Happy First Monday of June! The months of 2024 sure seem to be flying by. Let’s talk about our weekends. Mine was good but intentionally quiet.
Friday, I had lunch with Biker Witch. It’s always nice to see her, but the restaurant was crowded and loud. Its graduation week, and the restaurants have been crammed all week and all times. Kind of weird. But it’s always a win when I can spend time with Biker Witch. I also called my brother. We don’t talk enough, so it’s good when one of use manages the amazing feat of picking up the phone and dialing the other
Saturday: I did a short workout. I’m struggling with yoga, partly due to an injury a couple months ago, and just not recovering enough energy yet. I’m going to switch to just doing 10 or 15 minutes of stretching yoga and some light weights to see if my hip will finally hill and I’ll feel a bit more energetic. And I tackled my big project of cleaning the carpet in our room. It’s normally not a big chore but this time it was. We had various stains from doing the floors, having the house painted, Maggie, and a crime-scene worthy nosebleed on my part I got it as clean as it’s going to be and I’m happy with that.
Sunday was little chores, then Wizard and I bought some plants. We just had three spots we want to fill on the hill, and I wanted a few herbs. I hope to work on plants for my little sun patio now that life has slowed a bit for us. I have a vision of what I want, but I don’t really have the skills to do it, LOL! But trying is half the fun.
Oh and Sunday morning Maggie and I found a dead snake on our walk. No, I didn’t actually check to see if it was dead, another woman had checked and told me before I got to that spot I passed quickly and kept going. I am not knowledgeable enough about snakes to take any chances. Then later, Maggie chased a little critter (mouse or rat) out of our backyard. She spent the rest of the day going out and checking the perimeter of the yard for anymore unwanted critters. She’s finally earning her keep!
And something I wanted to comment on (and this is just my opinon). While I dropped my RWA Membership years ago, it gave me a pang to see the organization file bankruptcy last week. I once truly loved that organization when it’s focus was on supporting all writers. Things will always change, and maybe it needs to, but I will always remember the version of RWA that helped me learn my craft, make a lot of friends, and promoted the idea of respecting and encouraging all romance writers even when their chosen work wasn’t my cup of tea. It appears to be a sad end, but I guess we’ll see if there’s in Phoenix in those ashes.
How was your weekend?
June 3rd, 2024 at 11:55 am · Link
Maggie on the job! Does she have lizards at the “new” place? Depending on the type of snake, dead is not bad. Cleaning is a pain and I totally feel you on the whole exercise/activity thing. But yay for Biker Witch time! And calling your brother. 😁
We did First Saturday for the first time in literally months! Siren test was loud–as it should be. LOL We had lunch with the kids at Hideaway, a local pizza chain. Jake was happy to get out for a change. After lunch, we followed the Kids to a house where they’d bought a chest and bookcases for Stormy’s room. They needed the truck and LG’s muscles. Jake and I stayed in the truck under the AC.
It’s softball world series and baseball regionals so lots of TV time, especially with all the rain we’ve been having. It’s raining as I’m typing this so the OU/Florida game is in rain delay. OSU Cowboys have to win their game later this afternoon in order to head to super regionals. Sadly, my OSU Cowgirls went down in the second round but hey! This was their 5th year in a row to make it to the WCWS!
Stormy had soccer camp and tryouts last week and over the weekend. He was picked for the Silver team which is the second tier in the developmental league. They have a highly competitive team, a competitive team and then the development teams: Gold, Silver, Blue, Orange, & Green. (I think those are the colors. Only told me but my brain…
) I know Gold and Silver are right. His new coach is Brazilian and Stormy likes him a lot. They start practice in August. Between then and now, he’ll be enrolled in a few soccer camps.
Guess I’m gonna have to start liking soccer.
As for RWA, I have my own thoughts. I haven’t been a member since the flap over the disciplanary action that some are claiming is the root of the problem. It wasn’t. And yes, I have some insider knowledge but the NDA I signed might still be in effect. Anyway, there are a bunch of people who “quietly resigned” but simply not renewing when their dues came due. I’m not surprised so many left. Anyway, I’m sad they’re in trouble as I wouldn’t have had any sort of career without RWA. Back in the day, they were good to me. Anyway…que sera, sera.
