Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024
Who’s Reading and What are You Reading?

I just haven’t been reading. There’s lots of reasons, but one thing I have been into lately is listening to trial lawyer podcasts following trials that are live streamed in real time with the lawyers commentary. Recently, I just happened to be two of the strangest trials with unexpected plot twists so I was hooked and not reading or listening to anything else :-) I’ve loosely followed other trials too lately. Why? No idea, my interests can bounce around and I guess it keeps me learning. It’s also good to have on in the background as I’m cooking, gardening or doing projects in the house.

I miss reading and I’m going to spend some quality time searching for really good books. Catching and keeping my interest lately is pretty tough.

How about you? Are you reading? And if so, share what you’re reading!

Happy Wednesday!

4 comments to “Who’s Reading and What are You Reading?”

  1. Viki S.
    July 17th, 2024 at 10:45 am · Link

    I’m barely reading too. I’m just too tired. I have read a couple cookbooks and a book on health and energy. I’m still working on ICE COLD KISS by Cynthia Eden. I really like it but just can’t seem to stay awake at night to read.

    I hope all is going well. What projects are you doing around the house? Sure hope they’re fun.

    I’m still waiting for hubs dr. to do a peer on peer with his ins. to get the MRI going. Who would think it would take this bloody long?

    It’s supposed to cool down tomorrow and Friday and then back to nasty. I hope you get a cool down too.

  2. Silver James
    July 17th, 2024 at 1:03 pm · Link

    I haven’t actually *read* anything in awhile. Listening? Yup. I’m currently on the 4th book of Larissa Ione’s Demonica/Four Horsemen series. I zipped through the first three but this one is slightly bogged down for me. I loved this series way back in the way back and evidently she’s releasing a new follow-on series involing the next generation. I’m a long way from that. LOL

    A book that caught my eye in a newsletter is ROYAL STREET by Suzanne Johnson. It’s a 2012 UF first-in-series set in New Orleans with wizards, vampires, and other otherworldly critters. Sadly, not available in audio but I read part of the sample and it sounds interesting. Maybe if I have eyesight left at the end of publishing this WIP. LOL There’s another witchy book that caught my eye, WITCHES OF LYCHFORD by Paul Cornell. It’s also book 1 of a series and is available in audio from both my library AND Hoopla, which is a win because the book budget is pretty non-existent at this time. I’ll probably try it next, once I’m done with ECSTACY UNVEILED.

    We got some rain and cooler temps today. Yay. Hope y’all get back on the reading train. 😉

  3. Jenn
    July 17th, 2024 at 3:44 pm · Link

    Viki, I know you’ve been struggling with reading too. Cookbooks are fun to read! And I just bought a non fiction about medicine today :-)

    Mostly working on my daughter in law’s shower — the rest is boring stuff and tons of dealing with getting through the medical system.

    I agree on how hard is it? But it seems to be really hard and so frustrating. I hope you can get it schedule soon. We have a slight cool down and then more heat coming. Guess it’s summer!!

    Hope you have a great evening!

  4. Jenn
    July 17th, 2024 at 3:47 pm · Link

    Silver, I need to write down the titles! Well I know Larissa’s and I’m sure I have all her books on Kindle so I could go back and read those — not a bad idea actually. Glad you’re enjoying them too! I like the Horsemen but I love her Demonica (I think that’s the name?) series.

    But the other two are new to me! I need to just keep trying, when I like a book, I get hooked.

    Yay for rain!!!

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