Jennifer Lyon

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Monday, August 19th, 2024
Weekend Round Up

Let’s hope I don’t screw up posting this blog like I did on Friday when I put in the wrong date :-)

So we had a good weekend. Lunch on Friday with my sister was awesome, and I got my chocolate cake! That was exactly what I wanted, it was so good. I brought what I couldn’t eat home for Wizard, so he was happy too. I really enjoyed a day out with Biker Witch.

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet, we just did normal things. Youngest stopped by on Saturday, and Maggie lost her mind with joy. Then after about 10 minutes, she went to bed in another room. She’s fickle like that, LOL.

I talked to middle son, and they are now playing the waiting game. Their daughter is due in two weeks, and who knows when she’ll arrive. The joy of hearing how excited he is — it’s everything to me. It makes me smile all the time. I also video chatted with Turbo to find out how his first week of 1st grade went, and it’s all good. He’s adjusting to a new school quickly and making friends. I’m proud of him! These are such important steps in a child’s life.

Sunday we’d made plans to meet friends for lunch at a winery, but we cancelled that. I was disappointed, but I wasn’t feeling my best. And…mosquitos! The LUUVVV me. Sigh.  Most of the bites have been mildly annoying to me, and amusing to Wizard to watch how my body overreacts. This last one, however, had a mean streak and bit on my ankle over my bad joint. The swelling is not pretty and makes my ankle stiff. It’s not really painful, but the ankle looks terrible and the swelling makes flexing or bending the joint a little harder. I didn’t think being out in the heat would help that.  So we asked for a raincheck with our friends and they graciously understood.

And a programming note: Assuming nothing changes the date, I’ll have surgery on Wednesday and I don’t plan to be back on the blog until at least Monday, maybe longer. If I feel up to it in that time, I will try to send a quick update, but I can’t promise. Just trust that all went well and I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Now I’d love to hear how your weekend was!

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
Maggie Takes Over Wednesday’s Blog

Hi guys, it’s me, Maggie. I have something serious to talk to you about. See, this is my serious face:

So today Wizard left, then he came home. And after that, I heard Wizard and mom talking about me going to a spa vacation next week! In case you don’t know, that’s code for them dropping me off at boarding. I like boarding, but can they really make me go without my express consent? Because I don’t willingly leave my mom. It’s my job to always know where she is, and what she’s doing. I’m, like, really good at my job too.

So what do you guys thing, am I going to boarding (who do they think they’re fooling by saying spa vacation!) next week?

Have a great day with lots of treats and naps!! And if you need some exercise, I suggest chasing lizards! It’s fun and keeps me fit!

Monday, August 12th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

It was a pretty quiet weekend for me, which was perfect. I’m writing this Sunday early afternoon, and Wizard is racing. I love having the house to myself (and  Maggie, of course) sometimes. So here’s the roundup:

Friday was the main event with meeting the new doctor. Both Wizard and I really like her, and feel good about our decisions. We have decided to remove the entire thyroid. I won’t get into the gory details of why, but it will likely give me the best outcome. What I really respected about this doctor is she was five steps ahead of me the entire visit — touching on each concern, and recognizing the risks in my personal health history. Since she’s thinking ahead and planning the surgery around the challenges, I no long have to worry as much. It’s a huge relief. We are getting all the authorizations and tests done, and will schedule the surgery soon.

Saturday was some cleaning, and general stuff keeping me busy. Then Youngest called, and after chatting with him a long time, I handed the phone to Wizard so I could feed Maggie dinner. In that time, Wizard somehow volunteered me to make one kind of cookies for youngest, and another kind of his wife. I don’t even know how that happened! But the joke’s on Wizard, I ran to get ingredients today and spent a a chunk of money, LOL!! I mean macadamia nuts aren’t cheap! And as long as I was getting those, I might as well stock up on the nuts I use…and things might have gotten out of hand???? Bwahaha!!! Wizard won’t actually care, but he might whine just for fun.

Sunday, not much. Other than running errands, and making one batch of cookie dough, I got a bit tired. Thanks insomnia! I may or may not have gotten around to cleaning the bathrooms…I don’t know since I’m writing this before I made that decision. I like to mess with your sense of time when you’re reading the blog!

