Jennifer Lyon

Archive for February, 2025

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Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
Wednesday Reading (or Not Reading Like Me)

I’m not reading anything, and I’ve mostly been listening to podcasts rather than books. I was really enjoying Onyx Storm, then Wizard and I started watching movies at night when I would normally read and I haven’t picked it back up. I will soon, especially with rain potentially starting today and possibly lasting through till Friday. So far, each rain forecasted this year has fizzled to a heavy drizzle in our area, but we’ll see what happens.

What are you guys reading or listening to?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 10th, 2025
Weekend Roundup

It was a good weekend. I’m writing this while Superbowl is on TV (on Sunday…obviously) so I have no idea how that ends :-)

Friday was a nice day because I didn’t have to be somewhere for the first time that week. My hairdresser had canceled by hair appointment after she had a reaction to a necessary medical procedure. We rescheduled it for Saturday, so no big deal. I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to take to my nephews on Saturday and then, I scored eggs for half the price I usually pay at Trader Joes. I was weirdly excited by that, LOL.

Saturday, my hair appointment was cancelled again. I’m getting less than thrilled although I understand this is out of her control. But it would be nice if they’d offered to have someone else step in…oh well it’s just hair. And resembling like a skunk is a look, right? Saturday afternoon we went to my nephews to have tacos and celebrate his birthday. It was a nice evening! I enjoyed it.

Sunday, Wizard went racing and I did a bunch of stuff, including a two mile walk with Maggie, washing floors and baking bread. While running errands, I got a text picture of youngest and his wife on my front porch. Sigh…if they’d warned me, I’d have been home! However once I finished everything, I went over their house and we hang out for a while. Youngest’s birthday is coming up in a week so we talked about doing something Saturday night for that. He’s deciding where he’d like to go to dinner (or have me make dinner). Then I came home to find Wizard home from racing and watching the Superbowl and now you’re all caught up!

How was your weekend?

Friday, February 7th, 2025
Weekend Roundup

TGIF!! Let’s jump right into sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Monday Wizard and I went to a running shoe store to buy shoes. It costs a tad more, but we found it worth it. Ordering stuff online is convenient and all, but sometimes, in-person is the better option. We both bought some shoes.
  2. The coffee table saga goes on. They brought the new one Wednesday and it was warped worse than the one we have. The delivery guys noticed it first and they called to tell the office they’re returning it. Customer Service called me, and they are delivering a new one a week from today. The customer service person swears they will check it at the warehouse first. I just keep telling myself people deal with real problems every day and this is not one of those real problems. This is just an annoyance that will get sorted out. But man I’m tired of endless phone calls, emails, texts and four hour windows for deliveries — I just want this done.
  3. In the Success! column, Wizard and I hung a TV in our what we humorously called our “Media Room.”  It’s a spare bedroom we use for everything — working out, wrapping presents, doing little projects, chilling out by ourselves with YouTube or Movies or read, just all kinds of things. The hardest part of that was finding the right TV bracket for our older TV. The rest went fairly easy and now the TV appears to be securely on the wall and doing what we want it to do. We are super happy about it. There’s more to be done in that room, but the house is a process that we enjoy and do as we can afford it.
  4. We took some Manicotti over to my sister and her husband’s yesterday (we just wanted them to know we are thinking of them as the deal with losing a family member). We visited for a while, then Wizard got antsy and was ready to leave. I wanted to stay longer but traffic sucks so we went home. On the way, Oldest called, and while I was on the phone to him and distracted — Wizard got off the freeway and started winding into the hills where we’ve never been. I told oldest this and said that he might be the last person to talk to me, and that this was my last known location. He’s like, “Cool, Mom, this is how all the best mysteries start.” Frankly, he sounded more amused than worried. It’s like he trusts his dad or something :-)
  5. We saw Baby Girl yesterday. She’s delightful, super chatty and engaged. She turns five months old on the 9th! When I see her now, I barely remember that tiny helpless newborn. It sure is hard to leave when she’s mastered the art of being adorable, full of smiles and babbling.

This weekend, we have a family birthday party Saturday afternoon. Sunday Wizard is torn between racing and the Superbowl, and I’ve got a list of things I could do so we’ll see. That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours!

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
I got Nothin’ Today

Tuesday was just one of those days when I woke up tired. Then I spent a record amount at the grocery store. After that shock and joy (insert sarcasm), I came home and spent two more hours cleaning and prepping veggies and meats, and whatever else I needed to prep, because I buy minimally processed stuff as much as I can these days. So that was fun…Not.

So I am blowing off weight lifting today (Tuesday) to try a new recipe for Lemon Cheesecake Cookies. I’ll let you know on Friday how they come out :-)

Are you blowing anything off today?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 3rd, 2025
Weekend Roundup

Welcome to Monday and Happy February!! Now let’s talk about the weekend:

Friday, Biker Witch (my sister) and I had lunch. We always have a good time and I’m so glad we got together. Then Biker Witch’s Saturday turned sad as they lost a member of her husband’s family. It wasn’t unexpected but it’s always hard. Both my sister and her husband are doing as well as anyone can under the circumstances. They’re strong enough to handle it, but I hate watching the people I love go through this.

Our Saturday was a little brighter as we went to visit our grandson, Turbo. He and Grandpa bonded over cars for hours :-) That made me happy as Wizard had a cold and missed out last time I visited Turbo. Turbo starts baseball in a couple weeks, so we’ll be going to games when we can! Fun fact — Wizard won’t let me buy hats for the team they are named after because “You’ll buy dorky ones.”  LOLOL!! He’s probably not wrong, so I’ll trust him on this and let him buy mine.

Sunday Wizard went racing, and I stayed home and did stuff like taking Maggie for a couple mile walk, work out, cook, wash floors. Just stuff. Nothing exciting but it was a nice quiet day and I love those. I’m really boring these days, and I’m okay with that.

This week looks a little busier than last week, but nothing crazy. It does look like we’ll get some rain, which is a very good thing in general, but not great for the burn areas. Still we really needs rain.

How was your weekend?

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