And just like that, it’s Monday again!
So Friday was amazing for me. Wizard stayed home, and I had a nice day with my granddaughter, her mom and the pups. We just hung out, played and talked, and finally Baby Girl fell asleep in my arms from all that fun. She was such a sweetie, the first thing I do when I walk in is say hi and gibe love to the dogs. I started doing that when the baby was born just to give them extra attention. Now they demand it, LOL. And I don’t mind. But I looked up from the dogs and there was baby girl in her mom’s arms smiling at me. My heart just melted. It was the day out of the house I needed. One fun thing, she loves Jett, one of their two dogs. She likes Hazel too, but Jett is the one she focuses on and babbles to anytime she seems him. It’s the cutest thing the way she’s just connected with him.
And because I have two grandkids — I’m looking forward to going to the first weekend game of Turbo’s baseball winter season next Saturday. His parents got Wizard and I team hats, which I’m strangely excited about I hope Turbo continues to love baseball. He has an amazing swing for his age, and this year he’s really improving on grounders. We’ll see how it goes.
Saturday, I looked at the bag of lemons that Daughter in Law thoughtfully sent home with me and thought — I wonder if I can make lemon cookies with cream cheese filling. And if I make them I don’t want to eat them all, so maybe gluten and dairy free to give some to Youngest? So I tried and I don’t hate them. But word to the wise, I’m not a fan of the dairy free cream cheese I used. But a little extra lemon and powdered sugar turned it more into a sweet and tangy lemon cream…so not bad for a first attempt that literally took two days because I had to freeze the cream cheese concoction overnight, and then make the lemon cookie dough and form it around the frozen balls to bake. I took some to Youngest and he seemed excited.
Sunday I started not feeling great. Either I’m tired as I didn’t sleep Saturday night, fighting off Wizard’s cold or actively getting the cold. We’ll know by today. But the good news is Wizard is getting better.
I finished Onyx Storm. I found the ending a bit long in set up, then rushed and chaotic in the execution. I also pretty sure I’m in the extreme minority on that as this series is beloved! It okay though, we’re all allowed to have opinions. Overall, I enjoyed the book and I’ll probably read the next one.
That was my weekend, how was yours?
February 24th, 2025 at 11:06 am · Link
Sorry Wiz lost out but yay for Girl Time™ and pup time! Dogs and kids are amazing together. Yay for baseball. Wear your hats proudly! You are becoming quite the adventurous baker and pretty sure Youngest will eat any cookie you bake for him! Yay for Wiz recuperating but blerg on you feeling under the weather. I hope it’s just lack of sleep! *fingers crossed* 🤞🏼 Glad you got through the book. I’m with you. I never made it past chapter 1 of the first book. Ah well.
There was a weekend?
Oh, yeah. I guess there was. Stormy had a “pick up” soccer match on Saturday. His game was postponed until Friday night but the coach asked him to play on the other team he teaches. The refereeing was soooo bad. Stormy played well, had fun, and made it to a skating rink birthday party he really wanted to go to.
I mostly walked around in a fog. I did some graphics to post on X for marketing. RETRIBUTION comes out Saturday. I also almost posted an “ask” about the pitch I came up with for the Granny Brigade: Golden Girls meet Thelma and Louise. I was curious if it would pique interest. Then I decided NOPE! I didn’t want anyone to steal the idea.
Sunday was OSU Cowgirl softball on the radio. No streaming of games this weekend. They played a double-header yesterday, won both, and play again at noon today.
Not much else going on. I need to get out and run errands. We’ll see. What I really want to do is go back to bed and nap!
Also, your post “posted” twice. I’m going to comment on both in case you decide to delet one. It’s Monday. All day.
Have a great week!
February 24th, 2025 at 11:53 am · Link
Silver, sorry for the double post! Blogger and I had an argument this weekend, and I won — then obviously, Blogger got revenge
I deleted one post.
Also things for explaining that Stormy’s games are indoor soccer. Sounds fun!
I definitely caught Wizard’s cold. Everyone seems to have it these days. Otherwise, it was a good weekend. And yeah, I tend to bake when I have free time, and why do something easy when I can make it uber complicated, LOL.
Wow that was pretty cool the coach asked him to play on the other team he coaches. Glad Stormy played well, crappy coaches are a thing for sure. Yay for Stormy making it to the birthday party — that’s important too.
Hope your graphics on X get attention! And you were smart to hold back on the ask, at least for now. I hate the admit this: But I never watched The Golden Girls or saw Thelma and Louise. But I understand the themes, so I can see it!
Whoa that’s a lot of play time for the softball team! Good thing they’re young
Hope they win today.
Naps do sound better than errands, but hopefully you can get the errands done today and then nap!
Happy Monday!
February 24th, 2025 at 3:11 pm · Link
So sorry that you have Wizard’s cold. I hope it doesn’t linger with you as it has with Wizard. Is he feeling any better now that you have it or are you both sick together?
That is the sweetest thing you do for the pups. Letting them know they are important is wonderful. It’s cute that they expect the attention now too 😊.
Baby girl loving on Jett sounds cute too. I bet he’s really good with her.
I’d be excited about getting hats for Turbo’s baseball team too. You’ve said what a good player Turbo is, so I hope he continues to love the game too. Team sports are really good for kids. They learn so many social skills.
Nice job on the cookies.
I haven’t gotten Onyx Storm back yet, so I haven’t finished. I thought this was the final book. I hope you’re right and there are more. When I finally finish it, I’ll let you know how I feel about the ending.
Have a great afternoon!
February 24th, 2025 at 5:45 pm · Link
Viki, Wizard is feeling a bit better each day. He just got hit with a cough that complicates some other health stuff he has going on. Mine seems to be a regular cold, so I expect a week or so of symptoms.
Thank you but I love Jett and Hazel, so it’s easy for me. But they are good with her, and her parents keep good controls to prevent accidents.
I agree that team sports are good for kids if they’re interested. They really help the kids develop important social skills that later translate into life skills. And now that Turbo is six, almost seven, it’s important for Wizard and I to participate in things he likes — even if we’re just cheering from the sidelines.
I’m sorry you couldn’t finish the book before having to return it (I think it was a library loan), but you should be able to pick up where you left off pretty easily.
I hope your week is off to a good start!