Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

You know that sick feeling when you realized you screwed up? I had that moment this week.

So we are moving along, planning my daughter-in-law’s baby shower, and I was thinking I’m on top of things? Then…

I suddenly realized I left someone important off the guest list! The invitations already went out, and she would be aware of that.

Yeah…I did that. I literally felt sick when I realized it! I called the friend and apologized, and she was super gracious and wouldn’t even let me grovel. Even better, she immediately accepted both my apology and the invitation to join us.

She’s awesome and I’m…still a work in progress??? LOLOL!!

It’s all good. I think she really did understand I didn’t intend that exclude her! That’s the important thing.

But I’m clearly not on top of things in case anyone was wondering :-)

Anyone else every get that sick realization? And were you lucky enough to have someone gracious and understanding like I did?

Happy Wednesday!

6 comments to “”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    July 3rd, 2024 at 8:00 am · Link

    Ack! I’m glad it worked out for you. Yes, I get that awful, sick feeling more often than I want to. Less now then when I was at work, though. That’s what comes of being too busy to devote the right amount of attention to my tasks. And no, I didn’t have gracious and understanding people. Most times, I managed to fix the errors before anyone notices.

    Speaking of work, I totally missed that you are awaiting a second grandbaby! YAY! Is Turbo getting a sibling or are one of the other boys becoming dads? Either way, I’m so happy for you and them!

  2. Silver James
    July 3rd, 2024 at 8:46 am · Link

    One of the sitcoms (the one with Cedric the Entertainer) did that situation, only the pregnant future DiL didn’t invite future MiL because the shower was in Canada. MiL played it to the drama queen hilt. Not sure why I was watching it except I’d been on the channel and didn’t switch off the TV while doing something else. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    So glad you have lovely friends but then I can’t imagine you having any but!

    I’m not sure I ever unintentionally didn’t invite someone. Mine were always very intentional! 🤣 But yeah, I get the total mortification and need to grovel. (My college boyfriend threw a surprise b-day party for my 20th and I sat in the birthday cake. 🤣🤣🤣 )

    Can’t wait on future updates on the new arrival! 🥰

  3. Viki S.
    July 3rd, 2024 at 10:20 am · Link

    Oh no! That can so easily happen, especially when you have so many other things going on in your life. I’m sure your friend understands. Things like that happen to all of us. I’m glad she can and is going.

    Happy Independence Day tomorrow!

  4. Jenn
    July 3rd, 2024 at 1:43 pm · Link

    B.E. it’s a pretty icky feeling, isn’t it? Fortunately, my friend did understand. I’m so sorry you didn’t have the same experience.

    Yes! She due around August 31st. It’s not Turbo’s parents, but my middle son and his wife. They are thrilled with this life surprise and we’re all beyond excited. Turbo will be an amazing older cousin to this child. And it’s our first granddaughter! Can you tell how excited we are???? LOL.

    Happy Fourth of July!

  5. Jenn
    July 3rd, 2024 at 1:51 pm · Link

    Silver, isn’t funny how we can land on a TV show like that? This friend is actually another daughter in laws mom which makes her my son’s mother in law (if you follow that, LOL) so there’s that similarity. However, she was so cool and sweet about it.

    LOL on intentionally not inviting. I’m sure we’ve all had those.

    I snort-laughed at sitting in the birthday cake! I’m not laughing at you just…it’s funny. But that would definitely mortify me. I’m still not over spilling coffee on Maureen Child at a conference. We were and are still friend, but that was a pretty embarrassing moment :-)

    Thank you on the baby! She should be here late August or early September.

    Have a safe and happy Fourth! Hope the critters do okay. Maggie will be stressed but we’ll stay with her.

  6. Jenn
    July 3rd, 2024 at 1:53 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks! I’m happy she’s going too. I know it happens, but I hate being thoughtless even by accident.

    Hope you guys have a great Fourth! Wizard and I will go out to a very early dinner then be home with Maggie long before fireworks begin.

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