Jennifer Lyon

Monday, May 6th, 2024
Weekend Roundup

Sorry I missed Friday. Things got chaotic before I had my throat surgery :-) Even though I had my bloodwork done for 15 days, everyone just noticed at the last minute that my sodium level was too low to be safe for surgery. Anyhow, we treated with way buckets of electrolyte drinks, retook the blood test, and I had the lesions removed on Friday morning as scheduled. Everything went fine, and I even came out of full anesthesia with no nausea, which is a miracle for me. The surgeon took a large chunk out in the vicinity of my where my tonsil would be if I hadn’t had them removed as a kid. In fact, the largest mass appears to be tonsil regrowth, which is a weird thing that does happen. Nothing looked suspicious, but it’ll be biopsied just to be sure.

I’m extremely relieved to get this done. Progress after months of waiting and waiting feels pretty good. My throat is very sore as expected but it should heal. What I didn’t expect was a three week restriction on lifting anything more than five pounds. That should make going to Hawaii interesting :-) But as long as I heal as expected, we’re going! I’ll pack light and all will be well.

So this weekend has mostly been rest, trying to eat and I’m allowed to do some light walking. Oh and watching videos of Turbo! He got four hits in his baseball game on Saturday :-)

How was your weekend?

2 comments to “Weekend Roundup”

  1. Viki S.
    May 6th, 2024 at 2:06 pm · Link

    Oh wow, I’m glad you were able to get your sodium level up and didn’t have to re-schedule the surgery.

    Yikes! That sounds like a large mass they removed. Do you know how many masses they removed? Once the surgery sites have healed you should be able to swallow comfortably. It must be such a relief knowing that there was an answer to your problem. I’m so happy you were able to get with this ENT.

    The 5 pound weight restriction is surprising. There must be a reason. You can always stuff things in Wizard’s bag 😉. He probably has already offered. He’s a good guy.

    Turbo is quite the star. It’s so nice that our kids can send us real time videos so we don’t miss out on stuff.

    The pest guy was just here to spray for ants and stinging insects. I’m so happy since I saw the first ant in the house today.

    I put out the hummingbird feeder. Hubs said he saw one and yesterday when I was talking to my SIL she said she had them already and they’re in NY so I figured I better get on the ball.

    Saturday I planted my tomato plants in pots on the deck. It worked out really well last year so fingers crossed this year is good.

    I sure hope your throat pain is lessening. Have a good day!

  2. Jenn
    May 6th, 2024 at 2:54 pm · Link

    Viki, I really don’t know if it was large or not. I think it’s that they had to remover a couple smaller ones around it that make the area so big. As I understood it, one tonsil like mass and a couple smaller ones. I’m not sure what they were, but I have a follow-up on Thursday so I’ll find out more. After that, he may lift some of the restrictions too.

    The pain is getting better each day. All I’ve needed so far today is Tylenol. And I have plenty of soft, easy to swallow, foods so I’ll be fine.

    I do love that videos helps up keep up with our grandkids when we can’t be there! Turbo is just learning baseball, but had an exceptionally good day on Saturday — which was cool because my Middle Son was there to watch him. We suspect Turbo tired extra hard to impress him!

    Wow that is the best kind of timing with your pest control and seeing the ant! I hate ants in my house!

    I hope you get lots of hummingbirds! They are so fun to watch. We have a couple plants in our hill they love and I enjoy sitting out there watching them.

    You’re on the job getting your tomato plants out! I hope you get tons for the season!

    I’m definitely healing, thanks! And I’m being very good about following directions and resting (Wizard is shocked, LOL)>

    I hope you’re having a good day too!

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