Friday, July 12th, 2024
Friday Five
TGIF!! Friday keep on coming! Okay let’s jump into sharing five random things about our week.
- Well the good news is I had some chocolate chip cookies in my freezer! Just what I needed this week!
- The frustrating news is my ENT office told me late Wednesday they will not do my surgery. Oh did I say told? Sorry I meant sent me an email. Thankfully it was just in time to cancel my preop appointment.
- A huge thank you to another doctor’s assistant who spotted the shenanigans going on with my case. That assistant worked behind the scenes to get me a referral to UCI (a very good University hospital system). That same assistant called me last week I think to let me know the referral was there if I needed it. I suspect she knew I would need it. I’m now in the process of getting a consultation set up there. It’ll take time to get the referral authorization into their system, then we’ll need start over with a new specialist. But I should get better care for my specific situation. The moral of this story is that many times really good people are stepping up and quietly helping even when they have no real skin in the game. I so appreciate that assistant.
- More good news, I should be able to go to my daughter in law’s shower now! I’m so looking forward to that, and since I’m one of the hostesses it’s good that I’ll be there
Even more fun, I’m getting to know my daughter in law’s mom more as we plan the shower and she’s so nice! Truly a bright spot to have all this going on. And just because I’m thinking about it, my daughter in law called just to see how I’m doing and I love her for that. So lot’s of bright spots that make me happy.
- I’m meeting a friend on Sunday for lunch and I’m very happy about that. Wizard is going racing too, which I’m also pleased about. He needs to get out, see his friends and have fun too.
That’s my week, now it’s your turn! I really hope everyone has a great weekend!
July 12th, 2024 at 6:36 am · Link
:HUGS: I missed so much while I was away in the salt mines (aka day job). I hope whatever the surgery is for isn’t super critical and that you can get what you need done sooner rather than later. Yay for cookies when you need them! Yay for awesome people weaving into and through your life. Yay for lunch dates for you and racing for Wizard.
1) This Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo thing Silver and I are doing is really keeping me on track. I mean, I’m only writing for a short time each day, but I am writing almost every day (missed one since the 1st) and I’ve added like 8200 words to my WIP
2) Years ago, my mom shipped me a blanket that I had given to my dad for Christmas back in the ’90s. I keep it on a chair in the office. Sawyer has claimed it as his own. It’s his grandpa blankie. :cue awww:
3) Silver made me cry this morning with the link she shared on her blog post. I turned around and shared it to FB.
4) I need to make cookies today. Not sure what kind I’ll do, but we definitely need cookies.
5) I reorganized my closet. I got rid of most of my work clothes – back to the thrift store I bought them from – and tucked the rest of them away. No one cares what I wear when I work from home. LOL
July 12th, 2024 at 8:36 am · Link
Oh, Jen! I’m soooo sorry for the delay! That bites a big one but yay for that behind-the-scenes help. As BE said, may the reset be swift! I send up thanks every day that I lucked into such a great medical network and great doctors! Glad you can make the shower scene–something to look forward to, yay for good in-laws and yeah, you and Wiz totally need a break this weekend! Have fun!!! My five:
1. Frustrating writing week. I hit a snag in the timeline. Stuff needs to happen before *this* can happen. I’m having to really rearrange chapters in the sort of middle(?) of the book. I added a new chapter 19 but I still have to juggle scenes in like chapters 20-28. Grrr. What was I thinking?!?!
2. Oh, yeah. That’s what edits and revisions are for.
3. Jake and I hit Starbucks 3 days in a row this week. See? Frustration. Sometimes I think better when I’m driving. Yesterday, I got my drink and Jake his pup cup and the barrista and I visited. There was no one in the drivethru behind me. Then I pulled out and stopped in the parking lot to add a tip to the app. The transaction hadn’t popped up so I drove back around. Turned out he’d scanned the app but it was before my order showed complete so it just scanned how many stars I had and the amount of $$ on my app. He was soooo appreciative that I’d come back to pay. I don’t understand people who just drive away. Anyway, Jake and I have a new friend.
