Jennifer Lyon

Friday, June 7th, 2024
Friday Five

TGIF!! Let’s get right to sharing five random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Maggie wants to show you all her new pink collar. So I told her she must let me take a picture…and yes, my dog is weird, LOL
  2. Monday morning, we predicted a quiet week. Um, we were wrong and spent most of it busy running around, making arrangements, talking to medical types and just doing things that have to get done. I think I’m beginning to see a pattern in that Wizard and I keep ourselves busy :-) And this week, I’m pushing just a bit now to build my energy and strength a bit more now that the last surgery is healed.
  3. Oh, also, we bought a car! A RAV 4 in a shimmering white. We’re replacing out 13 year old Ford Edge that’s been a really good car.  We’ve been trying for quite a while (like over a year now) to find a car, so it’s nice to get that done. What I’m happy about is the seat raises up to make it easier for me to drive. That is super helpful for height challenged folks driving SUVs!
  4. We are getting the front windshield in the Camry replaced today. While that’s being done, Wizard will work on getting the Edge ready to sell and I may bake some cookies for Youngest. I already have oatmeal cookies for us, but Youngest mentioned this cookie in passing when I was at his house last week. That got me to thinking that I could make a double batch, give him some and freeze the rest to have on hand. I found having cookies in the freezer is super convenient as long as someone name Wizard doesn’t realized they’re in there, LOLOL.
  5. This weekend we are going to Middle Son’s to celebrate his birthday. I’m making his favorite lemon pound cake to take, and we’ll go out to dinner. The goal is to make sure my pregnant daughter-in-law who’s working full time and juggling a bunch of stuff doesn’t have to do anything. I’m may try to see Turbo and his parents Sunday while Wizard is racing — but these days they have a ton of weekend commitments so that’s pretty iffy. They are so good about accommodating us when they can, so I’m never upset when they’re busy. But Turbo sure is growing up fast!

That’s my week, how was yours? I hope everyone has a great weekend!

4 comments to “Friday Five”

  1. Silver James
    June 7th, 2024 at 12:02 pm · Link

    Boo on busy weeks! Yay for Maggie being pretty in pink, new car, lemon cake b-days and cookies. Good luck on rebuilding the strength and energy–boy do I relate! :lol: Okay, my 5:

    1. Uhm…jI got out of bed all five days.

    2. OU won the NCAA softball championship taking the first two of three games from Texas. Both games were exciting and OU and its group of seniors have set all sorts of records: Fourpeat–never been done, never been run-ruled in four years, longest winning streak in both regular and playoff games, and more. In other softball news, OSU got an All-American pitcher from Washington in the transfer portal. Woot! 🥳

    3. LG and I are both really tired of the Medicare spam calls. Even Jake howls whenever the phone rings and he barks at the answering machine. I wish I could record him doing it and get it on the answeing machine message. :lol:

    4. I need to set a 15-minute timer so I remember to get up out of my desk chair and move around. I creak and pop and waddle around if I sit longer than that. Don’t get old. It totally sucks! :-P

    5. Pete is playing musical doors. We have a door to the back yard and that same room has a door to the garage. There’s a second door to the garage that’s just outside my office. And the other (4th) door to the outside leads to the front porch. We never know which door Pete will pick to go out of. (He always uses the door close to my office to come back inside.) I’m always reminded of Robert A. Heinlein’s “The Door Into Summer.” The MC’s cat is coincidentally named Pete (short for Petronius the Arbiter whereas our Pete is short for Pistol Pete). Anyway, when he uses an outside door rather than the garage, I always ask him if that’s the door into summer and I think to myself, “Self, you really should reread that book one of these days…” 😹

    So that’s my mostly boring 5 for the week and now it’s time to get up and walk around the house. No plans for the weekend. It’s gonna be hot here but probably not as hot as it is out your way, Jen! Y’all have a good weekend!

