Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
Wednesday Reading

Grr, I got sucked into a book before I read the blurb. See I saw a list of books recommended by readers on FB, and I downloaded some samples. Then I random began reading samples, and found this one entertaining. I bought it — then read what I bought.

This category is generally not for me.

But I’m sucked in!

What do I do??? (That’s a rhetorical question — I’ll keep reading because the author is talented enough to suck me in enough to click buy without checking out what I was buying.)

Does this ever happen to you?

P.S. I’m not naming the book because I don’t want to :-)

6 comments to “Wednesday Reading”

  1. Silver James
    June 26th, 2024 at 9:32 am · Link

    I’m weird when it comes to books. And I have weird tastes in what I read. I grew up on Zane Grey, Louis L’Amour, Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Andre Norton, Mary Stewart, and Phyllis A. Whitney. Is that not all over the reading map? :lol: Then I branched out to CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Leon Uris. I warned you. Weird tastes!

    I’m trying to think of the last book that sucked me in like you were “caught” that was off my reading radar. *puts on thinking face* 🤔 … … …

    Nope, nothing comes to mind, which does not mean that it can’t happen, it’s just that I tend to read the blurb before checking the sample. You do have my curiosity up re: your current read!

  2. Viki S.
    June 26th, 2024 at 1:57 pm · Link

    I can’t remember getting sucked into a book that I wouldn’t normally read. I just don’t tend to pick up anything I’m not planning to give a shot.

    Ha Ha on not giving the title. Good for you :wink: .

    All the paperwork got notarized this morning. Happy dance. Wish me luck with getting him to go for the MRI tomorrow.

    Have a great afternoon!

  3. Jenn
    June 26th, 2024 at 3:17 pm · Link

    Silver, I’m all for variety! I finished the book. I’ll tell you this much, it’s a sort of paranormal romance. But twisted. I really liked it :-)

    I’m trying to remember if I read the actual blurb or the reviews. Normally I would read the blurb, but for some reason, I think was looking for something in the reviews that I can’t remember now :-) But hey, the weird decision got me a good book so I can’t complain!

  4. Jenn
    June 26th, 2024 at 3:20 pm · Link

    Viki, I can see the wisdom in that! But sometimes I get on highly recommended lists, and the get curious. Samples are great for that. I passed on two samples before I got sucked into this one and then I read this book in two days.

    Yay for getting the documents notarized! That gives you the control you need. Now I’m crossing my fingers you can get him to, and through, the MRI!

  5. Silver James
    June 26th, 2024 at 3:59 pm · Link

    I”m all for good books and twisted sort of paranormal romances is totally a thing. LOLOL

  6. Jenn
    June 27th, 2024 at 1:10 pm · Link

    Silver, agreed! If you want the title, it’s LIGHTBEARER. If you check it out, it’ll take you 10 seconds to figure it that “dark and twisted” wasn’t the part that normally doesn’t interest me :-) Now I’m glad I didn’t read the title page or blurb, but just skipped to grabbing a sample.

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