Have a great week, all!
June 3rd, 2024 at 2:30 pm · Link
Wow! I’m glad your neighbor alerted you to the snake. Best to be safe than sorry. If it had been alive, it could have struck Maggie. Maggie is very good at her job of keeping critters away. Did she get extra treats?
It’s good you were able to have lunch with Biker Witch. I’ve noticed that all restaurants are really loud lately. It’s almost as if that’s what they want. I find it extremely annoying.
Glad you called your brother. I called mine too 😊.
For a quiet weekend, you sure did a lot. I love the added plants on the hill. I bet they look great. And great job on the carpet. It’s so hard to get out stains anymore. I think they’ve tweaked our cleaners and they don’t work as well.
Listen to your body and don’t stress it too much.
MY weekend was nothing spectacular. Today was awful. A came over to take hubs to the specialist appointment that he didn’t know about. He did not react well. Eventually we got him to go very unhappily.
The Dr. has him with moderate to severe dementia and has tests she wants done. If they happen it will be a miracle. After reading her findings he is now very depressed. It’s hard.
Dropped my car off for repairs from going over a curb. I’ll be w/o all week.
Harrison’s next school is named Hogwarts. So, Saturday they drove to Universal and are at Hogwarts. He’s having a ball. Parents look exhausted.
I hope you have a great week!
June 3rd, 2024 at 3:13 pm · Link
Silver, yep Maggie has lizards to chase! She especially loves the front planter, and pulls out the drip lines to annoy Wizard.
The exercise thing is part of a long story that I’ll email you about one day
Right now, I doubt you want to hear my health crap though. You just keep getting better!
Yay for a return to First Saturday! LOL on loud — there are time when loud is definitely called for. The whole day turned out busy and productive, plus pizza! Also happy to hear Jake got out and enjoyed being in the limelight again.
I missed all the rain in your area, sorry about that. I mean rain is good, but it can be a pain as well. Yay for the Cowgirls getting as far as they did, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the OSU Cowboys.
Huge Congrats to Stormy for making the Silver Team! He’s been working hard, and becoming an outstanding athlete. I cracked up on the “guess I’m going to have to start liking soccer” comment! I get it. At least the games seem to move fast
Hmm, yeah, I forgot RWA had NDAs. I have thoughts about that even though to know it’s standard. If we’re talking about the same incident, that’s right about when I dropped my membership. There were many reasons, not just one. I really REALLY looked at it to see if there was a place where I could stay and make a difference, but I could not see a path to make any difference at that point. Even more frustrating was that my kids were grown and I could actually have made the time to do it. But none of that matters now.
Like you, I’m sorry for the version of RWA I remember and valued greatly.
But I did get to meet you through RWA so there’s that!
Happy Monday!
June 3rd, 2024 at 3:24 pm · Link
I’m glad she alerted me too! Their German Shephard dog saw if first, and the man walking the dog, reacted quickly enough to keep the dog away from it.
Maggie always gets extra treats, LOL! But we really do appreciate her work
I’ve noticed that I’m more sensitive to loud restaurants now. But this was pretty bad to start at 11 am!
Well, we did do a lot, mostly to keep busy as health stuff is happening. And I’m being pretty careful, Wizard is “helpfully reminding” me not to overdo things, LOL.
I’m so sorry today was a difficult day for hubs, and I imagine you. I’m glad A was able to help and get him to the appointment. I can’t blame hubs for being depressed after reading the findings. For our family person, they quickly forget. I think it’s part of their “rose glasses” baseline personality. And all this is more stress on you. I truly hope you’re doing okay and finding ways to take breaks for yourself.
Ugh, another hassle for you with the car.
Oh my gosh, I love that Harrison’s school is named Hogwarts! Yay for Harrison having fun Universal. I may have grinned at the parents looking exhausted! I can sure relate to that!
I hope the rest of your week improves dramatically!