  2. Viki S.
    June 7th, 2024 at 2:43 pm · Link

    1. I love Maggie’s new pink collar. I think she just wanted to prove what a pretty pink it is and that it matches her tongue 😊.
    2. Keeping busy is really good. It takes your mind off of the stressful stuff for a bit.
    3. Excellent on the RAVA 4. I don’t think I could drive anything w/o the seat height adjustment. That’s one of the reasons I always have an SUV. I can’t see over the end of the hood on a car.
    4. Glad you’re able to get the windshield done so soon. I was lucky that mine only had a hole. If it had cracked through the electronics, I would have had to have the entire thing replaced too. Ins. would have made me pay the 1K deductible. We’ve had to do it before and the darn thing was a little over 2K in total. Stinks! Yum on the cookies.
    5. You are a wonderful MIL. You do have really great DIL’s too. Making the lemon pound cake (again yum) is so sweet. I hope you all have a great time celebrating.

    1a. I saw on the news that Silvers’ team won ❤️.
    2a. Got my homeowners ins bill today and it went up $29 which I consider okay. Some people have super high increases.
    3a. So the leaky shower tap is a big issue. When this house was built, the builder had a heart attack and was in the hospital and didn’t supervise the build. We had never bought a new home before and didn’t look for many things we should have. LIKE – There are no access doors/panels to any of the pipes and there is only a main shut off for water. Needless to say, a hole is going to have to be cut into the dry wall behind the shower to cut out the bad pipe and replace it and the shower tap. Hopefully C and buddy can do it Sunday. Until then, we have to shower in the other bathroom. Hubs is having a terrible time with this.
    3a. Wednesday afternoon the AC didn’t work again. Guy was here last night. It was another busted wire. All this is because of chipmunks urine corroding everything.
    4a. The appointment A took hubs to was with the Cleveland Clinic which I found out yesterday is not covered by ins., when hubs opened and freaked, an estimated bill of $1K. I’m supposed to get him to have his blood test done with the Clinic too but I have to think about this. It’s not covered, we know he’s failing, I don’t really see the need to upset him more.
    5a. Had to get Spunk’s Prednisolone refilled today. It went up $1.55 in 6 weeks. Crazy!

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  3. Jenn
    June 7th, 2024 at 4:10 pm · Link

    Silver, thanks on all. I think you have a much bigger rebuilding strength hurdle that me at the moment. It has to be frustrating for you. That said, I know you’ll get there, it just takes more time than we want it to. Now for your five:

    1) That’s progress!
    2) Congrats to both the teams! Really impressed that OU seniors set so many records!
    3) Jake is too smart to fall for those scams. I’m with you all the scams and calls. The make me so mad.
    4) You can set your phone timer, but it would probably also drive you mad. Recovery is not for the weak, is it?
    5) Pete likes to keep you guys guessing? So does he ever answer you? Because maybe it is the door to summer if you have the secret password?

    Yep it’s hot, but not as bad as some of the desert communities. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Jenn
    June 7th, 2024 at 4:23 pm · Link

    Viki, I have no clue why she chose that second to stick out her tongue, LOL! I didn’t even know she had until I looked at the pic. Maggie is silly. The seat adjustment changes everything for me with this SUV! And yeah, our windshield started as a pit and cracked badly over the next few days. But it’s all fixed now for a reasonable price so we’re happy. And lastly thanks — all my daughters in law are very sweet to me in different ways, so it’s not hard :-) Now for you:

    1) We can all cheer for Silver and her teams!
    2) Nice on your homeowners! Our neighbor’s (with the same company as us) went up a mind boggling amount so we’re very anxious.
    3a) That would be amazing if C and his friend can do that! And don’t feel bad, we’ve bought three new homes and still miss stuff. It’s sad that we have to be so freaking vigilant. It’s frustrating to pay so much and not have things done right or corner’s cut. I’m crossing my fingers C and his friend can do the repair. And sorry about hubs — everything is a bigger deal for him now. Hugs
    3b) (I think) Oh no! Those chipmunks need to find another home. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this on top of the shower issue.
    4) You know, I can see your point. His primary doctor already said he’s progressing. Can you call that doc and maybe ask if this is necessary or if there’s another option that is covered? This is so much juggling for you, it has to be hard. I’m glad that you have sons who help out — that’s one big blessing.
    5) That’s a big increase for prednisone! We’re all getting hit with inflation — sigh.

    I hope you have a good weekend, and get some quiet time for yourself. You’re shouldering a lot these days.

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