Friday, March 28th, 2025
TGIF!! We blinked and it’s Friday again! You know what that means, time to share five random things about our week:
- My brother in law has been unwell this week (Biker Witch’s Hubby). He’s getting the care he needs and so far, is feeling better. But these days, I like to worry about everyone. And Wizard has his hands full doing what he can for his mom who is dealing with the issues of aging.
- Wizard got his TSA Pre-check clearance! He was starting to get a complex about that, LOL. He’s thinking about taking a trip to his brother’s house (he lives in Oregon). I’m nudging him to do it. And, I’ve been looking at vacations for us, but that was mostly window shopping at this point

- Okay, guys, I did it! I got the weave done on my hair, so now silver is threaded through the brown, and it should blend as the gray grows out. So far, I really like it! And I won’t have to get it colored every four weeks now. I will probably want to add low lights over time as more gray comes in, but right now, I’m happy to try something lower maintenance and see how I like it. Here’s a front and back picture from the back to get an idea (Ignore how I look — these were quick pics Wizard took for me outside in the wind):
- I made sourdough bread this week. I only mention that because today I tried a new stew recipe that’s still simmering in the crockpot now as I write this. It’s a long recipe and I mixed up measurements on two ingredients and now I’m worried it won’t be good. So see? If if I fail with this recipe, at least we have fresh sourdough so it’s not a total loss! And I don’t have to feel like a total loser, LOL. But okay, even if this version doesn’t come out, I should be able to figure out how to make it better next time. I always had a standby packaged stew mix that I used for years because it was relatively fast and easy and Wizard liked it — then the company changed the packaged formula and it’s not good. So I’m experimenting.
- Today I have a quick tele-appointment with my endocrinologist in the morning. I expect that to go pretty well. This weekend, I don’t have any big plans as of yet (I’ve kind of held off making them to see how my brother in law is just in case my sister needs something). Next week though I’ve planned to take my daughter in law to lunch (with Baby Girl!) on Wednesday for her birthday, and then they are all coming out that weekend for a visit so we can see our son too. We may go to Turbo’s baseball games on Saturday, but we’ll see.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
I just finished an audio book titled DON’T BELIEVE HER. The story question was good, but the heroine was annoyingly stupid in the crap she did. It was almost painful to listen to. However the mystery of “Is the woman who shows up claiming to be the missing daughter/sister really her?” kept me listening. In the end the twists were very twisty and I ended up not believing much of the book. All that said, I didn’t hate it, I just found it annoying on a few levels, while the story question kept me intrigued.
On my Kindle I’m reading CARELESS PEOPLE by Sarah Wynn-Williams. It’s a memoir of sorts, but at about half way through the book, and this is my opinion so far: I’m seeing a bit of an authenticity problem. Let’s say I believe there’s truth in here, along with some creative arrangement of facts to come out the one and only heroine at FB, while everyone else in the company is careless (and sometime downright uncaring of who they were hurting). Also, the policy debates are boring, and repetitive to the point that I forget her original objection to the policy or action. But I do know that her objection, or in some cases, her push to take some action or other, is always based on her (her word) “idealism.” I know that because she talks about her idealism constantly. Sigh…idealism is a philosophical view and frankly, a vague word. I get that she’s idealist…in something. But what?
I mean I’m idealistic in the sense that I believe society should help make sure children are fed, safe and educated because children don’t ask to be born into crappy or impoverished families. And then I could give you several concrete examples of what actions, laws and/or programs I think are are helpful to my view of an idealistic society. So, for one basic example, I believe that if there’s provable physical abuse in a family, there should be lawful intervention to protect, feed and educate the child. And there should be consequences when parents cause intentional harm to their child (not discipline, but harm). Society needs to have some safeguards to protect children when parents can’t or won’t do it. Another example, mandatory car seats are good, while I don’t feel that strongly about seatbelts for adults, even if I always wear mine. So now if I worked at Facebook and had an influence in policy, you’d have a general idea what I’d be willing to fight for and against when it comes to kids and Facebook. I believe in protecting kids. But her idealism seems to be less defined, and a more generalized version of “I’m the good guy” in all things. I want to understand exactly what this author’s idealist views are in concrete terms so I understand what’s shaping her choices.
