Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
I got Nothin’ Today

Tuesday was just one of those days when I woke up tired. Then I spent a record amount at the grocery store. After that shock and joy (insert sarcasm), I came home and spent two more hours cleaning and prepping veggies and meats, and whatever else I needed to prep, because I buy minimally processed stuff as much as I can these days. So that was fun…Not.

So I am blowing off weight lifting today (Tuesday) to try a new recipe for Lemon Cheesecake Cookies. I’ll let you know on Friday how they come out :-)

Are you blowing anything off today?

Happy Wednesday!

4 comments to “I got Nothin’ Today”

  1. Silver James
    February 5th, 2025 at 3:16 pm · Link

    Howdy. Weirdness. Your post didn’t show up in my blogroll like it normally does and remembering this has happened before, I pulled up your link in my blogroll and boom. There was this post–showing it had been read. Uh, nope! Anyway, glad I checked.

    Sorry for the tireds and wow on the massive shopping and prepping. You’re probably smart to get off the processed bandwagon. I find that I’m reading labels far more closely now.

    I’m behind on my formatting so I guess you could say I’m blowing that off. At the moment, I’ve decided that the book needs a prologue to catch people up and refresh their memories of what happened in previous books. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    I’ve also spent some time making graphics for other books. I’m bad. Oh well.

    Hope you find some gumption. Me too! :lol: Hang in there and see you Friday. Hopefully, I’ll have five things. :roll:

  2. Viki S.
    February 5th, 2025 at 3:18 pm · Link

    Those days stink. Waking up tired never gets better, though you still did quite a bit.

    Those cookies sounds so refreshing. Are they a hit?

    I’m not really blowing off anything but I am NOT going back to the drugstore to pick up a prescription for hubs that they filled in record time. His one med was being ramped up to the correct dosage and I called this morning to make sure that the new script was filled next week when he finishes the ramp up. You can’t have dementia patients miss any doses of meds. They got on it in record time. I figure the ice storm should have passed by 9 am tomorrow and I’ll go then.

    I hope your day has been good and that you have your energy back.

  3. Jenn
    February 5th, 2025 at 7:23 pm · Link

    Silver, that is weird, but not surprising with Blogger.

    This week, I think it’s just my stomach being testy and I need to figure out where I went off track. This too will pass.

    A prologue isn’t a bad idea, so not totally blowing off formatting. Plus — it’s a pain to do :-) You’ll get to it.

    I’m hoping gumption shows up for us soon!

  4. Jenn
    February 5th, 2025 at 7:29 pm · Link

    Viki, yes, I think the cookies are good and they’re a pretty easy dough to make.

    I’ve been slowly edging to irritating the crap out of my stomach and I’m pretty sure that’s making me tired. I’ll get it sorted out. It’ll probably take a couple weeks.

    Sounds like a smart plan to ice storm passes! And I totally understand how important it is to keep some meds on a strict schedule. It’s exhausting trying to always be on top of this stuff, isn’t it? But you seem to be doing an amazing job!

    My day’s been pretty good, and dialing back on exercise due to rain and time is will probably help even if I get annoyed by it :-) Hope you’re having a good evening!

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