It was a pretty quiet weekend for me, which was perfect. I’m writing this Sunday early afternoon, and Wizard is racing. I love having the house to myself (and Maggie, of course) sometimes. So here’s the roundup:
Friday was the main event with meeting the new doctor. Both Wizard and I really like her, and feel good about our decisions. We have decided to remove the entire thyroid. I won’t get into the gory details of why, but it will likely give me the best outcome. What I really respected about this doctor is she was five steps ahead of me the entire visit — touching on each concern, and recognizing the risks in my personal health history. Since she’s thinking ahead and planning the surgery around the challenges, I no long have to worry as much. It’s a huge relief. We are getting all the authorizations and tests done, and will schedule the surgery soon.
Saturday was some cleaning, and general stuff keeping me busy. Then Youngest called, and after chatting with him a long time, I handed the phone to Wizard so I could feed Maggie dinner. In that time, Wizard somehow volunteered me to make one kind of cookies for youngest, and another kind of his wife. I don’t even know how that happened! But the joke’s on Wizard, I ran to get ingredients today and spent a a chunk of money, LOL!! I mean macadamia nuts aren’t cheap! And as long as I was getting those, I might as well stock up on the nuts I use…and things might have gotten out of hand???? Bwahaha!!! Wizard won’t actually care, but he might whine just for fun.
Sunday, not much. Other than running errands, and making one batch of cookie dough, I got a bit tired. Thanks insomnia! I may or may not have gotten around to cleaning the bathrooms…I don’t know since I’m writing this before I made that decision. I like to mess with your sense of time when you’re reading the blog!
Today I’ll bake some cookies, maybe make the other batter and get a blood test. The order for the blood test is four freaking pages! I’m not at all squeamish about blood tests, but this order is leveling up the game, LOL!! I think it’s just the way UCI writes the order, but still intimidating even for me and I’m in the expert class of getting blood tests.
And we’re kind of on baby watch. The baby isn’t due for another 3 weeks, but babies tend to be born on their own timeline. I had to laugh yesterday, our son called and Wizard answered, “Is she here?” I cracked up and said, “Real subtle, Grandpa.” He ignored me, of course.
How was your weekend?
August 12th, 2024 at 8:13 am · Link
I’m glad you had a quiet weekend. Yay for the new doc! My middle sis had thyroid surgery years ago. Probably not the same thing as yours, but she’s fine now. :hugs: LOL about Wizard volunteering you for cookie duty. Silly Wizard. Good luck with blood tests and paperwork, etc. Heh, you and Wizard slay me.
The weekend here was quiet, too. We did some walking. I made cookies and pizza. We caught a couple good movies together – The Lincoln Lawyer and Father Goose. It was just nice.
August 12th, 2024 at 9:11 am · Link
I am soooo overjoyed at the new doc! What a huge weight lifted off your and Wiz’s shoulders! Sometimes, the Universe works in mysterious ways but you are finally where you need to be for your health and wellbeing! Yay! Yay also for cookies, nuts, quiet weekends, Maggie, quiet house, and I’ve learned that bathrooms sometimes clean themselves.
Will continue to send good thoughts your way! Oh, I’m picking August 24 for the baby’s arrival. That’s LG’s b-day. LOL
My weekend was also quiet. We had storm dragons–got almost 5″ of rain yesterday and cooler temps. Today is making up for that, though. Hot and humid! I got some writing/editing done and the story seems to be staying on track. Right shoulder is nagging me a bit. I need to stay off the mouse (and computer games!) for a while.
The big news, that I can now reveal, takes a bit of back story. Only quit her job over a year ago due to some health issues related to stress. That and she wanted to get back to her first love–museums and history. There were some jobs coming open and she’d have time to spend with Stormy. Well, she got interviews but none of the jobs–she didn’t have her Ph.D (she has a masters), not enough “public” experience (too much time in corporatate world but that’s were the jobs were!) and one because we think the hiring committee thought she was too young but they wouldn’t come out and say it. Anyway, the Kids tightened their belts and she found ways to bring in a little extra $$ and got lots of quality time with Stormy and his school. This spring, she started substituting at Baseball Boy’s school, and decided she liked being in the classroom so she started the process of getting an alternative certification (for non-education majors in order to teach) through the state. It takes quite a while unless a school admin is saying “Certify NOW!” A friend, who is a teacher, called her and said the middle school where she teaches was in desperate need of a ELA SPED teacher, would Only be interested? Well, to fast forward, she filled out the application, had a call from the principal within a day or two, interviewed the next day, was soon her room, and put on the fast track since school starts this Wednesday. She’s exciting! Now, what is ELA SPED? Yeah, I had to look it up too. LOL ELA=English Language Arts. SPED=Special Education. This is class is for kids with mild to “middling” disabilities (physical, mental, or learning) who are mainstreamed and take different subjects from different teachers. She’s always had a special place in her heart for these kids (going back to childhood when she’d pick the “special” kids to be her partners in activities). Did I mention she’s excited? She is. As are we. The salary isn’t want she was making in the corporate world but there are good benefits and she’ll have the same vacation schedule as Baseball Boy and Stormy so that’s a plus! There’s also the possibility of extra stipends for coaching and/or taking on the yearbook. She’s at admin and other places (pee-test, fingerprints, etc.) this morning and hopes to have time for a driveby of her room to drop off some stuff and then she’ll have to go beachballs to the wall to get the classroom decorated and set up Tuesday. Not sure if they do a meet the teacher the night before classes start or not. Anyway, back last summer and fall, when I mentioned stuff about Only that I couldn’t talk about, it was job interviews I didn’t want to jinx.
