Jennifer Lyon

Monday, February 3rd, 2025
Weekend Roundup

Welcome to Monday and Happy February!! Now let’s talk about the weekend:

Friday, Biker Witch (my sister) and I had lunch. We always have a good time and I’m so glad we got together. Then Biker Witch’s Saturday turned sad as they lost a member of her husband’s family. It wasn’t unexpected but it’s always hard. Both my sister and her husband are doing as well as anyone can under the circumstances. They’re strong enough to handle it, but I hate watching the people I love go through this.

Our Saturday was a little brighter as we went to visit our grandson, Turbo. He and Grandpa bonded over cars for hours :-) That made me happy as Wizard had a cold and missed out last time I visited Turbo. Turbo starts baseball in a couple weeks, so we’ll be going to games when we can! Fun fact — Wizard won’t let me buy hats for the team they are named after because “You’ll buy dorky ones.”  LOLOL!! He’s probably not wrong, so I’ll trust him on this and let him buy mine.

Sunday Wizard went racing, and I stayed home and did stuff like taking Maggie for a couple mile walk, work out, cook, wash floors. Just stuff. Nothing exciting but it was a nice quiet day and I love those. I’m really boring these days, and I’m okay with that.

This week looks a little busier than last week, but nothing crazy. It does look like we’ll get some rain, which is a very good thing in general, but not great for the burn areas. Still we really needs rain.

How was your weekend?

4 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Silver James
    February 3rd, 2025 at 10:07 am · Link

    Condolences to Biker Witch and Motorcycle Man. Glad you got to enjoy lunch though. Yay for Turbo Time™, cars, baseball and baseball caps, racing, walkies, cooking, and chores. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 for a nice gentle, soaking rain!

    Saturday was First Saturday so siren test and Mexican lunch with the Kids. Only is loving her new SUV and we’re relieved that she’s in a safe vehicle. There are changes coming in their family but it’s not for wide distribution yet so 🤫 shhh. S’all good so no worries.

    Stormy had a soccer game Saturday evening but it was just a scrimmage. LG has had some eye infections so we decided to stay home. Good thing, according to Only. Stormy played well but the officiating was awful and the boys lost 6-5. When I said it was probably good we didn’t go because LG and I tend to get a little…”vocal,” Only said she did enough 🤬 for all of us. :lol:

    Sunday was pretty much a blur. I didn’t do my usual stuff but I did finish off MOONSTRUCK: RETRIBUTION. I also did some graphics for other books to use on X. Today starts the formatting phase. I’m on target for a Valentine’s Day release and hopefully some lead time for pre-order. Tomorrow is the cover reveal. :-D

    Have a great week, all!

  2. Viki S.
    February 3rd, 2025 at 3:02 pm · Link

    I’m so sorry that your sister’s family has had a loss. Even when you know it’s coming, it is still very hard.

    Turbo and Wizard playing cars is so sweet. I love when the grandpa’s get down and play. They really do have as much fun as the kids.

    Ha Ha on the hats.

    I hope you get a nice slow steady rain so that there is no danger of mudslides.

    I just got on the computer and opened my email to find that mychart had been locked because of several failed attempts to get into my account. It’s fixed now and I’m glad that they locked it keeping me safe.

    Yesterday was supposed to be cloudy and around 45F. Well, from 12:30 until 3PM we got snow. Over 2 1/2 inches, Today it’s 54F. Crazy weather.

    I hope your day is going well.

  3. Jenn
    February 3rd, 2025 at 4:00 pm · Link

    Silver, it looks like the rain forecast is dimming, so we’ll see. I’m pretty sure we’re in a drought pattern right now, but that could changer — weather is fickle. And thanks on condolences for Biker Witch and family.

    Yay for Only’s SUV!!! It’s probably super practical for her too. And yeah, I’m always happier when the kids are in safe, reliable cars. Plus you have yours back!

    Hmm, secret news, I like it!! Fingers crossed its really good news.

    Hope LG recovers quickly from the eye infection and LOL on it being better he wasn’t there. Yeah, grandparents are vocal! Stormy is learning the politics of sports — it’s not fun but it’s life. I expect Turbo to get a taste of it the second half of his baseball season this year and I’m steeling myself to be a mature adult and not a raging grandma. Not sure how successful I’ll be, LOL!

    You’re getting a lot done!!! You’ll make V-day and hopefully get significant sales! Looking forward to seeing the cover!

    Happy Monday!

  4. Jenn
    February 3rd, 2025 at 4:06 pm · Link

    Viki, thanks for the condolences for Biker Witch & Hubby. I agree, it’s never easy. I guess it’s not supposed to be, but it’s hard to see our loved ones hurt.

    Yep, grandpas and grandkids have a ton of fun. And thankfully, Turbo isn’t at all fazed by some minor limitations Grandpa deals with. Kids are awesome like that!

    It’s better to lock it, but it’s a pain to call and get it unlocked. Sounds like you got it all handled. Sure is weird the things people try to access. And so annoying.

    Guess your weather forecast had an Oops in it! That’s quiet an unexpected change! The weather here’s been hot for two days then a quick cool down coming — we’ll see if they’re right.

    Hope your day is going well!

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