I wore myself out this weekend, but it’s all good
First up, it’s December and we are on high alert for fires. Anyone else think the weather is just wacky? I mean it’s Southern CA so we don’t get real weather, but fire weather in December? I’m just gonna ask — Mother Nature, did you go off your meds? Hit your head? Have a stroke? I mean we want to be understanding and supportive, but things are getting really strange.
Anyhow, Saturday was my niece’s bridal shower and it was amazing! Just lovely and fun! It was held a restaurant but in a separate room which made it feel more intimate and I loved that. It was wonderful to get to chat with family and friends. I just had a great time + two of my three daughters-in-law were there and that’s always a good time for me. They also had a “fashion artist” (I learn new things every day!) who did sketches of each of us. I took a picture of my fashion sketch to show you:
Don’t panic, guys, I still have a face The sketches were about fashion not faces, LOL. My niece (the bride) and her two sisters are into fashion (one is a lawyer, one is a CPA an done is a journalist but they all love fashion!). The hilarious thing for me is fashion and I don’t live in the same zip code, or even on the same continent, you know? But it’s an accurate sketch of my dress. Also…Spell Check was sure I was trying to spell “ointment” not “continent.” Not even close, Spell Check!
Sunday Wizard went racing so I played “How Much Can I Physically Do In One Day?” The answer is always not as much as I think I can do. But I keep myself busy trying. Most of it was typical stuff like working out (including rigging up a makeshift weight bench which probably isn’t too dangerous…) and washing bed sheets, but I managed to work a double batch of brownies in there which is fun — one for us to keep and one for Youngest. After writing this blog, I’m hoping to maybe get the tree decorated before Wizard gets home but we’ll see if I have the time and/or energy.
So how was your weekend?
December 9th, 2024 at 7:17 am · Link
Ooo, pretty! What a fun idea for a shower game! Yeah, the weather has certainly been messed up and off its meds lately. I’m glad you had a productive, if tiring, weekend. Yay, brownies!
I got the tree up this weekend. I also did the Christmas cards, which will go in the mail today. And I got all my shopping done. (Not that impressive. I only have two people I shop for – my mom and his mom. Their presents are ordered and should arrive in plenty of time.) I did some baking. I read a lot. Other than that, I was a toad. You know, the usual. Oh, one more thing. I ordered Starlink. Hopefully, soon I’ll have faster internet, which will make visiting blogs (and other less important things) way easier. ;o)
December 9th, 2024 at 11:37 am · Link
I’m convinced Mother Nature is bi-polar and drinks even when ON her meds! I saw the Red Flag Warnings for your area and worry. We’re going on four weeks with no rain and the wind may become a factor so yeah, I know the feeling about the fires. Hang in there.
How fun to have a fashion artist there at the shower! That’s beyond cool and how awesome to have the watercolor sketch to frame and put in your office. Neat “party favor.” So glad you had fun with family and friends. Yay for brownies and tree decorating and clean sheets.
I vegged this weekend. Mostly. Weather is weird–warm, cold, foggy, damp, cold, warm, windy. Stormy had soccer games and they won all three. Yay. Saturday was siren test and then we met for lunch, the kids from the soccer fields, us from the test. Yesterday was a total veg. I should have gotten a newsletter ready and have to get it done today because MIDNIGHT CLEAR has come off KU and is now wide.
I have Christmas on the dining room table and the kitchen table and the front door. I need to get the lights up on the porch and then I think I’m calling it a day on Christmas decorating.
Have a great week, all!
December 9th, 2024 at 3:33 pm · Link
The fires in December are just nuts! I pray all stay safe.
I love the drawing. Nice dress too.
You really have to try and slow down a bit 😉. It is really nice to get tons of stuff done though.
Did you get the tree decorated? I did mine yesterday. This year I don’t think I’m going to put out all the stuff my grandma made for me. With hubs, it’s too much.
It rained here most of the day but don’t worry, the snow will be back Wednesday or Thursday.
My floors were a mess because C had to replace the sump pump again. One was too big and would allow the float to work right. Needless to say, his wet socked feet left marks all over the wood floor. Took an hour but I got it clean.
Have a great afternoon.
December 9th, 2024 at 6:13 pm · Link
B.E., thanks! It was a fun shower game, and my nieces tend to come up with fun ideas like that. I don’t mind being tired when it’s all stuff I chose to do, so it’s all good.
Wow you’re doing great getting Christmas cards done! I haven’t even bought mine, and I may just skip it this year. So you’re doing much better than I am! Yay for getting the shopping done too. I only have a few things left that I haven’t stressed too much about yet
Hope you feel good to get as much as you have done!
I really hope Starlink turns out well for you! I’d give up a lot before I gave up my internet connection
Hope your week is off to a great start!
December 9th, 2024 at 6:21 pm · Link
Silver, the no-rain makes it all more worrisome for both our areas. Mother Nature just needs to stay on her meds and out of the liquor cabinet.
Wizard loves the sketch, which amused me. I’m happy with it and loved them all. I mostly love seeing talent like that. I don’t have it but I can sure admire it in others!
Weather…I’ve run out of things to say but can see why you wanted to veg. And WOW Stormy had three games this weekend? That’s an aggressive schedule! Congrats to him and his team winning them all!
Congrats on MIDNIGHT CLEAR going wide! You can get the newsletter out this week. We can’t do everything when we’re on our own doing it all.
Seems like you should only put up as much Christmas decor as makes you and LG happy. That’s what we did and we’re good with that. I always want to do the front, but our time/energy/budget just aren’t on the same page as my wants and that’s okay too.
Take time to enjoy some of the holiday cheer this week while you’re working to promote MIDNIGHT CLEAR!
December 9th, 2024 at 6:27 pm · Link
Viki, I agree, it is nuts to have red flag warnings right now. But these days, it just is I guess.
I did decorate the tree! I actually enjoyed it, and decided not to put some other stuff out. Wizard and I are happy with what we have out for this year. And since we’re not hosting anything here, it’s just for us. It sounds like you put out enough decorations to make you happy without making it too hard on you with hubs. And you got the tree done!
Rain and snow — that’s a pain to work around (I would think) to get errands done. Of course, I don’t live in the snow so I’m just guessing
Oh I’m sorry C had to replace it again. And ugh on the floors! I hate that, but it’s a fact of life. I hope you’re not too sore from cleaning them — I know your shoulder/arm bother you sometimes when you do too much.
Enjoy your evening!