Needless to say, this will be a busy week for us. Stormy comes tomorrow (he spent the night and today with his bestie) because BB started classes today. Stormy starts Wednesday. There are other things strewn in there but if I mention them now, I won’t have anything for Friday Five!

Have a great week all!
August 12th, 2024 at 9:16 am · Link
Good lord, the TYPOS! Mea culpa. I really need to learn to proofread before hitting [Submit] –
I hope y’all can parse what I meant to say but the fingers had other ideas… 
August 12th, 2024 at 6:02 pm · Link
I am so glad you have this new doctor. She appears to actually look at the patient and figure out the best plans. I’m sure you’re doing the smartest option by taking the entire thyroid. I’m a firm believer in “best to be safe.”
Knowing that the plan is in place must make you feel much better. I wonder if the insomnia will abate. I hope so.
Oh Wizard 😆. You know, I think he’s okay with the macadamia nuts if it means he gets more cookies.
If you didn’t clean the bathrooms it’s fine. They’ll still be there and I’m sure you and Wizard don’t really mess them up.
Baby watch is so much fun and Wizard is too funny. You may want to remind him that first babies are often late.
I’ve wanted Angel Food cake and was going to buy one. The first two stores I went to were out of them and the third wanted $8.49. I bought a box and added my own water yesterday morning and made the cake. Hubs started complaining about how much cake there was. I ignored him. He has now consumed 1/3 of the cake by himself 😆.
I don’t care that they told me to stop calling. If there is no progress on the MRI tomorrow morning when I check the computer, I am calling. We’re entering week 6. Crazy.
I hope your day is going well.
August 12th, 2024 at 9:04 pm · Link
B.E., I’m glad your sister is doing well! We feel much better about the situation now. The cookies cracked me up, but I already have one kind finished and the second batter is in the fridge to bake off tomorrow
It’s good for me to keep busy.
I hope you had some nice weather for walking. Pizza and cookies are always a win! I always liked the Lincoln Lawyer, I don’t recall seeing the other movie. I’m happy you had a nice weekend!
August 12th, 2024 at 9:15 pm · Link
Silver, Okay you’re down for August 24tth
I’m kind of betting on the 28th as it’s another daughter in law’s birthday. Btu she could go into September too — Babies have their own timeline. And yes, a weight is lifted off our shoulders.
The weather is a bit wacky there! And it sure could be adding to your shoulder issues, but also…the computer! I’m really sorry you’re dealing with that. Shoulder pain can get really demanding and ruin our fun.
YAY FOR ONLY’S BIG NEWS ON THE JOB!!! I’m thrilled for her! It sounds like a great fit for her as a busy mom!! I imagine she’s had a few worries over the last year, and a twisty path, but now she’s landed in a good spot for her and her family! I’m truly so happy. And I love that this job will cause her less stress about working late, school holidays and such. Huge Congrats to Only!
And for once, I had an idea what ELA SPED is. I pretty proud of that, LOL. I probably read it somewhere. Or picked it up when my kids were in school, who knows. But the kids in that program will benefit having Only as their teacher!
It is a busy week for all of you!!! Hope you have fun with Stormy, BB gets his class set up, and Only adjusts quickly (she will!), oh and Stormy likes his class when he starts!
Never worry about typos, we don’t care. We all just doing our best on any given day!
Wishing a great week of new school year stuff for all!
August 12th, 2024 at 9:27 pm · Link
Viki, I agree, and thanks. This doc really made us feel better without sugarcoating anything. I’m with you on better safe than sorry, especially in this.
The insomnia usually passes, so I’m not worried. I just like to complain, LOL. And I did clean the bathrooms
Wizard is funny sometimes. He knows babies can come late, but I think he’s just excited.
Good for you baking the cake! The one you made probably tasted just as good, probably better. But that’s funny hubs complained about too much cake then already ate a third of it!! It must be really good!!! And you saved money which makes it even better.
I’m with you — you have the right to call them if you believe you need too. Six weeks is unacceptable. I hate that you’re having to deal with this stress on top of the daily stress of being a caregiver!
Hope Harrison is doing okay with his broken arm. I believe you said it’s being casted tomorrow, but I could be mixing that up.
Fingers crossed the MRI is schedule when you check tomorrow! Have a good night.