4. It’s “Shark Week” and I don’t care.
5. Pete. Who has started sleeping on my left side, between me and the edge of the bed. On the side where I get OUT of bed. Several times in the night because…yeah. Once upon a time, he would–grudgingly–get up and move to the foot of the bed (where he could see me in the bathroom) until I came back and got settled. This week, he’s decided not to move. I either have to crawl to the foot of the bed or pick up the bedspread to scoot him far enough down that I can swing my legs off and get up. Guess which one I pick?!? This is unacceptable to him and he is quite vociferous in telling me so. Sorry, dude. When I gotta go, I gotta go! 🤣
Gonna be hot this weekend. No soccer (thank goodness cuz…HOT!). No plans other than to finally get the dang book back on track. At least I discovered it now when it is slightly easier to fix than it would be after I hit The End and it went to edits. Have a great weekend, all, and stay cool!
July 12th, 2024 at 2:49 pm · Link
1. YUM cookies! With the horrible heat and everything else going on, you did need them.
2/3. I am so sorry that your ENT dropped you like that. I am very thankful that the assistant from the other system planned ahead and the back up is in place. It is so frustrating that you have to go through all the prep work again but I pray that there was a reason for this and all will be better for it.
4. That is great news that you can be at the shower. Getting to know DIL’s mom better is excellent too. The fun you two grandmas can have with the little one 🥰.
5. Have a great lunch with your friend and I’m happy Wizard is getting to go racing. He must be very happy to be able to get out of the house.
1a. I’m still waiting on the referral and authorization for hubs MRI. I have been calling both ins and dr daily and must be driving them nuts. Why they don’t just do the peer to peer ASAP and get things moving, I don’t know☹️.
2a. I made my yearly dr appointment. It’s on Aug 9th. Glad I called now to make sure I got in. I figure I’ll do my bloodwork in the next couple weeks.
3a. It cooled off a bit yesterday – 79F but we’re going right back into the 90’s Sat. It’s summer so I can’t say much other than electricity has really gone up but I will run the AC.
4a. C is coming over tomorrow to paint my bathroom from the pipe repair.
5a. C and C may have dinner with us tomorrow too. That should be nice.
Have a great weekend!
July 12th, 2024 at 3:19 pm · Link
B.E., thank you! You had your hands full with full time job, the kitties and life. I’m fine for now — unless the stress takes me out from the nonsense on trying to get a qualified surgeon
And yeah, the amazing people and cookies have been a true godsend in all this. Now for you:
1) That’s awesome BE!!! You are killing Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo!
2) Sawyer must be a happy cat to have his very own Grandma Blankie. And yep, here’s my Awww!
3) I’ll have to see it!
4) Any cookie you make is a good cookie!!
5) Yay for closet reorganization and dumping the work clothes! Comfortable clothes are the best. I need to do my closet too, but I just don’t have the mental energy to figure it out lately
Have a great weekend and keep writing!
July 12th, 2024 at 3:30 pm · Link
Silver, I’m thankful you had a great medical network when you needed it too! I’m not an emergency situation, so I’m okay. We’ll get there. But the stress this has created is no joke.
1) Oh boy, I hear you! It’s all fixable but so annoying. That said, you totally have this! Just keep plugging away.
2) Yep!!
3) You and Jake make friends everywhere you go! That said, I used to go to Starbucks sometimes when I was stuck too. Interesting! I’m with you on making sure I’ve paid too.
4) LOLOL!!! I didn’t even know it was shark week! I’ve been way too distracted.
5) Pete is a boy cat who doesn’t “get it”. We women (especially moms) say they have to go, move out of the way!! But still, Pete likes sleep by you and that’s so sweet. Except for the telling you off part — that’s funny!!!
Sorry for the heat coming your way. I agree, it’s good there’s so soccer. So it’s a great time to wrestle that book into submission! And take some breaks for fun!
July 12th, 2024 at 3:35 pm · Link
Viki, I hope so. I’m pretty sure I won’t get anything more done until next week. Sigh. Anyway, I’m happy about the shower. And trying to take it all one day at a time.
1) I know, it’s annoying that it goes through a third party with the control of a god. I hope it all comes through soon and you can get it done.
2) I’m glad your up on your appointments and labs. But it’s a job, isn’t it? Then adding in trying to manage hubs, and it’s a lot.
3) Sorry you’re getting the heat too. Definitely run the A/C. I know it costs a lot, but it’s just too hot.
4) Yay C!! The bathroom will look and feel so nice after the fresh paint!
5) Hope you guys have a good and relaxing dinner. Hopeful being at your house will make it easier for hubs.
Have a great weekend and don’t work too hard on cooking dinner for C & C!