I’m listening to an utterly stupid book, a dystopian sci fi, and frankly it’s the perfect distraction for me right now. Sci Fi has never been my go-to reading, so that’s been an interesting twist. I do like dystopian though. Ah well, we like what we like, when we like it
I also started reading a hardback, Running With Purpose by Jim Weber (CEO of Brooks shoes) because Wizard read the book and liked it. So I’m reading it. Also, I like Brooks shoes.
In other news, my cold is a mild and annoying cold. Nothing like what Wizard has had. Fortunately, I didn’t have to go in for jury duty Monday and Tuesday, and that’s been helpful to give me a couple days to improve. If I get called in now, I can likely get through the day with meds and patience. Plus I’m probably not as contagious by now. Since they make it hard to contact anyone to tell them I’m sick, I’m not stressing about being contagious because this virus is currently running amok in our area.
And now back to reading…what’s on your reading list this week?
February 26th, 2025 at 2:35 pm · Link
Sometimes you just need a fluff book. I’m glad you are having fun with it. I’ve never heard of Brooks shoes. I’ll have to check them out.
Not having to go in for jury duty worked out great. Sounds like you took the time to work through the cold. I still feel awful that Wizard got nailed so hard by the darn thing. I’m glad he’s doing better.
I’m reading (when I stay awake) Cynthia Eden’s When He Protects. I’m also about to start The Great Book of Ohio : The Crazy History of Ohio with Amazing Random Facts & Trivia. Since I didn’t grow up here, there are so many things I never learned about Ohio and these books are fun.
Have a good afternoon.
February 26th, 2025 at 4:18 pm · Link
Viki, it’s an easy book to turn on and off, and that’s helpful right now.
Brooks is focused on running shoes, and they help me tremendously. But they are pricey for the ones I wear.
I went to Jury Duty today, and got through it so it’s all good.
I know you are a big fan of Cynthia’s! And the state trivia is aways fun.
It’s hot here, hope you’re having decent weather and a good day!
February 26th, 2025 at 5:22 pm · Link
I’m late getting around today. Actually, I had it in my head that I had already looked at my “blog roll.” I obviously had a senior moment. LOLOL Glad yours is a mild case and yay on no jury duty so far. *knocks wood* May the luck continue!
Okay, now I want to know what the SciFi dystopian is.
I’m slowly listening to PASSIONS IN DEATH, JD Robb, to remind me of where things are in the world when I start the newest release, BONDED IN DEATH.
Not much else going on around here not counting my bout of the “forgets.” Happy Hump Day!
February 26th, 2025 at 6:37 pm · Link
Silver, I know what it’s like to think something and therefore believe you did it. I do that all the time!
Trust me, it’s a stupid book
The title is SCUM OF THE EARTH.
Refreshing your memory on the In Death World is a good idea. I usually just jump in and flounder trying to remember — your way is better!
Hope you have a good evening!