Jennifer Lyon

Friday, July 26th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF! No small talk, let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week:

  1. We just learned of a fire on the mountain highway coming down into our town. It’s a 100+ degrees here so it’s not good news. It’s close enough that we’re not worried (about ourselves, we are worried about the people and animals in its path) but we’re on alert. We see a lot of air support on the fire, so that’s hopeful — sometimes they can knock it down pretty fast. And I have a friend in Canada evacuating a huge fire there — I hate fires.
  2.  The week has been mostly quiet and hot. Somewhat boring, but only because the heat limits our options.
  3. Maggie is having bladder issues as in very small accidents. She gets very upset about it, but she doesn’t seem unwell. All that said, she has a vet appointment August 5th, and I’ll ask them to do an ultrasound. They’ll either do it then and make another appointment. It’s really just a precaution that I’m more than happy to pay for. I think it’s just a poor spa job (before we had her) and age, but she hides pain so I’d rather be overcautious.
  4. The baby shower for my daughter-in-law is August 3rd and its really nice to have that to think about and look forward too. The baby should be here very late August and maybe early September. Those are great distractions from dealing with getting into UCI. I think we’re making progress, but I have an appointment with my primary doctor late next week in case I need more help. On the upside, I’ve been polishing up my phone and nagging skills, bwahahaha! It’s been a long week.
  5. Tomorrow we’re going to an auto museum and winery place with Youngest and his wife. It’ll be fun to spend time with them! Wizard and I both need a day out, or at least a couple hours as it may be too hot for us to stay longer than that.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    July 26th, 2024 at 6:23 am · Link

    Ack! Fingers crossed they get the fire knocked down quickly and not too many people are affected, especially not you. :hugs: Hot sucks. Aww, poor Maggie. Yay for the baby shower! and yay for progress. I hope you guys have an awesome time at the car museum / winery.

    1) Genealogy. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s sad. Yesterday I got farther up the tree on my Dad’s side – yay. I also discovered that a couple of cousins I hadn’t seen since I was a kid have passed away. They were both in their 80s, so not super shocking, but still…
    2) We had an armadillo in our yard a couple of days ago. First time in ten years, so yay.
    3) I made oatmeal cookies. They’re tasty, but super dry. I think I might’ve used too many oats or something. Derp.
    4) Yesterday, I bought a little roasting chicken and cooked it in the crockpot. Just shoved the little bugger right in there with some butter and seasonings (and an extra breast) and let it cook for 4 hours. It was super yummy.
    5) I can’t believe it’s almost August already. Where does the time go?

  2. Silver James
    July 26th, 2024 at 9:55 am · Link

    Holy carp! I just saw the article on the fire. Are you sure you guys are out of the path?!?! Yike! Stay safe!!! Just in case, have your go bags and Maggie supplies ready. Poor Maggie. I suspect age is an issue but with her history, yeah, better safe than sorry for sure though. Awww. Let’s hope the baby decides to debut AFTER her shower. ;) UGH on the UCI ordeal. Keep nagging. Squeaky wheel and all that. Yay for family time, cool cars, and wine! Sounds like a fun time. Enjoy. My five:

    1. We’ve had below normal temps (80s and low 90s) this week but that’s change starting Sunday. Sorry y’all are dealing with the heat, especially with the fires!

    2. I’m working on my posture. I noticed that I’ve started walking slightly bent and hunched over which is bad at my age (any age, really) so I’m concentrating on straightening my spine and keeping my shoulders back.

    3. I’ve let the daily updates on JuLoWriMo slide because the word and chapter count is totally borked at this point. 🤣 I’m now in uncharted territory with snippets, scenes and a general idea of where the plot is going. I am working every day and actually writing some new words but there’s still a lot of cutting and pasting. That’s okay. The whole point was to work every day and I’ve done so for all but ONE day! Woot. 🥳

    4. I cooked again this week. Well, one night anyway. I made patty melts with hamburger, grilled onions, cheese and buttered toasted Texas toast. Pretty yummy. Plan to make LG sit down with me at some point this weekend and determine some home-cooked meals that he wants so either I can go to the store to get ingredients or make a very specific list for him. He only called me twice from the store to determine onion variety for the patty melts. :roll: :lol:

    5. Pete update. LG found a half-eaten bird in the garage while he was cleaning up and sorting through stuff for the Kids’ garage sale this weekend. Our conclusion is Pete ate part of the bird and it didn’t agree with him. He’s still not eating robustly but he is eating and he’s acting more Pete-like, all to the good! 😼

    LG is headed up to the Kids tomorrow to help out. At least I think that’s the plan. Jake and I will stay home. Jake and Dozer are okay but togetherness stresses them both out a bit. I still can’t really lift or move quickly so I’d just get in the way. Have a great weekend all!

  3. Jenn
    July 26th, 2024 at 4:39 pm · Link

    B.E. the fire is 15% or more contained and looking a lot better. They even had a nightdrop helo out there last night. As long as it doesn’t kick up over the late afternoon we should be good.

    1) Oh, yeah, that’s sad. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m also sorry that’s the way you found out, but sometimes, we lose contact with the family who would have told us.
    2) How cool!!!!
    3) Oatmeal cookies turn out dry so easy! Warm them in the microwave for a few seconds, that usually helps. Or I personally would dip them in my hot coffee :-)
    4) I love chicken, and that sounds like a nice easy way to make a whole chicken. I’ll have to remember it for winter.
    5) I know, right!! I was just thinking about that this morning. Time is flying.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    July 26th, 2024 at 5:01 pm · Link

    Silver, ugh I was nearly done answering you when either my browser crashed (usual), or I was typing so fast, I hit a magical combination of keys that closed my browser. I was not pleased!

    Yes I’m sure we were and are safe from the fire. I have an app that tracks it and sends me updates. I know it works as it alerted me at 1:30 (just an update not a threat to us so far). It’s doing much better today and as long as the afternoon light winds don’t sends sparks out, it looks good. And yep, I’m being the squeaky wheel. Eventually I’ll land somewhere that can and will take care of it.

    1) Yay for some less hot weather!
    2) Working on your posture is smart! Stomach surgery had to weaken your abs and core, but it’ll come back with time and a little effort.
    3) I’m so proud of you (and B.E.) for working almost every day! Yeah the process can be messy and so frustrating, but it’s the showing up every day and working that will ultimately get the book done.
    4) I used to love patty melts so much!!! You’re making steady progress, even if it’s not happening as fast as you’d like.
    5) So glad to hear Pete is doing better! That is always scary with our animals. The half eaten bird theory seems probable to me. Tell Pete to stick to the food you provide him! (As if cats or any animal will listen, LOL).

    I hope LG doesn’t work too hard. You and Jake are probably better off staying home — you’d be frustrated at not being able to help more. Enjoy your weekend!

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