Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024
Wednesday Fires and Reading

Top of my mind today is Fires are Horrible. I know the news focuses on it being Malibu and most people think Hollywood Affluence, but there are many others living in and around that area and they are losing homes too. It’s devastating and very dangerous. The Santa Ana winds and the terrain make it all the more treacherous. It just makes me sad.

Switching topics to reading. So I was zooming along in the latest book I was reading when I just…lost interest. It was somewhere between 2/3s and the 3/4s mark and there wasn’t anything specific in the book that triggered it. I think that, for me, the book had a structural flaw that resolved the action portion of the plot too quickly. But again, that’s just for me personally as a reader. Other love it all the way through, so this is definitely a personal taste thing. But now I’m wondering: Have you ever lost interest that deep into a book you were enjoying?

Happy Wednesday!

6 comments to “Wednesday Fires and Reading”

  1. B.E. Sanderson
    December 11th, 2024 at 7:38 am · Link

    :HUGS: I’m keeping positive thoughts for you and your family with regard to these fires. Scary stuff.

    Oh, definitely. And getting that far along only to DNF a book just pisses me off. What a waste of time. I’ve gotten to a point where, if I feel like I’m not going to be able to give a book more than 3 stars, I don’t finish it. Sometimes, I don’t realize until I’m over halfway that it’s a 3-star or lower book, and then :sad trombone:

  2. Viki S.
    December 11th, 2024 at 11:48 am · Link

    The fires are so awful and scary too. When I see it on the news it’s frightening.

    Sorry you lost interest so deep into the book. That’s never happened to me on. I’ve had to put them down because of life issues but not due to lack of interest.

    I just bought Silver’s Midnight Clear on Amazon. I hope I can start it this weekend. It all depends on hubs and his moods.

    I hope you stay safe and have a good day.

  3. Silver James
    December 11th, 2024 at 2:34 pm · Link

    Fires take such a toll! Saw an interview with a Pepperdine student who was sheltering in place in the library overnight. She was from the midwest and mentioned knowing what to do about tornadoes but she was totally freaked by the wild fires. I totally get that! And yeah, fire takes everything in it’s path where other disasters leave bits and pieces.

    When I hit a spot in a book where I’m not pushing to finish it, I tend to skip to the last chapter to see if it’s worth the brain waves to push through the part that’s not working. When that happens, I don’t rate or review it but I do count it on my yearly challenge if I’m over halfway way when that happens.

    Viki, thank you! I hope you enjoy the story. It’s pretty short so I hope you can fit it in. 🤗

  4. Jenn
    December 11th, 2024 at 6:23 pm · Link

    B.E., thanks! We are fine here and the winds have calmed so that helps.

    I totally get DNFing a book at any point these days. But I’m glad I’m not alone in this!

  5. Jenn
    December 11th, 2024 at 6:26 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks. I’m just glad the winds have calmed. Some rain at some point would be nice too. Right now, this year is dry but we’ll see what happens.

    I did finish the book, but was sad it lost something for me. But no every book is going to be a hit for every person. I suspect taste (and mine has changed in the last five years) plays a big part.

    Hope you get time to read Silver’s book! I need to get that one too.

  6. Jenn
    December 11th, 2024 at 6:30 pm · Link

    Silver, fires are weird and create their own weather/energy. But I suppose tornados do that to some extent??? I guess the good news with tornados is I don’t think humans can start them like then can fires (I don’t know how the Malibu one started).

    LOL I grinned at you counting hit book on your yearly challenge! But that’s totally valid for sure! To be fair to authors, it’s so hard to keep that pace of action up, and I’m particularly finicky these days. But I still get annoyed investing that long in a book then feeling like it was a let down.

    Happy Wednesday!

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