But again, I’m only half way through and maybe I will have a clearer picture once I read more. I don’t regret reading the book, just….hoped for something a bit more honest and authentic, and a little less…idealistic.
That’s my reading at the moment, what are you reading?
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Monday, March 24th, 2025
The weekend was just what I needed!
Friday, our TSA appointments were so easy! I was expecting some kind of beurocratic interigation. But Wizard and I got classified as uninteresting and we were there maybe 15 minutes total. We’d already filled out the paperwork, gave them our passports, then got fingerprinted and photographed. Paid the fees and we were done. Easy.
I had my approval on Saturday and Wizard’s still waiting for his I’m teasing him about that. I am guessing I had a faster approval because I’ve never traveled out of the US while has gone to Europe for business. Not a lot, but probably enough to slow the system. I guess…or it’s just random luck. Who knows. I expect his will come through this week. But there’s no hurry, we really don’t have plans at the moment.
The rest of Friday, Wizard went to hang out with some friends and that gave me a chance to do some stuff in the house.
So on Saturday, we decided to go to Turbo’s game and I finally got around to texting his parents about a half hour before we left. We packed up what we needed, including lunch, gathered up Maggie and hopped in the car to go. We got to the end of the street when Oldest called to say Special K and Turbo were a little sick and not going to the game. Dang…but we circled the block and went home.
Maggie was confused, LOL.
On the upside, I had a lunch packed and ate that at noon. So easy! Then because Maggie got gypped on going to Turbo’s baseball game, I took her to Home Depot to look at plants and walk around the store. She loves that. Then I took her to Petco, where I picked out a collar for her, and Maggie picked out treats. She first chose rawhide bones and I said no (because she will throw up and they aren’t good for her) so she then chose some baked chicken sticks. Then she made friends with an employee and got lots of pets. Then we went home and I gave her a chicken stick. She loved her day out and her treat! It may sound dumb, but after this busy week, she seemed to really appreciate just spending some time with me like that. Or maybe it was me that liked it!
Saturday afternoon, I read and rested. I’ve been tired and a tad achy from changing my meds (under a doctor’s orders) this week. Saturday night I finally slept well, suggesting that some intentional rest during the day really helped.
Sunday I felt great. Wizard went racing, and I was able to organize some stuff, clean bathrooms and wash floors. Now I feel more on top of things again. I had just finished that when Youngest and his wife stopped by. Then Wizard got home in time to visit with them too.
How was your weekend?
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Friday, March 21st, 2025
TGIF! This month is speedy by for me, how about for you guys? So now that Friday has arrived, let’s share five random things about our week.
- We reshuffled the week because a lot was going on. So I went shopping on Monday when I normally go on Tuesday. It was not exciting, but at least I got it done.
- Tuesday was a day Wizard stole from me
He schedule the mustang to get new shocks. This is all fine, except that required both of us to drive separate cars to another city far, far away. Okay not that far, about 30 miles one day. But still….we dropped then car off. Then waited around all day until it was done to them go pick it up. The upside of all this is Wizard found this garage that works specifically on cars like the Shelby, and he’s really happy. Plus we got to see a race car there, so that was cool.
- Biker Witch and I went to lunch. I managed to jump on the wrong freeway…which sounds stupid and it is. However, I genuinely thought we were going that way because I was going that way for the next two days. My brain was a little ahead of schedule. Biker Witch and I had fun — we haven’t had a lot of time to talk lately, so it was nice to catch up.
- Thursday we went to see Turbo (our grandson!), who is on Spring Break. We went to lunch then took him shopping at Target for his 7th birthday. Turbo picked out a bunch of Monster Trucks — one of his favorite things
Thankfully his mom and dad don’t mind. We honestly don’t spoil him often, so they let us indulge him on his birthday or for special things. Here’s a pic of me with him yesterday, he’s growing up so fast.
