It’s blazing hot here! Which is pretty normal for this time of year, but I’m hoping the heat doesn’t last all the way through September and into October. Okay here’s the highlight reel of my weekend:
Friday: My birthday was mostly low key and very nice. Wizard got me Hoka shoes for walking, something I could not bring to buy for myself because they aren’t cheap, so I love them. He also got me some serving dishes I really wanted from Pottery Barn which I LOVE, but again…well you know all know, I’m cheap But I’m so happy to have them. I’m not big on stuff overall, but these dishes make me happy to have in my cupboard ready to use. Then Friday night we met Youngest and Daughter in law for dinner and had a lovely time! They are always fun.
Saturday, it was the shower. It turned out well!! I’m so happy. I loved working with my daughter in law’s mom, it was great to get to know her a bit better that way. And I had fun driving with my sister, my youngest daughter in law and her mom. Biker Witch thought I was trying to kill her with my driving, but HA!!! I got her home alive and unscathed. Seriously, the day went well, and the company on the long drive was made it enjoyable. There are things I thought I could have done better at the shower, but who cares — the shower was great, the guests happy and the guest of honor very pleased and gracious.
Sunday I got caught up on a few things, then we took our big gift out to our son and daughter-in-law for the baby. It’s the bassinet they wanted and I’m so glad I didn’t take it to the shower now as there were a LOT of gifts. We barely got them packed in the big vehicle we used to transport them home! As a side note: There was some incredibly thoughtful and creative gifts there — I’m in awe of people with that talent! Anyhow, seeing all the baby stuff in their house now made it even more real and exciting. The baby’s room is so cute! My son and daughter-in-law are both doing great. My daughter-in-law is in her last month of pregnancy — and the excellent care she’s taken of herself really shows. And I got to spend quality time with Jett and Hazel — two of my favorite grand pups! They are so loving that I came home covered in dog hair. That’s always a sign of a good day in my world, LOL.
Maggie has a vet appointment this afternoon for her rabies shot and checkup. She’s been doing better this last week, but I’ll bring up my areas of concern. The the rest of the week is pretty easy. Friday is my UCI appointment but I’m pretty set for that too. It’s nice to feel a bit more caught up this week which is a good way to start out the week!
How was your weekend?
August 5th, 2024 at 8:23 am · Link
It’s sounds like you had an awesome weekend. Yay! I’m so glad you had a happy birthday, and that the shower was amazing, and that your DIL is doing great. Yay for Maggie doing better. I hope all goes well with her appointment and with yours. :hugs:
The weekend here was pretty quiet. We had phone on Saturday and then it was dead again on Sunday. Which blows. Thank goodness for cell phones so I could get my Mom fix in and talk to her like I always do. I made raisin applesauce cake that turned out pretty yummy, so I have that going for me. It’s blazing hot here, too, so I’m sticking to the AC as much as I can. Fall can’t come soon enough. Have a great week!
August 5th, 2024 at 8:25 am · Link
My weekend was mostly quietly. It was First Saturday so there was siren test and then lunch with The Kids. LG has some minor technical difficulties with his moble HAM radio. It’s probably some loose wires in the microphone. He got it fixed and the roll call after the test went fine.
Lunch was tasty but the poor waitress.
We went to a hamburger place that the Kids eat at frequently. They were running a promotion that kids eat free because it was “tax-free weekend” here in the state for school clothes and shoes. (Don’t get me started on this whole deal because it’s only no state tax on clothes and shoes under $100, does NOT include school supplies or athletic gear…. Oops. I started myself. Sorry.
) Anyway, management forget to inform the servers. Then there was new staff in the kitchen getting trained so food took a long time (they were busy but not packed). As mentioned, the food was tasty once it arrived. Jake stayed under the table and no one who didn’t see us walk in knew he was there. The little girls in the booth behind us all clamored out to stare at him as we got up to leave. Stormy just smirked at them. That kid is gonna be a devil! 
Once we got home, I pretty much piddled away the day. I did open the WIP, stare at the scene for the current chapter and went to play a bubble shooter game on the computer. I have no excuses.
Sunday, I was also slow to brain. I got a little work done on the WIP but not as much as I wanted. Sadly, there wasn’t enough coffee in the world to get me motivated. Still, not a bad weekend and the brain feels a little more focused this morning. We’ll see.
Have a great week, all!
August 5th, 2024 at 2:38 pm · Link
I’m sorry it’s so darn hot there. It would really be nice if the heat broke sooner than later.
So happy to hear the shower went well (I knew it would). The drive sounds like it was a hoot. You’re not kidding about all the new creative things for baby now and the crafting some do to make them is amazing.
Please fill us in on Maggie’s Vet appointment. I have been keeping her in my prayers.
This weekend we had dinner with C. HIs C was working the animal fund raiser so it was just him. It was good.
Yesterday there was no kayaking for hubs because C bought a dishwasher (it’s our state tax free time) and installed it. The one in his house was broken from day one.
Today I made hubs do some work. I had him hold the ladder while I cleaned the dryer vent and I had him help me with getting vines our of a cedar tree. Both were difficult at first but once I got him to understand how to do things, it all went well.
I hope you have a great day!
August 5th, 2024 at 3:23 pm · Link
B.E., thanks on all! Maggie is getting older, so we’ll see what the vet says.
The landline phone situation is crazy! I’m really sorry it’s and endless issue for you. And I’ll second that “thank goodness” that you have the cell phone to talk to your mom. My sister and I were the same way with our mom when she was alive, so I get it!
Yay for yummy applesauce! Anything you make usually turns out good.
Me too on staying in the A/C and longing for fall. Or at least some nicer weather.
Happy Monday!
August 5th, 2024 at 3:32 pm · Link
Silver, it’s so easy to forget the vaccination appts. I’m struggling to remember the appt at 4:40 today. It was originally at 9am, but they called last week with a scheduling conflict and asked me to come in the afternoon. I have no problem with that (they always help me out!) but I need to remember, LOL.
Glad LG could resolved the technical issues. Those can turn major pretty quickly sometimes.
Lunch — um, yeah management should have definitely informed the staff! I feel for them, although I understand it was probably an unintentional oversight.
Jake’s a good boy!!!! Probably best the kids didn’t know he was under the table before you left, or they’d have wanted to talk to and pet him
And LOL Stormy! I mean I can’t blame him!
Wait, why would they cap the tax free day for school supplies at $100.00???? Have they seen the cost of sending a child to school? That’s irritating.
We will call the time playing Bubbleshooter as creative time to let your creative subconscious work on the book while your editorial brain was busy.
Uh, yeah, I’m having the slows today and no will to care, so I get the weekend slows. It happens to all of us sometimes. But you got a little work in and that counts.
Hope your week is off to a good start!
August 5th, 2024 at 3:39 pm · Link
Viki, thanks on the heat — it looks like it’ll be a tad bit better soon. I’ll let you guys know on Maggie. I’m nowhere near as worried as I was a week ago, so that’s good.
Yay for a good dinner with C! And for his C working out in the heat for the animal shelter. Sadly, I could not do it right now.
Double yay for the new dishwasher! C is awesome!
That’s great that you were able to get hubs’s help. I bet he felt good about it too. You did will helping him understand what you needed him to do.
Enjoy the rest of your evening!