying there was no prescription for the food. Then they sent me an email that the food was approved, but not the treats. Does that sound logical to you? I tried to explain this but customer service could not figure out anything and suggested I get a new prescription. I went in circles for days, and finally I took Maggie to her normal bi-monthly vet-tech appointment, and told the receptionist what was happening. I told her I’d happy cancel the chewy order, and order the food from them instead. But she wasn’t having it, and called Chewy. Within a couple hours, the problem was fixed, the food shipped and now I have it! Maggie won’t starve! In the receptionist’s words were: “They had 85 reasons why this snafu happened, and not one of them made any sense.”  I laughed in relief. It’s not me! I’m not the problem! I also thanked her profusely. (Maggie has prescription food to help prevent bladder stones).
  3. I also spent this week trying and failing repeatedly to get test results for my surgeon appointment next week. This would be hilarious if it were a skit on Saturday Night Live. At this point, I’m just going to trust the surgeon’s office has the report. They said they did, so all should be fine. Let’s hope so because I think my patience is running on empty :-)
  4. My Cilantro Plant is moody and probably looking to unalive himself. Well, actually, he’s actively trying to unalive himself. My other plants are all happy and well adjusted. But my favorite herb to use just has to be a delicate, moody, unpredictable creature. I may have to decide to NOT like cilantro in my food because I can’t take this heartbreak anymore :-) Or I suppose I could just buy it at the store as needed.
  5. This weekend, I’m seeing a friend for lunch! She just got back from Hawaii, so I can’t wait to hear about her trip with her family. It’s a total coincidence that she and I both went with our families about a month apart. We’d both booked the trips before we found out the other was going. Life is so weird sometimes!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours. I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

6 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    June 21st, 2024 at 6:19 am · Link

    Yay for knives! Yay for them on sale! (I do love me some sales.) Ugh about the food snafu. I’m glad you got it all straightened out, though. Ugh also about the doctor thing. Derp. Aww, poor Cilantro. Yay for lunch with a friend and getting updates!

    1) I’m back, baby. Better than ever.
    1a) I’ve missed you and the other witches. :hugs:
    2) It’ll take a while for me to stop thinking about work all the time.
    3) Silver and I are doing a NaNo type thing in July (Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo – write every day with no other expectations) because we both need to get back in the saddle after time away from writing, and this is the best way I can think of to do that.
    4) My kitty Boyz are still weirded out that I’m home all day every day.
    5) I think I’ll make brownies today. Why? Because I can. LOL

  2. Silver James
    June 21st, 2024 at 1:16 pm · Link

    Knives Out! Weird. I’ve never had a problem with Chewy but then I don’t do prescription stuff through them. Yay for vet receptionist! 🤞🏼 that the surgeon has it. Your patience may snap if not. Cilantro loves the cool/cold. Try putting it near the AC vent at night? Yay for friend’s lunch and Hawaii comparisions! You’ve had a week, woman! Okay, my five:

    1) Loki has gotten up on the bed with me several times this week. He’s even let me stroke down his back. It’s only taken 5 years. Cats. :roll:

    2) I am so glad my new doctors and the hospital use an app. I can log in and look at all my lab results. Luckily, my eye surgeon is also on the app so his office can pull up stuff to check on my general health. It’s called My Chart. Of course, I have to google all the tests to see what they’re for. :lol:

    3) Speaking of googling, I need to look for some exercises to built up my a$$. It’s so bony that I need to build some muscle for padding so I can sit comfortably.

    4. Jake has gone to Starbucks twice this week. He is a very happy camper! He’s gotten to ride with bonus pup cups! Yesterday, he got TWO because the person who made the first one put it in a “taste” cup. I’d specifically asked for one in an oatmeal cup. I rolled down the window and Jake stuck his head out. They gave him two in the big cups. :lol: And it’s not like I’m costing them extra, other than the cup because I order my frappucino “no whip”.

    5. I always have trouble coming up with a 5th thing. Pete hasn’t been entertaining. I’ve already talked about Jake and Loki. I haven’t done anything but go for a doctor check-up, vote, and hit Starbucks twice. Oh. I did write 250 words yesterday and they weren’t random but now I have to find the spot where I can insert them in the WIP. Still mostly reading it (it’s currently 107K words) to figure out what the heck the story is and who the characters are. Why yes, my brain is fogged, thank you. ;)

    Have a great weekend. Gonna be hot here so I’m staying in.

  3. Viki S.
    June 21st, 2024 at 2:07 pm · Link

    1. Great news on the knives. What brand did you get?
    2. That receptionist is worth her weight in gold. When someone really makes an effort like that it makes me smile. There are still VERY good people out there.
    3. Fingers are crossed that the surgeons office has the information they need. It’s so annoying when you can’t get stuff that actually belongs to YOU.
    4. Poor Mr. Cilantro. Try getting him out of the high sun. I don’t grow it because I use more than I can grow. I pick it up at Aldi for 65 cents a bag.
    5. Have a great time with your friend. It will be fun comparing Hawaii trips. Did you stay on the same island?