- Today we have to trek out to another city for an appointment to hopefully get TSA precheck. We don’t have plans for air travel at the moment, but we’re doing this in case we fly somewhere to make it easier for Wizard. He has some mobility issues these days, but he sure doesn’t let that stop him. That’s in the morning and we should be home in time for me to do some laundry and other tasks that I just couldn’t get to this week. And I think since we’ve put on 100s of miles on the cars this week, we’re going to skip Turbo’s game on Saturday. On the other hand, we could change our mind and go. At least we can take Maggie and she won’t be left home for the third or fourth day in a row. We do enjoy his games.
That was some of my week. Overall it was good, just a busy week. Now it’s your turn to share your five random things. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Posted in Friday Five 4 People Said | Link |
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
Yesterday afternoon, Wizard and I watched the astronauts come home, and it was awesome! So much work and talent went into that mission, and all space missions. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the wonders of space travels that we’ve seen in our time. And of course, there’s the astronauts themselves, who are definite trailblazers, doing work that has far reaching potential for humanity.
But mostly, it was nice to celebration a positive Mission Accomplished in a time when the world we know seems to have a of a lot turmoil.
That’s my Wednesday happy, what is yours?
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Monday, March 17th, 2025
Wow, the storms! I hope everyone is safe from the series of storm, high winds and tornados. I couldn’t believe the news as I read the updates.
Meanwhile here at Witch Central, things have been quiet and somewhat boring. Turbo’s game was cancelled on Saturday because the fields were soaked. I used the day to create brownie fudge chocolate chip cookies. That requires making the brownie batter, and getting it cold enough to scoop into small balls then freeze those. Then make the chocolate chip cookie batter, then form that around the frozen brownie batter, then freezing the dough balls. I baked them the next morning while they were still frozen. I was happy with the results. They are gluten and dairy free so I’ll probably pawn them off on Youngest. But I wanted to see if I could do it, and I did 
Sunday was quiet as Wizard went to the track to practice and I’m happy to have him out of the house for a few hours. We’ve been spending a LOT of time together, so I appreciate a break now and again. That gave me a chance to do a little birthday shopping for him, and I bought a couple audio books that were on sale while I was at it. I could have cleaned something, but I didn’t want to, LOL.
Today we have a mild threat of rain, then the rest of the week should be nice. There’s always stuff to do, but who knows if I’ll have the will to do it!
How was your weekend? Seriously, I hope all of you were safe from the storms and tornados, and that you all have power.
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Friday, March 14th, 2025
TGIF!! It sure feels to me like Fridays arrive faster and faster each week! Okay, let’s get right into sharing five random things about our week:
- My website, or rather, the hosting site had some maintenance this week which made trying to post and answer on Wednesday a bit challenging. I’m impressed anyone was able to comment!
- Lots of rain this week, which we need. The sunny times between the rains with piercing blue sky and cloudscapes has been truly stunning. Maggie and I enjoyed a few walks when we got the chance. I try so hard to appreciate those small moments of joy these days.
- Speaking of joy — we babysat Baby Girl yesterday and she was fun! It poured rain and high winds all night before that, and some rain on the way there, so we left early. Turned out to be not too bad a drive. And our drive home was decent too — we got lucky! But the best part of all, is Baby Girl and her smiles — she played with us for three hours. I tried to put her down for a nap once when she was rubbing her eyes from fatigue and fell asleep, but her eyes popped open, she grinned and started chatting away. So we got her back up, played for another hour, gave her a bottle and she was out. She’s gonna be mad when she wakes up and we’re not there to keep playing. This is another moment in time we’re trying to cherish! We love her as much as Turbo, and it’s fun to see how similar and yet very different they are!
- By the way, Baby Girl is six months old now, here’s her six month photo that her mom took.

- The plan this weekend is to go to Turbo’s game on Saturday. He’s turning seven on Monday! He’s having a kid party, but we’re holding off a family celebration until after tax season. We’ll figure it out — lots of moving parts going on in our family these days, LOL. All good, just busy people trying to coordinate schedules. It’s Baby Girl’s mom’s birthday on Sunday, but they have a their fundraising camping trip (for childhood brain cancer) over the next week and that requires a lot of work so we’re going to celebrate after that.
That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours. I hope everyone has a fun, safe and if desired, productive weekend!
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