Today I’ll bake some cookies, maybe make the other batter and get a blood test. The order for the blood test is four freaking pages! I’m not at all squeamish about blood tests, but this order is leveling up the game, LOL!! I think it’s just the way UCI writes the order, but still intimidating even for me and I’m in the expert class of getting blood tests.

And we’re kind of on baby watch. The baby isn’t due for another 3 weeks, but babies tend to be born on their own timeline. I had to laugh yesterday, our son called and Wizard answered, “Is she here?”  I cracked up and said, “Real subtle, Grandpa.” He ignored me, of course.

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
All About Maggie Wednesday

Maggie is clinically fine. The vet took a urine sample so that should come in soon just to be sure. Once that comes back fine, she’ll work on adjusting meds. As long as Maggie’s not sick, we’ll figure out the rest. She’s slightly sluggish today from the Rabies shot, but overall tolerated it very well.

Now for the fun part. They took Maggie back for the testing and shot, I could hear a bunch of women exclaiming and I thought, Oh they must have a puppy back there. But then I heard Maggie’s name. It appears she’s gathered a fan club back there, LOLOL! The vet brought her back to me and said they were all talking to her because every time they do, she wags her tail and wiggles in happiness. The vet said she must be a happy girl at home.

Yep, except when she’s in prey drive chasing lizards and totally ignoring my commands. The night before she’d looked at me from the top of the hill in sheer obstinance. That’s rare but she has her moments for sure. So yeah…she was just showing off at the vet’s office, LOLOL!! (Shh, don’t tell her, but I’ve seen them exclaim over other dogs, so Maggie’s probably not as special as she thinks.)

But at least we’re reasonably sure she’s in good shape physically. I don’t really thing we can cure her show-off-itis :-)

How’s your day going?

Monday, August 5th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

It’s blazing hot here! Which is pretty normal for this time of year, but I’m hoping the heat doesn’t last all the way through September and into October.  Okay here’s the highlight reel of my weekend:

Friday: My birthday was mostly low key and very nice. Wizard got me Hoka shoes for walking, something I could not bring to buy for myself because they aren’t cheap, so I love them. He also got me some serving dishes I really wanted from Pottery Barn which I LOVE, but again…well you know all know, I’m cheap :-) But I’m so happy to have them. I’m not big on stuff overall, but these dishes make me happy to have in my cupboard ready to use. Then Friday night we met Youngest and Daughter in law for dinner and had a lovely time! They are always fun.

Saturday, it was the shower. It turned out well!! I’m so happy. I loved working with my daughter in law’s mom, it was great to get to know her a bit better that way. And I had fun driving with my sister, my youngest daughter in law and her mom. Biker Witch thought I was trying to kill her with my driving, but HA!!! I got her home alive and unscathed. Seriously, the day went well, and the company on the long drive was made it enjoyable. There are things I thought I could  have done better at the shower, but who cares — the shower was great, the guests happy and the guest of honor very pleased and gracious.

Sunday I got caught up on a few things, then we took our big gift out to our son and daughter-in-law for the baby. It’s the bassinet they wanted and I’m so glad I didn’t take it to the shower now as there were a LOT of gifts. We barely got them packed in the big vehicle we used to transport them home! As a side note: There was some incredibly thoughtful and creative gifts there — I’m in awe of people with that talent! Anyhow, seeing all the baby stuff in their house now made it even more real and exciting. The baby’s room is so cute! My son and daughter-in-law are both doing great. My daughter-in-law is in her last month of pregnancy — and the excellent care she’s taken of herself really shows. And I got to spend quality time with Jett and Hazel — two of my favorite grand pups! They are so loving that I came home covered in dog hair. That’s always a sign of a good day in my world, LOL.

Maggie has a vet appointment this afternoon for her rabies shot and checkup. She’s been doing better this last week, but I’ll bring up my areas of concern. The the rest of the week is pretty easy. Friday is my UCI appointment but I’m pretty set for that too. It’s nice to feel a bit more caught up this week which is a good way to start out the week!

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024
Wednesday Stuff

Success!! I finally got an appointment with an UCI endocrine surgeon! It’s August 9th, and from what I can see she (the surgeon) is well-qualified and specializes in just what I need. All I need to do is get a CD of the thyroid ultrasound I had in April, which shouldn’t be hard.  Wizard and I are feeling pretty good about this.

As long as we’re moving forward, I don’t want to dwell on the frustrations we went through to get here. In fact these two months of problems may have actually led me on a jagged path to better quality care. Life is funny like that sometimes.

How’s your Wednesday going?

Monday, July 29th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

So the weekend was good. Well mostly.

Saturday morning we met youngest and his wife at the auto museum/ winery. The place was so cute! Amidst sweeping fields of grape vines were three buildings with pathways and stairs to reach them. So lovely and peaceful.

The first building was a quaint store with so many things to look at that each time we were in it, we found new things. Totally fun. Tucked into that was a little winery. None of us were interested in wine tasting (too early, and we were all driving), but on the way out, Wizard and I bought a few bottles.

Then we followed a path through grapevines and beneath the warm blue skies to the first building complete with an old fashion gas station out front. There we met that highlight of the day — a friendly cat! Me and daughter in law were smitten, petting him and telling him he was beautiful (because he totally was!) while the two men headed inside muttering things like, “We’re not here to see a cat.”. Then we went in to see rows of beautiful kept classic cars, and an assortment of other classic electronics like older computers to work on cars (don’t judge, I’m not a car person) along with TVs and stereos. We all enjoyed it.

Then Wizard and I sent youngest and daughter in law off to see the top building as it wasn’t accessible to Wizard. Well that was my plan. Wizard insisted I go with them and he’d be fine. So I did (because he means it) and we climbed a hill and stairs to the finally building with a wrap around porch. In the back was the wine/barrel room and we couldn’t go in there. But we looked in like super secret agents :-) Then we went inside the actual building to see more immaculately kept classic cars, some with less than a 100 miles on them. Amazing. Youngest solved all the questions about how they got the cars in there (hidden garages) but none of us are sure how they got one car up to a platform up in a corner of the building. We then discovered a Barbie room filled with Barbies because that makes sense in a car museum, LOL. Daughter in law loved it. I asked daughter in law if she’d be surprised to learn I was more of a Tom Boy as a kid and had zero interest in Babies? She was not surprised :-) However I went through with her because I love her and she was interested. Youngest got about a foot and a half into the room before he remembered something (anything!) else he had to do.

After that, we found Wizard and went back down to the main building where we hung out and did more window shopping, and ended that portion of our fun that day with Wizard buying the bottles of we wine we chose (without tasting which is pretty risky).

After that, we all went to lunch. We had fun and talked nonstop, but the food was the only day’s disappointment at a normally reliant restaurant. Well, we can win at everything, now can we?

Later than evening Wizard went into our bedroom for something,  and I opened a Petit Syrah wine that we’d bought. Um, I had a bit of an uncorking adventure that sprayed red wine on the wall, floor and me. That was a new experience and I’ve opened quite a few bottles of wine. Wizard came into the kitchen, saw the newly sprayed walls, floor and my white shorts, then fixed a look on me. “Did you sneeze?”

I couldn’t help it, I doubled over with laugher. My bloody noses are a little scary lately, but also, funny as heck in some ways. (Note: they are probably just allergies and nothing to worry about). Regaining some self control, I pointed at the wine. “Blame him!”

We cleaned up, did what we could to keep the cork out of the wine and failed. But then came the moment — Tasting the pricy and surprisingly difficult to uncork wine. We both had some trepidation wondering if we’d just invested in colored vinegar.

But it was wonderful!!! Full body, nice balance with a good backend finish for my very amateur tastebuds.

So that was Saturday. Sunday Wizard went racing and I stayed home with plans to workout, wash floors and begin the sourdough process. In the process, I hit my the back of my hand on a drawer pull and bruised it. That’s just annoying. But Maggie’s bladder issues appear to be worsening and she seems a bit restless.  I’ll feel better after she sees the vet on Wednesday.

How was your weekend?

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