Crazy, LOL!! It was a very good weekend. But —
Friday, we did things I can’t remember during the day. Then that evening, Youngest, his wife and her mom came over. Maggie had the best time of her life getting everyone to talk to, and pet, her. However, I made Youngest mad when I said I think Maggie likes his mother-in-law better than him He insisted she liked him the best. The whole conversation was ridiculous, LOL. Also Maggie is very spoiled.
Saturday morning, Youngest came over so he and Wizard could go register the car in his and his wife’s name. But when Youngest came to the door, Wizard rushed him out and Maggie didn’t get to see him. She did a round of Serious Mad and Sad in her bed after that. In that time, I baked a cake for Middle son. Then Youngest came back and Maggie’s joy almost exploded her heart. Youngest hung out and we talked which is always nice. That evening, we went to Middle’s house to celebrate his birthday, and from there we went to dinner and had a great time! We also viewed the baby’s nursery in progress, it’s going to be so pretty. We all talked way too much. Middle liked his lemon pound cake. His favorite cake is the easiest to make which was a bonus for me this year. But also — Middle is an amazing son and both Wizard and I just wanted him to know that. We got home around 9pm.
Sunday morning Wizard left around 7 am to go racing, and I left at 8 to get to Oldest’s house then we went to brunch, followed by going to see Turbo do some amazing bike riding on U shaped dirt hills. This boy had training wheels just a month or two ago and now he’s riding right into BMX territory! I also had to watch his dad on the same hills and that made me laugh. He’s still my son, LOL. No matter how successful he gets, Oldest loves nothing more than riding bikes with his son. Then we went back to the house and visited and finally I went home.
My voice was shot after that, but I didn’t care. We got to hang out with all three kids and families at different times in one weekend, and it was totally worth the price of all the driving and a cranky throat.
Today Wizard gets to stay home, while I’m trotting off to the dentist for a 9AM appt. I’m not complaining though. I had to suddenly cancel on them last time due to a last minute bloodwork snafu before my surgery, and the dentist managed to slot this appt in before I may have to do anything else of a medical nature. I really appreciate that kind of kindness and customer service.
How was your weekend?
June 10th, 2024 at 1:24 pm · Link
I’m so happy Maggie is living her best life with y’all! Yay for family time and you and Wiz should be proud of the boys your raised into the most awesome of men! Ugh on the dentist but better late than never.
Yup. There was a weekend. Did I do anything? Nope. Well, I cleared some shows off the DVR and listened to a couple of Jayne Castle’s Harmony/Ghost Hunter books. Now I’m wishing that I’d gone back to the first book. (She has a new release so I just went back to listen to the three most recent to refresh my memory.) I forget how much I love her world and characters and most especially the dust bunnies! And there ya go. A totally vegged out weekend. Maybe I’ll actually do something this week.
Have a good one, all!
June 10th, 2024 at 2:36 pm · Link
Silver, thanks on our kids, same to you with your daughter! Dentist went fine, and I’m glad to get it done in the break between surgeries. Sometimes, the timing works!
I believe we all need quiet weekends. Plus you cleaned (cleaning old shows off the DVR counts). Listing to good books is research. See you were productive
Plus resting is also important for you right now.
Here’s hoping for a good week for all of us!
June 10th, 2024 at 2:37 pm · Link
You certainly had a busy weekend! Being able to spend time with all three boys and families is amazing. You guys must be tired.
Wizard is fortunate that he got to stay home today and recover. You on the other hand – the make up dentist appointment. I hope all went well.
That is so sweet you getting to watch Turbo ride where you used to take his dad when he was younger. Bet it brought back great memories. And now you’re making new ones with Turbo. His progression in riding is quite the feat. He must get it from his dad.
Maggie must have been on cloud nine this weekend. I did picture how sad she was was when Wizard rushed BLB out. Poor girl. That tail must have been going a million miles/hr when they came back and she got time with her “boy.”
Saturday was nothing special. Sunday C and his buddy came over and spent 3 hours fixing the shower leak. We currently have a 10X10 in hole in the wall where they had to cut in to access the pipes that had to be replaced. C isn’t promising anything but he may stop by to drywall the hole after work today.
Maybe later this week I’ll try and pick out new paint for the bathroom. I just don’t really care. Hopefully I can find a salmon similar to what I have now.
It’s chilly here today, 53F and tonight is supposed to be around 40. Hubs is crying the blues about how cold he is so I started a fire. The furnace may turn on. But then Wednesday and there after we’re supposed to be in the upper 70’s and 80’s.
Sure hope you appointment went well. Have a great afternoon.
June 10th, 2024 at 2:58 pm · Link
Viki, thanks! The dentist was fine, and I’m happy to get it done before I have to tackle the next thing. Turbo is so fun to hang out with
The weekend was a whirlwind, but worth it. It makes us appreciate the nice calm days like today
Oh and I rarely see Maggie make a sour face like she did at not being able to say hi to BLB. She’s getting funnier as she gets older. But she’s also more outgoing with people she knows and I love that.
Fixing that shower leak must be a big process! It sounds like they have the leak repaired though, and now it’s a matter of patching the drywall — at least I hope so. Crossing my fingers C can get by after work today.
With all you have going on, I think we can all understand how low picking out new paint is on your list of things to do. I hope you can live with it until you have the time and energy to think about it.
Your weather is definitely not watching the weather reports! I’m believe you had shut the heating system down for the next few months? I’m not sure if I’m remembering that correctly. Ours is always able to turn on and off, but I’m assuming yours is different. Maybe hubs will be happen with the fire.
I hope your week turns out to be a good one!