Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Friday Five!
TGIF! Who let August in??? If feels too soon Okay let’s dive into sharing five random things about our week.
- My daughter in law took a picture of Wizard and me last week, and I look like a big puffy older woman. And I thought that shirt I was wearing looked okay, but nope. I’m a little traumatized, LOL. Also I’m not stressing about weight gain or loss until after I get “fixed” then I’ll figure out the path to feeling my best weight wise. But still, pictures of me are now banned to protect my mental health
- On the other hand, my grandson, Turbo, has style!
- My hand is healing so well now. I was able to do a bit of yoga yesterday with no real pain, and it just ached a bit at the end of the deal. A huge improvement! Plus the swelling is gone (or mostly gone). I’ll admit (now)Β that when I slammed my hand into the drawer pull on Sunday, I wasn’t sure if I broke a bone or not. The hand/wrist bones don’t have much padding to protect them. I leaned toward not haven’t broken anything, but still, I’m relieved.
- Tonight we’re going to dinner with Youngest and his wife for my birthday. It’s a not a big deal birthday this year. Too many other things going on, and I’m fine with that.
- Tomorrow is the baby shower! My daughter in law’s mom has done a huge chunk of the work, but I’ve enjoyed helping where I can. Please cross your fingers that we pull this off — all arranged by phone, text and email since we live about 180 miles apart
We both want my daughter in law to have a lovely shower celebrating this much-wanted child, and we sincerely hope the guests have a good time too!
That’s my five, now I’d really love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a delightful weekend!
August 2nd, 2024 at 8:08 am · Link
Ugh, I hate pictures that make us look like our worst selves. All photos should make us look awesome. Speaking of looking awesome, OMG Turbo has gotten so big! What a handsome young gentleman you have there. I’m glad your hand is on the mend. Yay for the baby shower! I hope she gets loads of prezzies and that everyone has an awesome time. =o)
1) My landline is still out and now the techs aren’t answering my calls. There will be blood if this keeps up.
2) I saw three bunnies yesterday.
3) I also ran into a friend of mine yesterday that I haven’t seen in a couple years. (Not a friend friend, just a gal who works at Wallyworld that I’m friendly with.) I thought she’d retired, but it turns out she doesn’t work Saturdays and that was my only day to shop for a couple years there.
3) The JuLoWriMo thing is over now. It did what it was supposed to and got me used to writing on a regular basis again. Plus I added 24K words to my WIP. Yay.
4) One of my nephews had to have surgery on his hip last month (he’ll be 30 in October). I heard this morning that he got his stitches out and he’s doing really well.
5) I made a new recipe for coffee cake that called for sour cream, but I substituted plain yogurt. It looked normal when I took it out of the oven but it deflated and ended up more the texture of cheesecake than coffee cake. It was really tasty, but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again. LOL
August 2nd, 2024 at 8:10 am · Link
And Happy Birthday!! I can’t believe I forgot that part. Derp. I hope you have a great day!
August 2nd, 2024 at 9:01 am · Link
We always think we look worse in pictures than we actually do so hang in there and smart on the “weight and see” attitude.
OMG! That kid is sooo grown up! And so cool!
Yay for healing hands. π€πΌ on the shower but it’ll be a lovely time no matter what because it’s all about love and family. And to start off my five…
1. First off, π₯³ππ₯³! (That’s Happy Birthday in emoticon) I sat here swearing I had you on my calendar and was getting ready to to have discussion with Siri about notifications. Uhm…your day is listed to start at noon. π€¦πΌββοΈ
2. JuLoWriMo has come to an end. I worked on the book every day but one so I consider it a win. I still have a bunch to do so now shooting for a Labor Day release. I’m a bunch closer than I was a month ago, having hard edited and revised what should come to about half the total chapters and I’ve added about 10K words. I’m up to 112K words now, approximately.
3. Speaking of “weight and see,” I’m up to 129 and mostly holding steady there. I’m still too thin in my estimation (ie. bones stick out!) but my doc suggested 130 as a good weight. I go for labs in a couple of weeks so we’ll see what they say. (She’s worried about my liver. :roll:) Growing old sucks.
4. We’ve had weird rain today and yesterday here under the heat dome. The clouds roll in overnight, it rains, but when I get up in the morning, the only sign is on the back patio where the run-off from roof collect. All the over pavement is dry, as is the dirt. Weather. (Said with the same inflection as “Cats.”)
5. Spreaking of, Pete is back to 95% of Pete-ness. He’s eating and last night, he held an epic battle with the bedspread. Every time he attacks the bedspread when I’m “fluffing” it, I think of this lolcat meme:–213850682298696707/
Here’s to a legendary weekend for us all!
