Maggie is clinically fine. The vet took a urine sample so that should come in soon just to be sure. Once that comes back fine, she’ll work on adjusting meds. As long as Maggie’s not sick, we’ll figure out the rest. She’s slightly sluggish today from the Rabies shot, but overall tolerated it very well.
Now for the fun part. They took Maggie back for the testing and shot, I could hear a bunch of women exclaiming and I thought, Oh they must have a puppy back there. But then I heard Maggie’s name. It appears she’s gathered a fan club back there, LOLOL! The vet brought her back to me and said they were all talking to her because every time they do, she wags her tail and wiggles in happiness. The vet said she must be a happy girl at home.
Yep, except when she’s in prey drive chasing lizards and totally ignoring my commands. The night before she’d looked at me from the top of the hill in sheer obstinance. That’s rare but she has her moments for sure. So yeah…she was just showing off at the vet’s office, LOLOL!! (Shh, don’t tell her, but I’ve seen them exclaim over other dogs, so Maggie’s probably not as special as she thinks.)
But at least we’re reasonably sure she’s in good shape physically. I don’t really thing we can cure her show-off-itis
How’s your day going?
August 7th, 2024 at 8:36 am · Link
Awww. Sweet (and sassy!) Maggie. Of course she’d wow the staff at the vet’s.
Glad she seems to be medically okay. Maybe it’s just the heat. It gets to all of us.
Did y’all have any of the earthquakes that hit? Worry about you and the family!
Yesterday was HOT! We decided to postpone dinner out to this weekend when the temps are supposed to fall into the 80s. 108 heat index is just too hot for man or beast and I always worry about Jake’s paws on hot pavement. Anyway, we pretty much just lazed around. I took a mental health day away from news, social media, and writing. This morning, I have strong coffee and a determination to get back to work. S’all good here. 🥰
Happy Hump Day!
August 7th, 2024 at 8:37 am · Link
Yay! I’m so glad Maggie’s okay. LOL about her obstinance and show-off-itis.
The day’s going pretty okay so far. It’s not hot yet. The coffee is flowing. Life is good.
August 7th, 2024 at 1:54 pm · Link
I am so happy that Maggie is doing okay. It would be wonderful if they can figure out the meds quickly.
How sweet that she is such a charmer with everyone💗.
Oh no, a little defiant when after her lizard. I’m guessing she was giving herself a treat for being such a good girl.
We had terrible weather last evening. Trees are down all around Cleveland and the suburbs. Several people I know including my boys have damage and no power. A & A don’t have cell service either. The tower was taken out. It seems we had several tornados or tornadic winds. Tore buildings apart, trees and everything everywhere. We are okay. C & C are going to try and make it over in a couple hours so they can shower. Well, no power, no water.
I’m off to the Dr. for my early. She’s going to give me grief because my blood didn’t come back all that well. I’m sure stress is the major factor.
Have a great afternoon.
August 7th, 2024 at 4:02 pm · Link
Silver, I’m happy too on Maggie. The vet cracks me up though, she told me on the phone she always gets slightly nervous because “It’s Maggie.” Which is why I love this vet (and her previous one as well), she knows her patients and takes that into consideration when evaluating them. But the good news all signs are good, and it’s just a partial/occasional incontinence.
No I didn’t feel the quake. It’s center was around 180 miles away. But those size quakes are not fun to be in!
UGH on the heat! I know how you feel, and I know for sure you’ll make sure Jake doesn’t burn his paw pads. The vet staff were just telling me they are treating dogs for that (they were not pleased). But you are too good a dog mom to let that happen to Jake! It was best to postpone the dinner out.
I also support mental health days! We should take as many as we need as often as we need them!
Hope the strong coffee kickstarted your work today!
August 7th, 2024 at 4:04 pm · Link
B.E., thanks! Maggie’s obstinance is always funnier the next day! Overall, I’m happy she’s generally well, and just having “normal” aging issues that we can help her with.
Yay for coffee, not too much heat and hopefully flowing words!
August 7th, 2024 at 4:17 pm · Link
Viki, thanks on Maggie and yes it would be. However knowing she isn’t sick or brewing up painful bladder stones helps a lot.
Maggie will hunt lizards in a 110 degree heats. She’s nuts, and I have to make her come in the house and cool off. But she won’t play with toys like a normal dogs…I just shake my head at her.
Wow I missed that your state got hit by such a terrible storm. That really sounds terrible, I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry your boys both have lost power or cell, and that C&C have damage. The weather is just brutal this year!
I really hope your doctor appointment went well. For sure stress could be causing or contributing to changes in your blood test. But I really hope nothing else is going on. I’m guessing you haven’t had much time to take care of your own health. Keep me updated when you can!
I hope things have settled down weather wise and everyone gets their power, cell and water restored. I’ll be thinking of you!