Jennifer Lyon

Monday, July 22nd, 2024
Weekend Roundup

It was a pretty quiet weekend overall and nice enough. But late Sunday afternoon I opened the door to get a package on the porch, immediately smelled smoke and my eyes started burning. The fire is some distance away from us, so not a concern for us directly but causing evacuations for others. I hate fires.

Aside from that, my weekend went well except for nose bleeds. I had a sudden and significant one Friday morning while getting Maggie’s breakfast. Wizard came in and finished feeding her while I went into the bathroom to take care of it. I got it to stop in about five minutes and that’s good. But then I returned to the kitchen and found blood on the floor and running down a white cupboard. Wizard surveyed it, then turned to look at me. “Don’t disappear. The cops will luminal this place and arrest me. I’ll never be able to explain all this blood!” I cracked up. He was only half kidding, and I laughed harder. Because sometimes, we just have to laugh!

Saturday I had a couple minor nosebleeds, and Sunday was blood free! I have a prescription ointment I’m usually and hopefully that helps. I’m sure the weather is aggravating it.

Otherwise, I did some cleaning, organizing for the baby shower in a couple weeks, a bit of online shopping in my endless hunt for clothes and shoes that I like and will actually wear, and I’m beginning a new sourdough starter. With the throat surgery and endless tests, I neglected my old starter and it’d died :-(   I don’t know how I got so careless! Later in the afternoon, we went over to Youngest’s to see a stacked stone planter he’s been building in the backyard 100 degree heat. He doesn’t mind the heat as long as it’s not humid. The planter is going to be beautiful.

I forget to tell you all, one morning last week, Maggie and I were on our daily morning walk, and we were on the sidewalk by a school. Between the sidewalk and the fenced school parking lot is a slope filled with brush. An animal broke out of that brush and hauled-butt back into the hills. I was so startled, I stopped and watched and I’m pretty sure it was a bobcat. It could have been a coyote, but it moved like a cat, and had the bobcat ears from what I could see. Either way, we were lucky! It’s rare for the critters to come down to the street, but it happens. It’s part of the package of living at the base of the hills (it’s a National Forest), and it’s also a good reminder to stay alert.

I’m listening to a non-fiction book by a doctor about wide ranging topics in medicine and the medical field. That’s both interesting and a bit depressing.

How was your weekend?

5 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    July 22nd, 2024 at 1:36 pm · Link

    So sorry about the bleeds. Hope you get into the system soon! Weird about the bobcat because there was one over by Only’s old high school, which is a block from a lake, dam, and river. It was the talk of the neighborhood because bobcats are usually very elusive. We also occasionally get foxes and coyotes to go with the usual possums, skunks, and coons. And we are definitely suburban if not urban. LOL

    My weekend was very low key. I’m still mostly swimming though the stupid timeline. I got one crink fixed last week and hit another this weekend. I’m on the right track but I’ve lost count of words with all the rearranging I’ve done. LOLOL Ah, well. It’s still progress.

    We decided to do something different for dinner Saturday night so LG went to Jersey Mike’s. It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten food from there. It was tasty and when our budget loosens up a bit, we’ll add it back into a regular rotation.

    Not too exciting but ya know? Sometimes “nothing” is a lot. :wink:

    Have a great week!

  2. Silver James
    July 22nd, 2024 at 1:37 pm · Link

    Heck. I forgot! Wiz! I 💖 his sense of humor! :lol:

  3. Viki S.
    July 22nd, 2024 at 2:38 pm · Link

    Wow! A bobcat. Unless they’re very hungry, they will run from you and Maggie. I wonder if the dry and the fires forced it into human space. I hope it gets back to a safe location and I’m happy that you and Maggie are fine.

    I feel so bad for you and those nose bleeds. I used to get very heavy ones all the time and there was no known reason. Are yours because of medication? If so, I hope you are off that med soon.

    Your poor cabinet. I hope it didn’t stain. If it did, try hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Wizard is very quick and funny 😆.

    Did you find anything that you ordered or were you just looking at clothes?

    I heard about the fires and evacuations. I hate uncontrolled fires too. I’m glad you’re safe and I pray for those not so lucky.

    BLB and C are so alike. They both are often creating neat things for the home. This weekend C put a fence up around his property (2 acres). Our boys work too hard but reap the rewards.

    I’m still in limbo with the MRI. I will be calling the Dr. again tomorrow. It’s just nuts.

    I hope you have a great afternoon.

  4. Jennifer L Apodaca
    July 22nd, 2024 at 3:34 pm · Link

    Silver, it is weird isn’t it? In our case, we’re encroaching on their territory but where you live it’s even weirder. But animals often do things without feeling any need to explain why to us humans :-)

    Ugh so sorry for the timeline pain. It feels like drudgery but the payoff will be worth it. It better be since you lost work count! That’s so annoying.

    Always love it when we find take out or restaurant food we like!

    Wizard is funny when he’s not actively trying to bug me :-)

    Have a great evening!

  5. Jennifer L Apodaca
    July 22nd, 2024 at 3:45 pm · Link

    Viki, it’s a really hot summer here, so maybe that lured him down. Or he chased his prey this way. He back into the the hills so he’s likely fine. I was grateful he ran away.

    I doubt it’s meds, it could be allergies, but they started with other symptoms a year ago. We got them calmed for a while, and how they’re back. But it could be the very hot summer or any number of things unrelated to my diagnosis. I don’t know.

    Yep, the blood came right off. It hadn’t had enough time to dry and stain. But the hydrogen peroxide tip really helped my white pants! I’ll remember that trick now!

    Yeah, Wizard is funny :-) We have laughed our way through some tough times together and that’s truly priceless.

    C and BLB do sound alike! And putting a fence up is a lot of work!

    Dang you’re going through so much for this MRI. I’m so sorry. I’m still on hold as UCI tries to get a second authorization code and progress notes they need. It’s wearing my out, and I’m betting it’s doing the same to you.

    Hope you’re having a good Monday!

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