    1a. It’s humid and yucky. Thank heaven for the working AC. It’s so strange. I’m wearing just about nothing and the air is running. Hubs is wearing winter clothes. I know it’s all part of the dementia.
    2a. I have to go buy paint for our bathroom this weekend. I chose a dusky rose instead of salmon. It picks up the other pinkish shade in the tile.
    3a. Last week I went on my library site and found all legal forms. I filled out the will and POA’s. C proofed them for me and we will print them this weekend. I plan to take hubs and get them notarized early next week.
    4a. The visiting nurse showed up yesterday and hubs was having none of it. He wouldn’t let her past the foyer. Hopefully he’ll become more accepting soon.
    5a. I’m trying to get a birdbath. The Aldi ad had one but they never got them in. When I search for them, the cheapest one is twice as much as the Aldi one would have been. Being the cheap person I am, I will continue to look.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    June 21st, 2024 at 3:03 pm · Link

    B.E., the knives (and the price) make me happy! The report thing has been 7 kinds of weird this week, but I bet I’ll get it with no problem next week AFTER the doctor appointment because life is like that.

    1) Such great news, and you sound energized!
    2) I’ve missed you too :-)
    3) I love the idea of you and Silver doing a challenge that only requires writing with no expectations. It’s a proven method of freeing up creativity.
    4) I don’t think the kitties like unapproved schedule changes, LOL! They’ll adjust.
    5) Not only can you make them, but you should! Any day that includes brownies is a good day.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Jenn
    June 21st, 2024 at 3:17 pm · Link

    Silver, Chewy has been great for me as for orders and delivery, but this is the second time I’ve had problems getting the prescriptions through the system correctly. But once they realized the problem, they immediately got all her food and treats delivered so it’s fine. It was just all part of my week.

    I moved my plants today as it’s getting super hot. We’ll see. I trimmed Cilantro and trying to baby him, but it may just be too fast and harsh a change for him to deal with.

    1) Loki is too funny. I guess he’s finally accepting you :-) If I remember right, he choose LG as his person?
    2) I’m jealous of your My Chart app!! My doctor’s all use poor substitutes so all I get are visit summaries. But I’m glad you get yours! Also, I consult Dr. Google for everything (as long as you know which sites to use as a reference!) I’m so glad you have a good app that’s regularly updated!
    3) I hate butt exercises, so you can have them all :-) Also, gaining some weight will help (if you want to regain some of the weight you lost).
    4) Jake more than pays for his pup cups! I’m sure he’s providing valuable therapy by making them all smile at his pup cup joy! And, of course, it’s excellent marketing.
    5) Writing is worthy of Friday Five! You guys are inspiring me a bit too. And your book-in-progress is long, so there’s a good story in there. Trust your internal editor to sort it out later, just keep writing.

    Hope you have a fun weekend and get some words in! It’ll be hot here too.

  6. Jenn
    June 21st, 2024 at 3:32 pm · Link

    Viki, I got Nanfang Brothers. I debated for months on Wusthof but I just didn’t want to spend that much money. I really like this as they fit my grip, which keeps me from randomly dropping it — kind of important!

    So true on the report! The pathology office has a “policy” of not giving reports to patients. And I’m like, three different doctors (including the pathologist) at three separate visits have all gone over the diagnosis. And so far, I haven’t freaked out once, so maybe we can trust me to see it in writing? Since, you know, it’s my body and life we’re discussing here? Anyway, I’ll shove my sarcasm back in the box now :-) But I also bet it’s just been my strange week and next week I’ll get it with minimal effort (just for my records)

    And on Hawaii, I believe she was on Maui and I was on Oahu.

    1) Humidity sucks. I’m sorry you guys are enduring it, but glad your AC works. Lately, I’m the one cold and Wizard is hot — it used to be opposite. But I get that it’s different with hubs.
    2) I’m sure it’ll look fresh and pretty when you’re done.
    3) I bet that will be a relief to have the will and POA done.
    4) That’s so frustrating for you. I’m sure she’s probably used to it if she deals with dementia. Still hard for you to see it when you know the nurse is there to help!
    5) Darn it, Aldi! It’s very hit and miss (a bit like Trader Joes can be at times). I hope they get them in soon at that price or you can find another one you like just as much at that price. I’m pretty sure I’m as cheap or cheaper than you! It took me forever to buy knives! Wizard kept threatening to pick them out himself and that wasn’t going to make anyone happy, so that and the price made me finally do it.

    I hope you have an easy, low stress and fun weekend!

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