Late because I put the wrong time on scheduler. It’s been a week of random mistakes for me!
TGIF!! The first Friday in December just doesn’t seem possible, but here we are. Okay, let’s get to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- I’m baking sourdough bread as I write this because multi-tasking is awesome.
- Well, #1 is true unless you screw something up. I did and I feel terrible. Biker Witch and I made plans to meet on Friday, only I typed Thursday when I texted her. So I didn’t show up. I suck and still feel bad about it. She, however, we very kind and forgiving. Biker Witch is the nice sister.
- I’ve barely been doing Yoga, but I’m lifting more weights (light weights) now that I’m feeling better. I feel bad, like I’m cheating on Yoga, LOL. Yoga has really helped me get through some hard years physically and I’m trying to find a way to add it back in to retain my flexibility and balance. Right now, I’m using Yoga to warm up but it’s just not the same thing. And I’m aware this is boring and not really a problem
- Wizard stole my book! I had the book, “Play Nice But Win” by Michael Dell sitting on my table in the living room waiting for me after I finished Silver’s book. When I had 30 pages left of Silver’s book, Wizard randomly picked up “Play Nice And Win” and started reading it. It was war! Just kidding, I downloaded a book called “Lights Out” by Nevessa Allen on the bestseller list that I got curious about. It’s a dark romance, and funny. Not my normal thing but a fun read for me. And Larissa Ione has a new book out that I want to read too. But still, Wizard stole my book! And he’s not even sorry!
- This weekend is my niece’s bridal shower. I think that’ll be fun. I had ordered a dress from Kohls for it, but it’s not going to arrive until the day of the shower. Everything else both Wizard and I have ordered came — except the one thing I needed. Truly, it’s not a big deal, I have a dress or two in my closet I can wear. It’s just the Universal Rule that the one thing I need will be delivered late.
That’s my five, now I’d really love to hear yours. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
December 6th, 2024 at 3:54 pm · Link
1. Yum on the bread!
2. Oops, we get it. So sorry you missed Biker Witch. She’s a great sister.
3. It’s good to break things up a bit and you are still doing some yoga. Building strength right now is a great goal.
4. Naughty Wizard. But you have good backups like Larissa Iones’ Chaos book. I want it too but with all the trouble hubs gives me I have no time to read.
5. That stinks about the dress not being here in time for the shower. We always seem to have that one dress in the closet that can fill a void :).
1a. Hubs has become very argumentative. It’s driving me crazy.
2a. Today the was the neurologist and he was being super nasty about going but when A showed up, he was all sunshine and flowers. The appointment went well but hubs will make up things that were said and be difficult. I guess I’m ready for it.
3a. The TV broke. It won’t draw power. I bought it 7/1/23 so I’m ticked. C and I will have to get one this weekend.
4a. We were snowed in yesterday but today it cleared.
5a. One of the gifts I ordered for Christmas was the wrong thing, so I had to send it back this afternoon. It took me 10 minutes to find a place to park in the lot. Crazy shopping time has arrived 😉.
I hope you have a great time at the shower and a fantastic weekend!
December 6th, 2024 at 6:38 pm · Link
Viki, yes Biker Witch is a great sister, thanks! And I agree about building some strength, but it’s helpful to hear it from someone else
Mostly I’m trying hard not to get injured to achieve slow, steady progress that I can maintain. Now for you:
1) That has to be so hard.
2) I’ve seen that behavior in someone I love as well, and understand how hard it is on some level. But it has to be harder with a spouse. Hugs.
3) You have every right to be ticked! It barely lasted a year and a half which is ridiculous.
4) Hopefully you got to enjoy the snow, but clearing up quickly sounds good.
5) This time of year is crazy! I’m sorry you had a struggle finding parking to send the item back. I hate the whole parking issue.
I really hope you can get a break this weekend and have a little fun!
December 6th, 2024 at 6:44 pm · Link
Wow! You have had a week. Sounds like Murphy came for a visit, unpacked, and has refused to leave. You need file eviction papers immediately or that sucker will take up long-term residence.
I’m glad the sour dough turned out though. Yum. Okay. Five things. Really? Okay…
1. I’m trying to be more active on X but then I keep falling down the rabbit hole by scrolling and refreshing. Surprisingly, I’ve picked up a few new follows.
2. I managed to get the Christmas decorations out for the dining room table and the kitchen table and the Christmas wreath on the door. I’ll get the porch lights out this weekend.
3. New centerpiece for the dining room. I ordered a “live” greenery wreath and to metal raindeer from Stormy’s fundraiser. I have to remember to water the cut greens but they perked right up and Loki, who normally plays hide-n-seek around my normal centerpieces. This one is low with a single candle in the middle. The fir makes him sneeze and watching him hide behind that one taper is hysterical.
4. I did laundry today. Whoppee.
5. Pete has discovered Jake’s bed that’s under the drafting/art table in my office (a leftover from when it was Only’s bedroom.) It’s fluffy and soft and he likes it. Luckily, Jake only uses it sporadically but he looks so aggrieved when he notices that Pete has taken up residence, even if Jake is laying on the floor by my desk.
Tomorrow is First Saturday. Not sure of the schedule. Stormy has an 11 a.m. soccer game, siren test is at noon. Someone else is covering her siren. LG is covering his. If we decide to meet for lunch after the soccer game, Jake and I’ll go up too. If not, I’ll stay in. I’m almost over the stupid chest cold but the operative word is “almost.” Enjoy the shower and family time, Jen! Have a great weekend, all!
December 6th, 2024 at 7:15 pm · Link
Silver, I will get on those eviction papers immediately!
1) Yay on new followers. I deleted my X account, but then, I deleted all my social media accts except one FB account. Long story that I can’t tell
But I will probably start new accounts at some point in my real name just for fun.
2) You’re making progress!!! Wizard and I got the decorations in the house, but still in boxes. We’ll get there.
3) LOL on making Loki sneeze and he may need a few pointers on hiding places!
4) Doing laundry is one of life’s small triumphs.
5) Poor Jake. His world is shaken up by Pete Antics!
I hope you can go to lunch and have fun, but on the other hand, getting 100% rid of the chest cold is a definite priority. No relapses or secondary infections! Have a great weekend and get some solid rest!