Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
Maggie Takes Over Wednesday’s Blog

Hi guys, it’s me, Maggie. I have something serious to talk to you about. See, this is my serious face:

So today Wizard left, then he came home. And after that, I heard Wizard and mom talking about me going to a spa vacation next week! In case you don’t know, that’s code for them dropping me off at boarding. I like boarding, but can they really make me go without my express consent? Because I don’t willingly leave my mom. It’s my job to always know where she is, and what she’s doing. I’m, like, really good at my job too.

So what do you guys thing, am I going to boarding (who do they think they’re fooling by saying spa vacation!) next week?

Have a great day with lots of treats and naps!! And if you need some exercise, I suggest chasing lizards! It’s fun and keeps me fit!

6 comments to “Maggie Takes Over Wednesday’s Blog”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    August 14th, 2024 at 8:47 am · Link

    I think you’re right, Maggie, you are going to boarding, but it’s also a spa vacation because you get showered with love and praises, and you have lots of fun – which is what a vacation is all about. Don’t worry about your mom while you’re on vacation either – that’s a rule.

  2. Silver James
    August 14th, 2024 at 10:45 am · Link

    Woof, Maggie. Jake here. You are very smart and have cracked the code. Moms and Dads sometimes forget how smart we are, even when they spell things. Heck, even the dumb cats speak Mom-and-Dad! I agree with you being always on the job taking care of your mom. That’s my job too! I was lucky when my mom had to go be away for so long. Dad put my work vest on so I could go visit her and I made lots of new friends with the nice people at the stinky place. Pew. All that cleaning stuff! Anyway, your mom will be fine. Your dad will look after her because that’s his job too. You get to go make new friends, get pets, and get even spoiliered which is not a bad gig, right? P.S. We don’t have lizard but you can come chase squirrels with me! 🐕‍🦺🐶💖

  3. Viki S.
    August 14th, 2024 at 3:01 pm · Link

    You are one smart girl, Maggie. You are going to boarding but we all know it’s a SPA vacation too. Sometimes humans have things to do that make it difficult for fur members of the family to understand. They love you very much and want you to be happy and well cared for.

    You should have fun even though you will be thinking of Mom and Wizard. They will be thinking of you too. And you know that Wizard will take very good care of Mom.

    You’re one sweet caring girl💗🤗.

  4. Jenn
    August 14th, 2024 at 4:19 pm · Link

    B.E., Thanks, I think I’m going to boarding too. I do like seeing my friends and playing with the other dogs! Not sure I like the bath part so much:-) But everyone there is nice to me which is good.

    Not worrying is a rule on vacation? Okay I’ll try!!

  5. Jenn
    August 14th, 2024 at 4:25 pm · Link

    Hi Jake!! Yes!! Why do mom and dads even try to fool us? I didn’t know cats understood the code too, that’s pretty cool.

    You must have been really brave when your mom was gone so long. Mom says there’s lots of places I’m not allowed, so you’re really lucky! While I wish I could go see my mom, I’m glad not to have to smell the stinky stuff!

    Squirrels!! I only met one squirrel and he was a scaredy squirrel! He hid up a tree and yelled at me, but was to afraid to come down and play chase! I’ll come chase squirrels with you anytime!

    Hope you catch lots of squirrels!

  6. Jenn
    August 14th, 2024 at 4:28 pm · Link

    Viki, my mom said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I really hope you are having a good one! You deserve it!

    And now this is me, Maggie: Thank you Viki! I think I’m smart too cuz my mom tells me so everyday. I know my mom and Wizard love me, so I’ll try not to worry and have fun. I feel better now that I talked to you and B.E. and Jake (he chases squirrels!!)

    I hope you have a Pawsome Birthday!

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