August 2nd, 2024 at 2:45 pm · Link
Happy Birthday!πππ
1. I get the no photos.
2. Turbo does have style. I love the jacket and all. Reminds me of when C was little. He had to have a suit and he wore it to church every Sunday and to every dinner outπ. It’s nice when the boys like to look good.
3. I didn’t realize you hurt your hand that bad. Good to hear that it’s beginning to feel better.
4. Have a fantastic birthday dinner.
5. The shower will be great. I see you as making the best of anything so even if there are some hiccups you will all turn them into fun things to talk about in the future. Though I think all will go great.
1a. I had banking to do today and it’s a good thing I did. Hubs likes me to get him a chunk of money from his pension deposit the 1st of the month. So yesterday I withdrew the money. Today, before heading back to the bank for my appointment I checked my accounts. The teller took hubs money from the wrong account (the HIGH yield account π’). It’s now fixed but I lost a days interest.
2a. Wednesday afternoon the mail brought a tax bill from OH for 2021. I went crazy. It all stems back to when the account forgot to report hubs pension. So I paid that.
3a. C’s C has to work all day tomorrow. She works for Rescue Village, the local animal rescue and they are having a golf outing fundraiser. I thought all day would be 4 hours or so but nope – 10 hrs. She is being told to wear lots of sunscreen and to drink tons of water.
4a. My new driver’s license came today. It’s so nice that we can renew for 8 years now if we’re under 65. I’m good until 2032 βΊοΈ.
5a. I picked up James Patterson’s ERUPTION. I’m going to try reading this weekend. Hopefully I can keep my eyes open and get into it.
August 2nd, 2024 at 3:53 pm · Link
B.E., I agree! Pictures of us should match the image we have in our heads
And thanks on Turbo. He’s growing fast, and I think he’s going to be taller than I expected. Now for you. Thanks on the birthday wishes!
1) That landline situation is BS. The phone company doesn’t want to fix the problem. I’d be super pissed and frustrated by now. Also, the phone company is why I don’t have a landline anymore.
2) Bunnies are so cute! And they are fast, we have them around here in abundance in the morning when I’m walking.
3a) It’s always a pleasure to see friends, even causal friends!
3b) Congrats on a success JuLoWriMo!!! 24k is a great accomplishment!
4) Wishing your nephew a speedy recovery. Being 30 should help! Surgeries are not fun.
5) Hmm, you’re a pretty experienced baker, so I believe you that it was the yogurt that deflated the coffeecake. But interesting. My brain likes this problem and wants to solve it, LOL! Glad you enjoyed it anyway.
Have a good weekend!
August 2nd, 2024 at 4:07 pm · Link
Silver, “Weight and see” LOLOL!! Wish I’d thought of that! Hoping so on the shower, thanks! I do think it’ll be nice. Once I get there tomorrow, I’ll relax and have fun. And yep, Turbo’s starting to really grow up fast. I guess nature doesn’t care that he’s my grandbaby and growing too fast! He’s also a ham for the camera, pretty much like his dad!
1) Poor Siri — she almost got into trouble and didn’t even make a mistake
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
I’m just glad you’re gained some back and doing better. Keep on that path and no more scares like that! I was truly worried, so I can only imagine how worried you and your family was.
2) Another JuLoWriMo success story!!! Congrats on getting so much edited + adding 10k!!!
3) Since I’ve seen you in person a few times, I can nod my head that 130 may be on the thinner side for you. But I am lacking and MD or any medical training…so…take that as you wish
4) That’s some sling-shot (hmm, maybe boomerang is a better term?) you have going on! I never thought of comparing “weather” to “cats”!! That’s a good one.
5) That’s great news about Pete feeling more like himself. It makes me laugh to picture him attacking as you’re fluffing
I’ll take a legendary weekend! Enjoy!
August 2nd, 2024 at 4:19 pm · Link
Viki, thank you on the birthday wishes. I appreciate it. Turbo does have a stylist — his mom. She deserves a lot of the credit for Turbo’s wardrobe and for capturing amazing pics
But the ham in Turbo is all from his dad, LOL. Thanks on the confidence in me and the shower. I tend to worry ahead, but once I’m there, I relax and the little things don’t usually get to me. Fingers crossed! I don’t think I made a big deal out of my hand because I was a bit worried and trying to pretend I wasn’t…if that makes sense.
1) Oh!! Yeah that could be a problem! Good thing you
checked and got that fixed today.
2) That must have given you a headache. But it sounds like the payment should sort that out and you can forget it. It’s such a pain to track all this.
3) Whoa, 10 hours!!! Our shifts I think are four hours at our animal shelter for those events. C is so committed! But it will help the animals so she’s doing a good thing. Very good advice from you.
4) That is awesome that you can renew for 8 years!
5) Really hope you can get into the book and enjoy it without fighting sleep.
Hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy reading!