TGIF! For me, I’m glad to get to the end of this week All right, let’s share five random things about our week. Here’s mine:
- I made breadsticks this week and this time I was happy with them. That’s a win. They were pretty easy if a little time consuming. And they went well with two of our meals — stew and spaghetti.
- Tuesday we finally saw a specialist for Wizard. It was really touch and go if I’d be well enough to go, but I made it! And I really needed to be there (Wizard agreed with me on that). This doctor’s office was pretty far to travel, but turned out to be a good decision. We both really liked her, and she has a good plan to determine exactly what’s going on. Then fun related story — we were driving home and Wizard accidently took a ramp on the wrong freeway that ended up being a toll road we were stuck on for miles. This is funny because Wizard is basically a traveling Google map in his head, and he doesn’t make these mistakes. This was more of a distracted mistake, but it still counts! Fortunately there was no traffic and it just cost us a few dollars and a bit of extra time.
- Wednesday — it started pouring rain. Good. What wasn’t good is that I had a 4pm ultrasound of my neck at UCI. Wizard wouldn’t let me tackle that drive myself, so he went with me. The ultrasound was late and traffic was horribly snarled when we were done. We went to dinner out there, then made the drive home that took two very long hours. It was a battle but it’s done, and the report on my ultrasound is good so it was worth the pain of it.
- Thursday I took Maggie for her vet tech visit. She was a very good girl and made me proud. When the tech told me that, I confessed that Maggie is just an easy dog and I’m lucky. And then I did a marathon of laundry and bathrooms, and set a up a plan with my daughter in law to baby sit my grand daughter next Thursday. I love that she asks me (and of course, Wizard. He’ll go if he doesn’t have other things he has to do). I truly don’t take for granted that our daughters in law trust their kids with us, and know we’ll do our best to do things their way. And later today (still Thursday as I’m writing this), I’m going to start making sourdough bread because this weeks is a lot of catching up after being sick. I’ll bake the bread tomorrow.
- Today I have a phone visit with my surgeon and expect that to go very well since the ultrasound results were good. Then our week of appointments is done. Saturday we’re going to Turbo’s baseball game unless something unexpected happens. I might even take Maggie, we’ll see. She would love it, but it depends if we’re going to make any other stops while we’re out.
That’s my week, and it’s nice to be 90% over the stupid cold. Now I’d love to hear your five! I hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend!