Jennifer Lyon

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Wednesday Reading

I finished THE SERPANT AND THE WINGS OF THE NIGHT, which is the first in a series. I liked it, but I can’t decide if I want book two or not.  I really liked the first book right up until the end — which made me feel like the heroine was back where she started. So…I’m debating.

In audio, I randomly chose a mystery LISTEN FOR THE LIE by Amy Tintera. I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s a fun mystery if you like sarcastic heroes with murder on their minds. I mean…this heroine should irritate me, but I’m actually amused. But I can see why some readers would not be as entertained since she has a voice in her heard urging her to murder most people she sees :-) However, I’ve had voices in my head telling me to write their story, so I can’t really be too judgmental.

What are you reading or listening to?

2 comments to “Wednesday Reading”

  1. Viki S.
    May 1st, 2024 at 3:06 pm · Link

    I can totally get where you’re coming from in possibly not reading the next book. The characters are supposed to grow in our reads not go backwards.

    I haven’t herd of LISTEN FOR THE LIE but I’m not sure how much of a sarcastic heroine I could take. I do enjoy some so maybe I’d love it ;). 🤣🤣🤣Yes, you have had characters screaming at you to write their stories.

    I’m about to start Love, Mom : inspiring stories celebrating motherhood by Nicole Saphier.

    Today I spent banking. Finally have my name on all of the bank accounts so now I don’t have to bring hubs to work accounts. That’s a huge plus. Tomorrow I have to go try and open an account with a new bank but they haven’t answered the phone to schedule the appointment. I’m at the point where I don’t care what they think and I’ll just show up and make them work. I’ll call hubs to show when he’s needed. He can’t take another hour long bank appointment. There is a reason I was an engineer and not a banker – I HATE it!

    I hope you’re having a good day ☺️.

  2. Jenn
    May 1st, 2024 at 4:11 pm · Link

    Viki, that’s exactly why I’m hesitating on the second book. But I liked the book overall, so we’ll see. Maybe I’ll get it for the flight to Hawaii in a couple weeks.

    Yeah, I think sarcastic personalities is an individual thing. In this one, I was able to believe this heroine had good reason and it’s working for me.

    Hope you enjoy the book celebrating motherhood!

    UHG!! I’m with you on banking. Its a major hassle. I would probably just show up too, even if all you can accomplish is make the appointment. And trying to manage hubs during long appointments has to be very hard. I really hope you can just show up and get it done with zero hassle.

    I bet you were a great engineer!

    My day’s been good, hope yours is too!

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